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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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38 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nope, no separation, just a fair new deal. APP, no rcmp, own constitution, own gun laws, cancelled funding on joint programs are all what I support. We get all that and separation will not be needed. 

So.....basically what you're saying is you want a deal that gives you the same autonomy as a country....or you'll leave and become a country. :rolleyes:

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40 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nope, no separation, just a fair new deal.


no rcmp,

own constitution,

own gun laws,

cancelled funding on joint programs are all what I support. We get all that and separation will not be needed. 


No CPP, no contributions to canada

No Canadian police force, only Albertan but most likely trained at RCMP/Canadian RCMP schools

Own constitution thus refusing to accept or abide by the laws and rules of Canada as a nation

Own gun laws thus refusing to abide by or accept the gun laws of Canada as a nation, more closely resembling America

Refusing to help fund national projects at all but still demanding pipelines to tidewater thus needing national approval and assistance


But most likely STILL wanting and demanding federal transfers and assistance for infrastructure, education, health and more or in essence wanting more than Quebec as ever demanding and still wanting got be called Canadian.





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4 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

So.....basically what you're saying is you want a deal that gives you the same autonomy as a country....or you'll leave and become a country. :rolleyes:

The rest of the nation needs to hold a referendum to see if we still want Alberta in the nation.  Maybe we force them out and accept the partition and clarity rules thus leaving almost 70% of the province behind and they can be a pocket nation in the SE area of what is or was Alberta and Saskatchewan and BC can merge in to what was once the province of Alberta that remains and work on a national program that benefits the rest of the nation

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9 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

So.....basically what you're saying is you want a deal that gives you the same autonomy as a country....or you'll leave and become a country. :rolleyes:


5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


No CPP, no contributions to canada

No Canadian police force, only Albertan but most likely trained at RCMP/Canadian RCMP schools

Own constitution thus refusing to accept or abide by the laws and rules of Canada as a nation

Own gun laws thus refusing to abide by or accept the gun laws of Canada as a nation, more closely resembling America

Refusing to help fund national projects at all but still demanding pipelines to tidewater thus needing national approval and assistance


But most likely STILL wanting and demanding federal transfers and assistance for infrastructure, education, health and more or in essence wanting more than Quebec as ever demanding and still wanting got be called Canadian.





We give way more then we get.

Keep the transfers and we will keep our 50 billion. 


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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The rest of the nation needs to hold a referendum to see if we still want Alberta in the nation.  Maybe we force them out and accept the partition and clarity rules thus leaving almost 70% of the province behind and they can be a pocket nation in the SE area of what is or was Alberta and Saskatchewan and BC can merge in to what was once the province of Alberta that remains and work on a national program that benefits the rest of the nation

Guess you will be at least tripling the gst just for starters. Your cozy lifestyle is mostly funded by the big boys aka Alberta!!

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Guess you will be at least tripling the gst just for starters. Your cozy lifestyle is mostly funded by the big boys aka Alberta!!

Tripling nothing?  You're aware leaving behind almost 70% of the province leaves almost 70% of the remaining oil in Canadian hands right?


Imagine how fast canada gets things down without a petulant child who has been threatening the nation for over 40 years is out of the picture.  Sask, can we do this, why yes BC but only if we can do this; of course Sask that would be fine.

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8 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:


We give way more then we get.

When you give nothing but BS....I guess you're right 


Seriously, just leave already.  Your citizenship, nation and the huge portion of the province that will remain with canada.  You're worse than the militant quebecois but half as smart.


The demands would be funny.  We want this or we'll leave.  Ok leave.


10 years later


We want this and we'll come back



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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Tripling nothing?  You're aware leaving behind almost 70% of the province leaves almost 70% of the remaining oil in Canadian hands right?


Imagine how fast canada gets things down without a petulant child who has been threatening the nation for over 40 years is out of the picture.  Sask, can we do this, why yes BC but only if we can do this; of course Sask that would be fine.

Lol nice try. 

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

When you give nothing but BS....I guess you're right 


Seriously, just leave already.  Your citizenship, nation and the huge portion of the province that will remain with canada.  You're worse than the militant quebecois but half as smart

Except that wouldn't be the case only when uneducated people like yourself try to tell the story.

