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New Netflix show Get Smart with Money is a sore for successful people


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10 hours ago, D-Money said:

I work in a field dealing with people in financial trouble. Many of them are people who present themselves as successful, and are seemingly addicted to a lifestyle they really can’t afford. I’ve seen lawyers, real estate big shots, financial advisors, and even a guy featured on podcasts for how to be wealthy and successful. In many cases, they are on the verge of bankruptcy, and it’s a total shock to many of their friends and family.


On the other hand, I have a family member who is illiterate (beyond his control), and worked in a mill until having to retire early on disability. He raised 4 kids (wife didn’t work until they were grown up), gave money to many family members from back home, and is living comfortably into his late seventies in a big beautiful house and lots of money in the bank. How? Frugal city. He only eats out a few times a year, and never fancy. Budget everything, even growing lots of his own food.

So yeah, being frugal absolutely works. But for me, I try to find a sweet spot in the middle. I go out here and there, but in between try to cut costs and save each month. But going to bars/clubs and showing off? That’s nonsense. I drink well, but at home…much cheaper.

there's so many things you can do that don't require the big show of spending money. For my wife and I, we enjoy a good food truck meal as much as many so-called high end restaurants e.g.. You can always make a better steak at home if you know a few simple things (actually goes for most meals). You can pick from many hobbies that don't require a truckload of dough. We do spend a bit on gear and passes for the sports we like to do, but its also how we spend a lot of our time and how we stay healthy. We also did the classic thing of buying a place that wasn't the nicest place on the block and worked out way though 3 more places to living mortgage free now. There are no shortcuts on that one. 


But, you are always going to see house poor people with a sweet new BMW loan, its the way of things. 

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2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

That is by my definition doing nothing. And I'm not whining about it.


As for the cook in Mexico, he was smiling so he's happy right? No he's smiling because if he doesn't then someone else will get the job of cooking for fat entitled tourists taking advantage of the exchange rate by vacationing in a developing country and living in temporary luxury, a luxury that a vast majority of the locals there will never be able to afford. 


The Marlin fishing guide and his family wear white and live in a clean house with dirt floors, so what? What's there to think about?



Sorry Buddy............you are missing the point


You are chasing the dream, that such a small percentage of the world has, and not getting the point


Are you saying that the other 90% of the world are not happy? Because I can tell you, money, and material things, are not what makes you happy, and the TV show is only a guide to get you those things, if that is what you want.


Be thankful for what you have, and work for what you want. My parents did not own a home until I was 12 years old...............my dad was 40. I built my first house, with very little experience, and it is still standing. I also moved to a more affordable place to build. It was difficult working and building, and it took all my holidays that year to do it, but it was the only way I was going to be able to have one, at the time. (I was also feeding a wife and 2 kids, and we have no money for a couple of years, while doing it. I was 32)


Life does not just hand you everything, and there are sacrifices...........plain and simple!

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4 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Sorry Buddy............you are missing the point


You are chasing the dream, that such a small percentage of the world has, and not getting the point


Are you saying that the other 90% of the world are not happy? Because I can tell you, money, and material things, are not what makes you happy, and the TV show is only a guide to get you those things, if that is what you want.


Be thankful for what you have, and work for what you want. My parents did not own a home until I was 12 years old...............my dad was 40. I built my first house, with very little experience, and it is still standing. I also moved to a more affordable place to build. It was difficult working and building, and it took all my holidays that year to do it, but it was the only way I was going to be able to have one, at the time. (I was also feeding a wife and 2 kids, and we have no money for a couple of years, while doing it. I was 32)


Life does not just hand you everything, and there are sacrifices...........plain and simple!

very true. What does worry me about things today tho is too many kids have to work hard but they aren't getting the same opportunities we did. We didn't have to pay $2000/mo in rent to live in a craphole, and do it on two min wage jobs.


Income equality is out of whack right now, we need to get that figured out asap. 

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2 minutes ago, JM_ said:

there's so many things you can do that don't require the big show of spending money. For my wife and I, we enjoy a good food truck meal as much as many so-called high end restaurants e.g.. You can always make a better steak at home if you know a few simple things (actually goes for most meals). You can pick from many hobbies that don't require a truckload of dough. We do spend a bit on gear and passes for the sports we like to do, but its also how we spend a lot of our time and how we stay healthy. We also did the classic thing of buying a place that wasn't the nicest place on the block and worked out way though 3 more places to living mortgage free now. There are no shortcuts on that one. 


But, you are always going to see house poor people with a sweet new BMW loan, its the way of things. 

That is one of my pet peeves of this covid thing........................


Seeing people that have small businesses, with a monster truck, and a monster house, and no savings, because the wife has a rock on her finger, and they travel every year, eat dinner out 3 days a week, and again, never had savings for their business to withstand any down turn in the economy.


