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Have you been vaccinated (Part Deux as of Sept 25, 2021)?


Have you been vaccinated?  

217 members have voted

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6 minutes ago, Bure_of_94 said:

-My workplace would make a good case study. Roughly 44% of people are vaccinated, in a workplace of  85 people. 
 -So far 2 people have tested positive for Covid, both were fully vaccinated. 


I was in an argument with a friend on the phone last night.  He said that because he is double vaxed, he didn't care if some don't get vaccinated because once you are vaccinated, you won't ever get it, so what's the problem?  He didn't believe me when I said he could still get it, although way less of a chance.


So much disinformation out there.  The frustrating thing is listening the changing  goalposts for the deniers.


Its a nothing burger.


Its like the Flu. It will "disappear like magic" in a few weeks. Its just Democrats/libs hyping it to damage our Dear Orange Leader politically.


Its tracking chips!


Okay, that's near impossible for every vaccine producer in every country, with different governments, to be in on that. And all the workers that would have to keep silent.  Let alone the capability to even do that.  I don't even know why I have to counter this argument.


Its unsafe!


8 months at least have passed since the first injections, only very small percent have had complications.  And historically, they have been proven effective and safe.  All the scaremongering with attention seeking alt-doctors on YouTube on the risks, is mostly conjecture. Or cherry picking rare cases.


Health directors like Fauci LIED so we can't believe anything they say


For instance Fauci said at one time, early on, that he didn't think masks were necessary. Before the virus exploded, when we didn't know much yet. Things change. The idea that health experts "lied" because the advice they gave then, has evolved and so is different than what they say now, is ludicrous.


Its about freedom!


Besides that businesses also support it, and the vast majority of people, there are also other mandates that anti-mandate folks seem to accept, just in the driving arena alone...passing a driving test, stopping at stop signs, wearing seatbelts, following speed limits. (Okay maybe not that last one ^_^ ).  But it seems the height of hypocrisy.  Freedom in a democracy, does not mean freedom to endanger the rest of the public because your arm might hurt for a day.


Seriously, make up your mind and stick to it. 


And lately, I've seen the next goal post on the net...


Because of some areas of the vaccine resisting States, as well as our own Texas of the North having skyrocketing cases among the unvaccinated........., It must be reverse psychology!   The libs purposely encouraged folks to get vaccinated precisely because they knew we are so stubborn and gullible that we'd do the opposite! :blink:






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On 9/26/2021 at 6:29 AM, IBatch said:

Yes those people are doubly selfish then.   Geeze.   I know people that have died, and others that haven't recovered and got this over a year ago and should be living happily for another 30/40 years.    What should we call them?  Hero's for "standing up for their rights?"   Ok in that case, thank you very much for your stance - and for being a hero - and go get your vaccine and be a real hero.    I'd happily punch anyone in the face if they want too if they need "cognitive therapy".  I like drugs sex and rock and roll and my freedoms too.   Nobody gets a free pass being an island by themselves on this planet anymore.   If you leave your house or get groceries sent to your house or whatever - your part of the human race.   Here's a thought - maybe become "breathatarians" and learn how to live off air alone.    If you can do that then yes - free pass - don't get a vaccine. 

What cracks me up is some people state why do you put something in your body that you don't know what it really is.

Over 30 years ago they were snorting $hit of a dunny lid at the middle hotel which they had no idea of what it was composed of.  



Double vaxxed and helping to put my society on the path to opening up again.




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2 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Sign me up for a booster too.  

Yep me to. 


Even more than myself I am doing this for others.

People who are at risk from the virus, the thousands of small businesses  that have been shut down for the majority of the outbreak here in Victoria.

The kids like my son who have not been able to go to school and  build those crucial social skills that are so important later in life. 

There is going to be a whole generation of kids who will have lasting effects from not being able to interact with their peers.

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8 hours ago, nucklehead said:

So how do you feel about the Canucks and the NHL barring you from attending games? You a tax paying law abiding citizen of this country with the a birthright to move freely, to come and to go and to attend to your life and your business as your  needs require and is your right. And given that it’s documented and accepted that both unvaxxed and vaxxed can spread the virus. This is nothing but discrimination, segregation and persecution. 

I am finding it not possible at this point to continue to support this club or any business or organization that supports, quite frankly, bigotry. I have followed and been of fan since virtually day one so this is a sad day. Unless and until this club reverses its decision on this issue I, for one, can no longer support it. 


 There exists this idea that somehow people are safer with unvaxxed people not in their midst.
That is false. I just don’t know how a person can feel good about themselves walking into a venue where others are denied based on their personal medical choice.
So, yeah, unfortunately it’s bigotry. Textbook. And I’m just pointing it out so everyone knows, and hopefully fights against it.

Honestly it's more of a society thing then a canucks thing.

I don't agree with how things are being handled as a whole and I don't think they have to ban unvaccinated people from events to get over the pandemic. (Certainly not forever) 


There are real anti vaxers or people with real medical issues that prevent them from getting it, so if the goal is to vaccinate 100% of the population before they end restrictions then restrictions will never end. 

So either that is the goal, which won't ever happen, or there is an acceptable amount of unvaccinated people allowed. If that is the case, what is the acceptable amount? I know the vancouver mayor himself said that 90% of Vancouver citizens have had their first dose so we must be getting close. 

I think they should make their actual plans clearer, and I really hate the way this has been so divisive and political 

Edited by cdgraham
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1 minute ago, cdgraham said:

Honestly it's more of a society thing then a canucks thing.

I don't agree with how things are being handled as a whole and I don't think they have to ban unvaccinated people from events to get over the pandemic. (Certainly not forever) 


There are real anti vaxers or people with real medical issues that prevent them from getting it, so if the goal is to vaccinated 100% of the population before they end restrictions then restrictions will never end. 