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Seriously though, I think it's a mistake to believe that Alberta is one industry province......there's also that burgeoning Tourist industry:




I mean, a country with such tourist meccas as Pincher Creek, Grand Cache (I mean c'mon, it's got "grand" in it's name) and Lac la Biche and it's annual Mosquito Festival....people are going to be lining up to get their Alberta passports....



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24 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Lol nice try. 

What am I trying?  This is and has already been agreed upon decades ago.  You refuse to accept critical vital and literally on point facts because it doesn't suit you.  that's fine.  But let's go to where you claim someone is uneducated and have a chuckle


23 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Except that wouldn't be the case only when uneducated people like yourself try to tell the story.

And we're back.  


That wouldn't be the case, except it literally is.  It's been spoken of ad nauseam thanks to Quebec.  Numerous people have posted it and numerous experts have spoken about it.  But yes, do call someone uneducated and claim it's somehow wrong :)


This image, shows the areas that Alberta would leave behind as estimated via the clarity act and partition principle.  But sure man.  Uneducated people like myself and the lawyers, premiers MPs and more who already decided this years ago.  


All uneducated and we must bow to the expertise of a guys opinion on a hockey forum.


Imagine Alberta without the parks.  The oil.  The highway access or much of the rockies.  it would be like North Dakota without the personality


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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

What am I trying?  This is and has already been agreed upon decades ago.  You refuse to accept critical vital and literally on point facts because it doesn't suit you.  that's fine.  But let's go to where you claim someone is uneducated and have a chuckle


And we're back.  


That wouldn't be the case, except it literally is.  It's been spoken of ad nauseam thanks to Quebec.  Numerous people have posted it and numerous experts have spoken about it.  But yes, do call someone uneducated and claim it's somehow wrong :)


This image, shows the areas that Alberta would leave behind as estimated via the clarity act and partition principle.  But sure man.  Uneducated people like myself and the lawyers, premiers MPs and more who already decided this years ago.  


All uneducated and we must bow to the expertise of a guys opinion on a hockey forum.


Decided lol. Yes many politicians are uneducated and you certainly are also.

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Decided lol. Yes many politicians are uneducated and you certainly are also.

Explain how it's wrong.  explain how the decided upon loss of land in the eventuality of a province leaving the nation is somehow wrong or incorrect


Use verifiable facts please.


Not*. LOL doesn't count as a fact, an opinion doesn't count as a fact.  please, do let us know ow it is wrong.  In the mean time I am going to chuckle at something else you posted recently 

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13 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Explain how it's wrong.  explain how the decided upon loss of land in the eventuality of a province leaving the nation is somehow wrong or incorrect


Use verifiable facts please.


Not*. LOL doesn't count as a fact, an opinion doesn't count as a fact.  please, do let us know ow it is wrong.  In the mean time I am going to chuckle at something else you posted recently 

Chuckle away...we all laughed at you when you talk about the NEP being great, the "national democratic party", what party Ujal was part of and the mess you made of yourself when you claimed Harper made it easier for mp pensions. 


btw it's only you using your tired argument. Why you so interested in Alberta? Remember you aren't moving here? Sure you gave excuses , none that add up when I use your posts against you. Hip the liar that has been to 10 continents, 9000 countries and has done it all and seen it all but doesn't even know the name of the party he votes for. No one owes you jack big guy.

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

It took decades to push Alberta to this point — but it was inevitable


The distrust was there in Preston Manning’s creation of the Reform Party; again in the 2001 “firewall” letter signed by Stephen Harper and others; in “the West wants in” movement and in Rachel Notley’s discovery that electing a New Democrat premier wasn’t enough to break the fixed views and biases of “progressive” activists outside its borders, or to gain their assistance in achieving pragmatic goals.



“We’ve had it with Ottawa’s indifference to this adversity. Albertans have been working for Ottawa for too long, it’s time for Ottawa to start working for us,” Kenney said at the gathering, organized by the Manning Centre. While insisting he has no time for western separatism, he announced a panel tasked with accumulating ideas for “a fair deal for Alberta” to be sought from Ottawa.


