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1 minute ago, AfterMath35 said:

I mean you are certainly entitled to your opinion, i can't take that away from you. But as other provinces and countries move away from the vax passports, which is starting to happen in many places already, the pressure to do the same will mount up here. Of course you will always be free to not partake but i think most people will be happy

Why would most people be happy to give the worst people in the country privileges they don't deserve?  Personally, I don't want to eat next to a walking biohazard.

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10 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Why would most people be happy to give the worst people in the country privileges they don't deserve?  Personally, I don't want to eat next to a walking biohazard.

Again your opinion which is totally fine. Personally i don't know anyone who wouldn't be around someone who is unvaccinated. I honestly think that's a little much. Everyone i know is vaccinated and they don't care. Most people want to just get back to living life. 


I'm just going off my own personal experiences during this pandemic and not what some blue check marks on twitter say though

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5 minutes ago, AfterMath35 said:

Again your opinion which is totally fine. Personally i don't know anyone who wouldn't be around someone who is unvaccinated. I honestly think that's a little much. Everyone i know is vaccinated and they don't care. Most people want to just get back to living life. 


I'm just going off my own personal experiences during this pandemic and not what some blue check marks on twitter say though

I prefer to go off of statistics.  Personally, I don't know anyone who would want to eat near an unvaxxed moron, which is why we have people paid to assess risk and gauge public opinion.

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I prefer to go off of statistics.  Personally, I don't know anyone who would want to eat near an unvaxxed moron, which is why we have people paid to assess risk and gauge public opinion.

And yet vax passports are starting end in many places, so people obviously don't care that much. Again if you don't want to be around people you think may be unvaccinated you don't have to go to these places when it ends. Freedom of choice right? 


Take a look at Calgary Flames recent home games now that the vax passports ended there. Still a full house, so i don't think people care that much

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Just now, AfterMath35 said:

And yet vax passports are starting end in many places, so people obviously don't care that much. Again if you don't want to be around people you think may be unvaccinated you don't have to go to these places when it ends. Freedom of choice right? 

They're mostly ending in places with irresponsible governments.  The unvaccinated can stay home and deal with the consequences of their poor choices.  They do not belong in civilized society, and there is no benefit in pretending otherwise.

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

They're mostly ending in places with irresponsible governments.  The unvaccinated can stay home and deal with the consequences of their poor choices.  They do not belong in civilized society, and there is no benefit in pretending otherwise.

Ahhh so random poster on internet knows better than health officials? Got it

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3 minutes ago, AfterMath35 said:

Ahhh so random poster on internet knows better than health officials? Got it

The data and sources have been posted numerous times.  Places that removed restrictions early, put them in late, or didn't take the pandemic seriously saw increased mortality.  This was true in the Spanish flu pandemic and is true with this one.  

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

If BC decides to keep the vax passport, will you respect that decision then?

If B.C decides to scrap the vax passport will you respect that decision? I don't really go out, so it doesn't affect me all that much. Doesn't mean i agree with it though

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30 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

They're mostly ending in places with irresponsible governments.  The unvaccinated can stay home and deal with the consequences of their poor choices.  They do not belong in civilized society, and there is no benefit in pretending otherwise.

Ontario doesnt qualify as an irresposnible government, they probably better medical officials than we have. The medical data is showing that the vaccine passport is no longer effective to prevent transmission and is an additional cost to businesses. BC will follow soon, but will probably be last as we like to be considered the "progressive" province. 

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2 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Ontario doesnt qualify as an irresposnible government, they probably better medical officials than we have. The medical data is showing that the vaccine passport is no longer effective to prevent transmission and is an additional cost to businesses. BC will follow soon, but will probably be last as we like to be considered the "progressive" province. 

This is why I said "mostly".  I just don't see the downside in keeping the vax passport since removing it only rewards parasites whyy provide nothing of value to society.  I'd be happy if it was replaced by not wasting tax dollars on keeping these idiots alive.

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9 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Ontario doesnt qualify as an irresposnible government, they probably better medical officials than we have. The medical data is showing that the vaccine passport is no longer effective to prevent transmission and is an additional cost to businesses. BC will follow soon, but will probably be last as we like to be considered the "progressive" province. 

Define "better medical officials" and how that relates to the overall decision making since I doubt they'd have different data than we have.


Everyone in the end has the same data and typically the more left wing governments are more stingent while the right wing goverments want to keep the economy going. "Better medical officials" might be the most obscure term that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things in my opinion.

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Just now, King Heffy said:

This is why I said "mostly".  I just don't see the downside in keeping the vax passport since removing it only rewards parasites whyy provide nothing of value to society.  I'd be happy if it was replaced by not wasting tax dollars on keeping these idiots alive.

Yeah but you seem to have a vindictive bias that the government shouldn't have, I'm very in favour of the covid vaccines and saving lives, but the government trying to force these small number of people who 100% will not change their minds especially at the very tail end of the pandemic just makes them seem petty and untrustworthy.   

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I don't think it matters what goes down with the vax pass. There are multiple charter challenges against the vax pass, and it will be struck down soon. There is no science that the vax pass provides any protection in the latest wave. And science doesn't trump the charter of rights either.  It was simply a tool to encourage people to get vaccinated - a tool that is coercive and now obsolete.

I looked around at the unvax crowd in the protesters. There are protesters that took the vax against their will because they were allergic, but felt it was against basic human rights to suffer that way. There are first nations that don't believe and do believe it the vax protesting. A family of doctors don't believe in mRNA because long term effects aren't measured and they await a different vaccine type approval before proceeding to get (different) vax. People that took it because they are immigrants and fear they can't travel to their home country for Xmas. Some of them already had covid, and refuse the vaccine because they have natural immunity which the gov won't recognize. 

The vax pass is discriminating, pure and simple. It will be either removed or struck down this year.

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1 minute ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah but you seem to have a vindictive bias that the government shouldn't have, I'm very in favour of the covid vaccines and saving lives, but the government trying to force these small number of people who 100% will not change their minds especially at the very tail end of the pandemic just makes them seem petty and untrustworthy.   

I'm not talking about changing people's minds. I just think most governments are looking at roughly the same information and choosing accordingly. "Better medical professionals" is such a subjective term that really has nothing to do with all of this.

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11 minutes ago, The Lock said:

Define "better medical officials" and how that relates to the overall decision making since I doubt they'd have different data than we have.


Everyone in the end has the same data and typically the more left wing governments are more stingent while the right wing goverments want to keep the economy going. "Better medical officials" might be the most obscure term that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things in my opinion.

I would assume, that due to the larger pool of doctors available to them and the access to more funds than BC. They would be more inclined to have the top medical professionals at their disposal to collect and analyze the data.   

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6 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah but you seem to have a vindictive bias that the government shouldn't have, I'm very in favour of the covid vaccines and saving lives, but the government trying to force these small number of people who 100% will not change their minds especially at the very tail end of the pandemic just makes them seem petty and untrustworthy.   

No one is forcing them.  They just shouldn't be given the same privileges as those of us with functioning brains.  I don't think it's unreasonable to not want my tax dollars wasted on keeping these pieces of trash alive at the expense of people who are waiting on surgeries.

Edited by King Heffy
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