It seems to be the way of the 35/45 year old business owner.

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Just now, JM_ said:

very true. What does worry me about things today tho is too many kids have to work hard but they aren't getting the same opportunities we did. We didn't have to pay $2000/mo in rent to live in a craphole, and do it on two min wage jobs.


Income equality is out of whack right now, we need to get that figured out asap. 

True, but do you remember the recession in the early 80"s? Interest rates at around 20%!................20 Fkn percent! That is when many people lost their homes and house made a value correction. Houses devalued by 50% in some cases!

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1 minute ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

That is one of my pet peeves of this covid thing........................


Seeing people that have small businesses, with a monster truck, and a monster house, and no savings, because the wife has a rock on her finger, and they travel every year, eat dinner out 3 days a week, and again, never had savings for their business to withstand any down turn in the economy.


It seems to be the way of the 35/45 year old business owner.

dunno J. I've never cared about that stuff tho. I tend to keep a car for about 10 years, I don't care about jewelry or being seen in a restaurant. So maybe I'm just lucky that way.


Debt has always bothered me tho, I really hated having a big mortgage. 

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1 minute ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

True, but do you remember the recession in the early 80"s? Interest rates at around 20%!................20 Fkn percent! That is when many people lost their homes and house made a value correction. Houses devalued by 50% in some cases!

yep I do remember that. It really hit my wife's sister and husband hard... but they are they types you're talking about. Moved from east van to the west side and pretend they're royalty :lol: its truly funny.




One thing thats maybe peripherally related to all this is, I don't understand why the trades aren't viewed as a better option for more people? so many great high paying careers that can't be filled, but for some reason everyone wants to go to UBC and then go work at Starbucks. 


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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

yep I do remember that. It really hit my wife's sister and husband hard... but they are they types you're talking about. Moved from east van to the west side and pretend they're royalty :lol: its truly funny.




One thing thats maybe peripherally related to all this is, I don't understand why the trades aren't viewed as a better option for more people? so many great high paying careers that can't be filled, but for some reason everyone wants to go to UBC and then go work at Starbucks. 


So related to that...........


My Daughter mover to Dawson Creek and took the opportunity to be hired by a bank. She is now the bank Manager at 34. (She had 6 months college, and is just damn smart!)


My son worked at McDonalds from the age of 16, and by 25 was a manager working 70+ hours a week. He said that was not good for him, so him and his wife changed jobs. First my son put my daughter in-law through nursing, and then she put him through the mechanics red seal program...............all again in Dawson Creek. My son makes $160,000 per

year, with the opportunity to make another  $75,000 and my daughter in-law is home raising kids. She has now just took on a 2 hour per day job, for sanity reasons (aka Kids)


I am very proud of both of them (all 3 actually) as they all sacrificed to get to a better spot in life.



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1 hour ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Sorry Buddy............you are missing the point


You are chasing the dream, that such a small percentage of the world has, and not getting the point


Are you saying that the other 90% of the world are not happy? Because I can tell you, money, and material things, are not what makes you happy, and the TV show is only a guide to get you those things, if that is what you want.


Be thankful for what you have, and work for what you want. My parents did not own a home until I was 12 years old...............my dad was 40. I built my first house, with very little experience, and it is still standing. I also moved to a more affordable place to build. It was difficult working and building, and it took all my holidays that year to do it, but it was the only way I was going to be able to have one, at the time. (I was also feeding a wife and 2 kids, and we have no money for a couple of years, while doing it. I was 32)


Life does not just hand you everything, and there are sacrifices...........plain and simple!

Lots of assuming on your part, I take it your assuming I'm younger? and chasing dreams? No to both, nearing 60 and living. not chasing, the dream of sharing this existence with my fellow humans, and being privileged to do it in the beautiful province of BC, and I am very thankful for that.


Money and material things don't make you happy? That's what the rich people tell the poor people so that they don't riot. Everyone has times of unhappiness and I would rather be well of and unhappy instead of poor and unhappy.


For some, life does hand them whatever they want without sacrifices and the may yet still be unhappy or happy. Nothing is plain and simple, unless you are by definition, plain and simple.

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27 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Lots of assuming on your part, I take it your assuming I'm younger? and chasing dreams? No to both, nearing 60 and living not chasing the dream of sharing this existence with my fellow humans, and being privileged to do it in the beautiful province of BC, and I am very thankful for that.


Money and material things don't make you happy? That's what the rich people tell the poor people so that they don't riot. Everyone has times of unhappiness and I would rather be well of and unhappy instead of poor and unhappy.


For some, life does hand them whatever they want without sacrifices and the may yet still be unhappy or happy. Nothing is plain and simple, unless you are by definition, plain and simple.

I get that, but again, most of the world, including the majority of the USA, are not wealthy by most accounts. Yet, they are happy! My sister-in-law has a one bedroom apartment in the poorest part of town (Nanaimo) and she babysits 2 kids there. She never gets out, yet she laughs her head off. And yet she struggles, but makes the best of it.


