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Mafia: Pandemic [Game Over: Mafia wins]

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Some VC Analysis Last Night 


For context this takes place roughly an hour prior to Nightfall


23 hours ago, Kurisu said:

AV: Kurisu, J-23, Virt (3)

J-23: Ceres, MR, TL, Falcon (4)

Ceres: BJ, AV (2)

Virt: Jazz (1)


Unvoted: lucky, zfetch

No vote: otherwise, DM, gbassi, SC, WW


Think that's accurate, feel free to correct me.

If there was a busser on AV at any point it would be Virt. 


I feel like any other wolf votes would be spread out.


22 hours ago, Where's Wellwood said:


I can't clear these quote boxes on mobile.


I just want to say that I'll be MIA until Tuesday afternoon because of an assignment I've had a month to do but haven't started yet.


I'll vote extend

WW drops an excuse and an extend vote without leaving an actual vote. I'm pretty sure he was aware that he could place a real vote as well so this is concerning, especially when you look at the votes. His vote here would've mattered and maybe he thought he could escape without choosing to bus or to defend AV?


22 hours ago, thejazz97 said:

Sorry guys, between working on homework and not feeling well today (IRL), haven't been on really until now.


Unvote vote AV


AV is acting ...off? seems slightly erratic, hopping onto new theories.


And y'all are saying Falcon, but I don't much have an opinion on him.

Jazz casts a pretty significant vote onto AV right after. This ties AV and J23. I don't see why scum-Jazz would want to do this when he could just as easily have avoided putting his teammate in a bad spot. So he's probably good.

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1 minute ago, luckylager said:

How do you even know there are conversions?


Z says deen hates cult games yet you keep insinuating he's started one.

The CDC has an ability to vaccinate players to prevent them from being infected. The only conclusion you can reach with this information is that villagers can be infected and become wolves.

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6 minutes ago, luckylager said:


Where are these certainties?


I did say "I believe" to start. So I guess I could see how you might believe I was writing in certainties.


Bee dubs, I don't play this game with any certainties. 

I'm still not certain you're even tp.

You seemed more certain than you should that AV is a villager. Or that him and I are both villager. That is a very slim chance. 

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6 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Yes, it would help because right now, this looks like it could be a slip from a conversation that's meant to private, such as a mafia PM.

I don't want to go look 

Prove he didn't. That's the way law and order works, Sgt. Retard

You have cause, time to investigate!


4 minutes ago, Ceres said:

@luckylager FWIW, I doubt Zfetch said something like that. Aladeen loves cults and conversion mechanics. 

Maybe I misread it then. Jesus


So I've got both sides of the ballsack at me right now. 


Are you two working together?

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34 minutes ago, Ceres said:

Some VC Analysis Last Night 


For context this takes place roughly an hour prior to Nightfall


If there was a busser on AV at any point it would be Virt. 


I feel like any other wolf votes would be spread out.


WW drops an excuse and an extend vote without leaving an actual vote. I'm pretty sure he was aware that he could place a real vote as well so this is concerning, especially when you look at the votes. His vote here would've mattered and maybe he thought he could escape without choosing to bus or to defend AV?


Jazz casts a pretty significant vote onto AV right after. This ties AV and J23. I don't see why scum-Jazz would want to do this when he could just as easily have avoided putting his teammate in a bad spot. So he's probably good.

My assignment has been pushed back a week. I know, I know, say what you will about excuses. I didn't expect the due date to be pushed back either.


I actually didn't know that I needed a real vote. I don't even know when next night fall is. 


Now I've gotta catch up. 

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6 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

AV claiming Sheriff prior to Ceres CDC claim was super risky for a Wolf play at this stage.


I don't think AV is lying about his sheriff claim, unless he & Ceres are teammates. Possibly a ruse to get TP lock down for 1 of the Mafia?

He claimed sheriff late in the round when it was still possible for him to get lunched. He also inevitably would've been the main lunch candidate this round if he hadn't claimed. So it makes a lot of sense for a wolf to do it from that perspective.

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4 hours ago, Zfetch said:

I don't think Aladeen likes cults enough to tos it in this game.


Infected probably just means MK cuz if the medkit is being passed every round then at least 1 person a round can be infected which is a lot.


Nevertheless, Ceres asked for the medkit even though he has immunity from being infected?


Furthermore, he would reveal straight up that he's immune but not reveal his partner. Which one is more important for the TP to know?

You and Ceres can apologize now.



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