So either that is the goal, which won't ever happen, or there is an acceptable amount of unvaccinated people allowed. If that is the case, what is the acceptable amount? I know the vancouver mayor himself said that 90% of Vancouver citizens have had their first dose so we must be getting close. 

I think they should make their actual plans clearer, and I really hate they way this has been so divisive and political 

Non vaccinated spread Covid more, fill up hospital beds more, and die more than the vaccinated.  They also are Petri dishes for variants.  The non vaccinated are th3 reason why we have these restrictions.   

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9 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Non vaccinated spread Covid more, fill up hospital beds more, and die more than the vaccinated.  They also are Petri dishes for variants.  The non vaccinated are th3 reason why we have these restrictions.   

Well technically coronavirus is the reason we have these restrictions. Anyways, my smart ass response aside, yes I don't disagree automatically but we aren't going to vaccinate 100% of the population ever. I'll probably get vaccinated in a couple years to travel and things, but there are people out there who will not no matter what. 


So knowing this, if the vaccinated want restrictions to end as well eventually, they need to look to the government to end them and not the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. (For example, if we have 99% of the population vaccinated but all the restrictions are still in place is it really the 1% fault or is that more of the governments fault for not lifting the restrictions?) 


Idk, don't hate on me Alf as contrary to what you might think I am not the reason there are still restrictions and and I didn't start coronavirus. 


If hospitals are filling up as well maybe they should invest in increasing the size of the icus as well? Wouldn't be a bad idea at all, and I would argue that is essential as what if something worse comes along. 

Edited by cdgraham
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1 minute ago, cdgraham said:

Well technically coronavirus is the reason we have these restrictions. Anyways, my smart ass response aside, yes I don't disagree automatically but we aren't going to vaccinate 100% of the population ever. I'll probably get vaccinated in a couple years to travel and things, but there are people out there who will not no matter what. 


So knowing this, if the vaccinated want restrictions to end as well eventually, they need to look to the government to end them and not the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. (For example, if we have 99% of the population vaccinated but all the restrictions are still in place is it really the 1% fault or is that more of the governments fault for not lifting the restrictions?) 


Idk, don't hate on me Ald as contrary to what you might think I am not the reason there are still restrictions and and I didn't start coronavirus. 


If hospitals are filling up as well maybe they should invest in increasing the size of the icus as well? Wouldn't be a bad idea at all, and I would argue that is essential as what if something worse comes along. 

Rather than increasing the icu beds (not so easy to do quickly, like is now needed in Alberta) doesn’t it make more sense to vaccinate people, so they don’t end up in those hospital in the first place?  In the US over the last 12 months 1/500 persons has died from Covid.  The death rate, for the non vaccinated, is 2/100.  The science is very clear now.  The non vaccinated are what is keeping the current restrictions ongoing.  

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Rather than increasing the icu beds (not so easy to do quickly, like is now needed in Alberta) doesn’t it make more sense to vaccinate people, so they don’t end up in those hospital in the first place?  In the US over the last 12 months 1/500 persons has died from Covid.  The death rate, for the non vaccinated, is 2/100.  The science is very clear now.  The non vaccinated are what is keeping the current restrictions ongoing.  

Of course but what do you do once you have vaccinated everyone who is going to get vaccinated 

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9 minutes ago, cdgraham said:

Of course but what do you do once you have vaccinated everyone who is going to get vaccinated 

Those that don't get the vaccination will face the prospect of not going to sporting events,eating out at restaurants,going to concerts etc.

We will have vaccine passports,those who have them will be able to do these things,those that don't,won't.

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18 minutes ago, cdgraham said:

Of course but what do you do once you have vaccinated everyone who is going to get vaccinated 

I’m hoping we get to 90% here, and across the globe too.  Then SARS Cov 2 will likely be endemic (I think it’s nearing that stage here now).  Restrictions will be gone.  

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49 minutes ago, cdgraham said:

Well technically coronavirus is the reason we have these restrictions. Anyways, my smart ass response aside, yes I don't disagree automatically but we aren't going to vaccinate 100% of the population ever. I'll probably get vaccinated in a couple years to travel and things, but there are people out there who will not no matter what. 


So knowing this, if the vaccinated want restrictions to end as well eventually, they need to look to the government to end them and not the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. (For example, if we have 99% of the population vaccinated but all the restrictions are still in place is it really the 1% fault or is that more of the governments fault for not lifting the restrictions?)

Then those people should not get to enjoy the same privileges as those whose brains function properly, no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:

Those that don't get the vaccination will face the prospect of not going to sporting events,eating out at restaurants,going to concerts etc.

We will have vaccine passports,those who have them will be able to do these things,those that don't,won't.

What forever? Do you realize how unnecessary and stupid that is. 

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47 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Then those people should not get to enjoy the same privileges as those whose brains function properly, no matter what.

So no matter what someone's reasoning is, their brain doesn't function properly. Okay got it. 


This is exactly the divisive rhetoric  I hate. 

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58 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

And that's what the rest of us consider those not getting vaccinated...

Hence the division. Bottom line is it doesn't matter what we think, if the plan is to keep restrictions in place forever until everyone is vaccinated then the restrictions will be in place forever. Even though that isn't necessary.


Most people who aren't getting vaccinated have no issue with vaccines or the concept of getting one they just don't trust the messaging or see what the actual plan is, which causes them to question things. That's not entirely unfair as what is historically true about the government and media? They don't have the best track record of being trustworthy. 


And please don't dismiss me as a conspiracy nut, I just know history. 

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