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CDCGML 2021-22


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ACTIVATION: CBJ activates G Mackenzie Blackwood off of IR.


He is back skating with the team and expected to be back fully in a couple of days. Activating now just incase Bernier hits a snag and he gets thrown in early. 


Welcome back Mac!

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Maple Leafs are looking to add some depth to our roster. We are looking for non waiver eligable players that we can call up and send down as players get healthy. If you have some available reach out here or on discord and we can try and work out a deal!

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Fantastic news folks! The GML Draft Archives have been further updated. Thanks to help from @canuck2xtreme and @Mike Vanderhoek I have been able to input three of the four remaining draft classes missing from the archives. The 2011, 2012, and 2013 Draft Classes! Identifying who ran which draft in the latter years may prove to be a bit challenging but the players selected and by what franchise has been inputted. Along with a reworked Pick Origin section I added in the last update. Which lets you see which team originally owned a pick prior to it being moved. I have 1 draft class left to enter - once that is complete I plan on remodelling the archives design and adding new content to our leagues draft history. I am hoping GM's can reach out with some ideas that we can look to implement to add further context and excitement to the draft history here in GML.


If you have an idea of what we can add for more draft context please let me know. I am currently exploring the additions of NHL Debut (which season a player made his debut), Has the player ever won a stanley cup? (IRL), All Star appearance counts, and possibly even a team tenure feature ( which lets us see who still is on their club! ). The biggest factor in implementing changes will be the ease of updating any changes. So things such as player stats or player "role" would probably be to time consuming. 


The first draft class we had in GML was the 2010 Draft which was surprisingly 11 Drafts ago. As the players of this draft class creep up closer to retirement I hope to add a hockey hall of fame tab. Where our draftees can enter the hockey of fame and give tribute to the teams and GM's who selected them! I think that would be pretty sweet. 




Thanks to everyone who has assisted and made this archives possible. I look forward to growing it with your suggestions and help in the coming years!


Thank you kindly,


Edited by Rush17
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