My Mom and Dad were very poor, and my dad taught us that if you want something, you need to make it happen. He taught us, that it may not be exactly like you pictured it, but it will do, and was better than what we had before.


I can remember us having 27 people for Christmas dinner, in a 900 square foot house. It was a Zoo, but there was so much laugher and noise. LOL It was a zoo! 15 stayed over night! Best memory of Christmas.


Suffering............real suffering, only happens in depressed households, with real reasons. Health, no work, war, etc. Yes, some people have better lives than me, but that is ok, they most likely worked for it, and for those just lucky...........well good on them!


I remember my first entertainment center (TV stand).........4-12x12 inch bricks and 2 boards.............alot of people had those.


I am reminded what you can do with 1 potato.....................soup, hash browns, baked, or a potato gun! Life is what you make of it! I am usually a glass half full type of guy.........


One of my buddies has a Lamborghini, I have a 2009 Murano (which I love).................I hate him! LOL.............No seriously, he had a job, quit it, went back to school, became a pharmacist, moved to a place that did not have a pharmacy, sold it, made a bundle of cash, and bought the Lamborghini. We take my car because his can't carry golf clubs, and it sits in a garage 8 months of the year............but he is happy, and so am I


In my Opinion, happiness is not measured by wealth, but by fullness of life..................I am full! (And a little crazy!) :frantic:





Edited by J.I.A.H.N
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While making money in Dawson Creek sounds great in theory, having grown up in the peace  region I would not exchange lifestyles there for the lower mainland. Especially if you are minority. 

Living up north sucks the racism isn't worth the money

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9 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

 One of my buddies has a Lamborghini, I have a 2009 Murano (which I love).................I hate him! LOL.............No seriously, he had a job, quit it, went back to school, became a pharasist, moved to a place that did not have a pharmacy, sold it, made a bundle of cash, and bought the Lamborghini. We take my car because his can carry golf clubs, and it sits in a garage 8 months of the year............but he is happy, and so am I

At first I thought you where bitching about only having a Lamborghini Miura:lol:


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18 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

I get that, but again, most of the world, including the majority of the USA, are not wealthy by most accounts. Yet, they are happy! My sister-in-law has a one bedroom apartment in the poorest part of town (Nanaimo) and she babysits 2 kids there. She never gets out, yet she laughs her head off. And yet she struggles, but makes the best of it.


My Mom and Dad were very poor, and my dad taught us that if you want something, you need to make it happen. He taught us, that it may not be exactly like you pictured it, but it will do, and was better than what we had before.


I can remember us having 27 people for Christmas dinner, in a 900 square foot house. It was a Zoo, but there was so much laugher and noise. LOL It was a zoo! 15 stayed over night! Best memory of Christmas.


Suffering............real suffering, only happens in depressed households, with real reasons. Health, no work, war, etc. Yes, some people have better lives than me, but that is ok, they most likely worked for it, and for those just lucky...........well good on them!


I remember my first entertainment center (TV stand).........4-12x12 inch bricks and 2 boards.............alot of people had those.


I am reminded what you can do with 1 potato.....................soup, hash browns, baked, or a potato gun! Life is what you make of it! I am usually a glass half full type of guy.........


One of my buddies has a Lamborghini, I have a 2009 Murano (which I love).................I hate him! LOL.............No seriously, he had a job, quit it, went back to school, became a pharmacist, moved to a place that did not have a pharmacy, sold it, made a bundle of cash, and bought the Lamborghini. We take my car because his can't carry golf clubs, and it sits in a garage 8 months of the year............but he is happy, and so am I


In my Opinion, happiness is not measured by wealth, but by fullness of life..................I am full! (And a little crazy!) :frantic:





lol...you remember the days of using "rabbit ears" to try & improve the reception of the less than half of dozen channels you could get?  I do.

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3 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

lol...you remember the days of using "rabbit ears" to try & improve the reception of the less than half of dozen channels you could get?  I do.

We lived in Gibson's when I was little.........I think we had Channel's 3?, 6 and 12......................LOL always something to watch!


Now, I have like a billion channels, and I can't seem to find anything to watch! LOL



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10 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Everything in moderation...  


I would definitely recommend to young people in their teens and early 20s to worry more about experiences rather then money.  


I'm very familiar with FIRE concept, watched a lot of shows about it over the last 5 years, etc...  

It's just an idea to live by.  I have a friend that's into it and he never comes out to do anything fun or does any trips.  What can you do. 

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

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3 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

lol...you remember the days of using "rabbit ears" to try & improve the reception of the less than half of dozen channels you could get?  I do.

Yes, we had the rabbit ears.................but our neighbours had the antenna that was on top of the roof..............those lucky buggers!

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