They will include several propositions lifted straight from the firewall letter, which was addressed to then-premier Ralph Klein in the wake of prime minister Jean Chrétien’s 2000 re-election and accused his Liberals of “a series of attacks not merely designed to defeat its partisan opponents, but to marginalize Alberta and Albertans within Canada’s political system.” It urged Klein to withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan and create an Alberta-only version, to collect income tax revenue rather than leaving it to Ottawa, to create a provincial police force in place of the RCMP and to “force” Senate reform back onto the national agenda.

Kenney’s panel will look at these and other issues, including deep disgruntlement with the equalization program that treats Alberta as a “have” province while sending $13 billion — 65 per cent of the national total — to “have not” Quebec. Quebec’s payment rose sharply this year, even as it announced a $4 billion surplus. Alberta, in contrast, expects a shortfall of $8.7 billion for the same period.


“If Quebec can do it, why not Alberta?” the firewall letter demanded, and Kenney is obviously of the same mind. “All we’ve ever asked for is a fair deal, to enjoy the same autonomy rights and respect as all other provinces,” he said in Red Deer. “Nothing we are asking for is unreasonable.”

 During oil booms the abundance of easy money makes it easier to ignore the “Laurentian elite.” During tough times the anger grows, but in the past there’s always been a boom to come along and ease the tensions.


What’s different this time is the fear that there’s no boom on the horizon, and the days of easy money gushing from the ground may have come to an end

Far from aiding the province, Kenney says Trudeau has been “actively hostile.”


“Energy policy is Ottawa’s primary instrument for inflicting discriminatory economic pain on Alberta and this cannot be allowed to continue,” he said.

It’s unfortunate Alberta feels driven to this, but it’s not without cause. Decades of failure in Ottawa came first.



All of that rhetoric but yes, it has and always has been canada being the aggressor towards Alberta 


The days of easy money may have come to an end but that's all Canada's fault and it's Canada making the threats and causing the confrontation


The mentality of the victim, the victim noises, the whining and crying....


But my favoirite part is the not asking for anything unreasonable  and then we get to this

1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nope, no separation, just a fair new deal. APP, no rcmp, own constitution, own gun laws, cancelled funding on joint programs are all what I support. We get all that and separation will not be needed. 

Totally reasonable :lol:

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10 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Chuckle away...we all laughed at you when you talk about the NEP being great, the "national democratic party", what party Ujal was part of and the mess you made of yourself when you claimed Harper made it easier for mp pensions. 


btw it's only you using your tired argument. Why you so interested in Alberta? Remember you aren't moving here? Sure you gave excuses , none that add up when I use your posts against you. Hip the liar that has been to 10 continents, 9000 countries and has done it all and seen it all but doesn't even know the name of the party he votes for. No one owes you jack big guy.

So those are your facts?


I asked you to refute them using facts and you just Strome along.


How very shocked I am

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

All of that rhetoric but yes, it has and always has been canada being the aggressor towards Alberta 


The days of easy money may have come to an end but that's all Canada's fault and it's Canada making the threats and causing the confrontation


The mentality of the victim, the victim noises, the whining and crying....


But my favoirite part is the not asking for anything unreasonable  and then we get to this

Totally reasonable :lol:

Lol easy money..ok photo boy.

Only easy money is all the rest of Canada getting 30 billion free dollars from Alberta. 

1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

So those are your facts?


I asked you to refute them using facts and you just Strome along.


How very shocked I am

You didn't prove anything so there is nothing to refute.

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3 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nope, no separation, just a fair new deal. APP, no rcmp, own constitution, own gun laws, cancelled funding on joint programs are all what I support. We get all that and separation will not be needed. 

you get that and you might as well separate. 

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4 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I think we also should toll existing BC gas lines into Alberta. :ph34r:

Most of the gas coming into BC from Alberta these days..... is from Albertans farting and talking at the same time.....  It is negatively affecting the thought process of Albertans and leading to increased Co2 emissions coming out of Alberta.....

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