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[PGT] Los Angeles Kings at Vancouver Canucks | Dec. 06, 2021

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19 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Myers, while not a stone cold pugilist like Lucic, Gudbranson or Reaves, can hold his own, primarily because of his size. Think back to the game against Edmonton where he destroyed Keith and immediately took on an Oilers player handily. He may not do it often, and doesn't really stack up against the aforementioned players, but he's no shrinking wallflower. 


Marchand should be dealt with tomorrow. 

If myers really wanted to he could hurt 99 percent of guys in the league in a fight.  Its not in his character to really hurt people though.

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I think in having Hamonic 24/7 now, we'll see the defense settle down some. We're a defense by committee. We dont have the classic big Dman like Pieterangelo, Hedman or Hamilton. But do have mix of size and snarl to add to our offensive players. It's been a patchwork till now, but having Hamonic full time and vaccinated helps a lot. 

I'm curious to see how they gel from here. 

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1 minute ago, Patel Bure said:

One low key happy moment for me is seeing Scott Walker back with us.  


Loved him as a player when he played for us during the 90's.

Yea man.  I dont know why but when i saw walker back there i just felt like this team was in good hands.  When i saw the clips of rj, smyl and the sedins you just knew the direction of organization would change for the better.

You need good character guys to lead you.  I liked benning but Something about weisbroad just put me off.

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6 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

They line juggled because they ran out of ideas. It became hilarious to watch. I like what Myers brings, but it's his consistency that needs to be worked on. 

For sure. I can definitely agree with that. While on the subject I have a tough time judging any of the players this year. I have a sense there may be some info leaked yet on some restraints and incompetence from the coaches let go. I really don't like kicking guys when they're down. Myself and most on this board have a certain level of hockey knowledge and have been just bewildered at times on decisions made. Even if you know nothing of the game of hockey, common sense prevails in switching up strategies when something isn't working. Good riddance.

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1 hour ago, wallstreetamigo said:

There is a difference between having ultimate decision making control/being involved and meddling though.


The meddling thing is not media driven or made up. It’s well known in the hockey community that Aquilini has directly been responsible for some pretty bad hockey ops decisions by involving himself too much against the input of his management group. 


Its his right as he owns the team. Whether or not it’s helpful is far more debatable though. 

Fair enough, I could correct my previous statement to reflect more of a media carrying the story more so after the fact then it being media driven from origin. Yes there have been clearly moves made where ownership has played a part or pushed on something. Boudreau's hiring for example right.


I think in other cities you have owners just as meddlesome but perhaps with better outcomes or less obvious optics of pushing on something. But again the same owners with their hands on the team were involved when the club peaked and was noted league wide as a model team with the perfect blend of players with management continually adding to the core at the NHL level. 


That Aquilini is directly responsible for some decisions that did not work out and this being known among the hockey community, the very community commending them during the " glory days " when his decisions did work out just feels like media and that very community focusing on the negative out of ownership's style, picking and choosing.


The Press Conference was refreshing and whether its just a song and dance by Francesco to discuss the roles within among owner, manager, coach etc, as well as owning as the man at the top perhaps he waited too long in moving on changes to even just re-iterating to the fan base Province wide he and his family being stewards of the team for them, just came off more sincere than I expected. Maybe he as owner realizes he made an 8 year mistake and it pushed true Canucks like Linden away, perhaps he will be less hands on moving forward.


Then again I am a sucker too haha.

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21 minutes ago, EddieVedder said:

Yea man.  I dont know why but when i saw walker back there i just felt like this team was in good hands.  When i saw the clips of rj, smyl and the sedins you just knew the direction of organization would change for the better.

You need good character guys to lead you.  I liked benning but Something about weisbroad just put me off.

The past 48 hours have definitely given me a different sense about Jim Benning, not a positive one and kind of making more sense why good people whether it be Linden, Brackett, Edler and others chose to leave the organization. While reinforcing to me that others like a Toffoli for example really were confused as to why there was little to no correspondence from the club.


Seeing Stan Smyl in a bigger role however interim it may be is something that sits very well with me. The man is all Canucks and RJ I am a huge fan of. I also didn't realize when the twins were brought in under advisory roles they were not really seen and among the players or present as much as maybe we would have thought. Hearing they will be more visible around the team now can only be a positive now.


I think it would be a matter of striking gold should the Canucks have been in a position to poach Lombardi out of Philadelphia, not sure how realisitc that would be, but a proven executive who has built winners.

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Regarding the post mortem, 


Did JB fire Green, upsetting AQ who then fired JB?


Did AQ fire Green, upsetting JB who said if he goes I go too?


Did AQ tell Smyi to go fire one of them and he accidentally fired both?


Did AQ fire JB, and JB retaliated in firing Green?


Did Green challenge AQ, saying I'm not going anywhere! Thus AQ telling JB to fire that sob, and JB was too loyal, hesitated too much, so AQ fired both? 



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That was entertaining hockey. What a relief from what the Canucks have been offering lately. Great game, seemed like there was more flow to the game. Brock getting off the snide was great to see.  Let's see how the boys do vs the Bruins, looking forward to it!

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Who fired who is something we won't ever know. I think the organization had a cancer, for sure. I don't think it was in the dressing room. The way Linden left. The way several of our long term players exited was concerning. The lack of communication out of Jim and John over the last two years tell a lot. 


Thankfully the cleanup has began. Hopefully they chose wisely.

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