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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Boston Bruins | Nov. 13, 2022

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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

In an earlier post Alf you said ownership had to have an attitude adjustment about how winning teams are constructed. I would expand that critic and suggest that most of the Canuck fanbase have to rethink this team. I don't know how the Acquilinis view the Canuck situation. Most likely their attitude is much like most Canuck fans. They want a winner. What I have seen of their tenure is a willingness to pay to the maximum to make a winner possible. Have they followed the best possible directions? If they have not then a fair level of blame should be placed on team management who have not convinced them of an alternate route. There have been a series of people who have moved thru the org and have failed. 


I don't put all the blame for what is going on with the Canucks on ownership. At some point the fans have to seriously look at their own attitudes. Quick to suggest they want a serious rebuild but then call for playoffs at whatever price. Historically management has most often folded and made short term deals to do what the fans screamed for, playoffs. 


A tear down could take another 5 years in the wilderness. Most of the players we consider core will likely be gone. A lot of losing in the process. No guarantee of success. All this aside I think it has to be done. 

This fanbase has been crying out for a proper bottom out rebuild since Mcdavids draft year. Other around the league have been mocking us for not doing a rebuild over the same period.


The fans demanded change last year. What does ownership do ? Switches out dim Jim Benning for dim Jim Rutherford. Ownership could not have found a GM more similar to the one they just fired. 


The demand for change in effect , went unanswered. And here we sit. 

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9 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I think I'd be open to offers on Petey and Hughes as well, if someone shows up with a fat offer too good to pass up I'd do that as well. But if we can pull off the tear down and still have them thats great too. 



apparently we can retain 1/2 of Millers last year (at least thats what people seem to be saying) before the extension kicks in. I do think he is movable, I just don't expect more than a late 1st for him.


Bo should be the biggest piece, I think we're looking at the classic 1st, roster and prospect type deal there.


Kuzmenko is a found wallet.


We probably have to retain 1/2 on Myers, but at 3 mil for 2 years he should draw interest. 


Boeser is the real wildcard to me, we may just need to accept a pretty low return there.


We do have a good capologist now, she did a great job this year getting us to max cap.



I think Boesers shorter deal works in Van's favour and he still puts up points.  They won't get a lot for him, but they'll find a taker, imo, and get something decent back in a hockey trade 


I think people expectimg "scorched earth" are in for a disappointment........it rarely happens, is rarely successful and there's really no need for it.  

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4 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Miller wasnt C yesterday Petey was. Petey Miller and Horvat took draws on saturday. They need to just stick to Miller at C. Petey cant win faceoffs and faceoffs and possession go hand in hand. Miller wins more draws.

But Petey's a better overall C.  Miller is allergic to defense when he plays down the middle.

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10 hours ago, Kenny Powers said:

What do you think Rutherford’s post-road trip move will be “to get the player’s attention?”


Tyler Myers to Abbotsford? 
trade a named player for a sub par return?

hockey trade for a vet he has history with?

Bo trade?


what would you do? 

Bug the room.  Do it now before they come home.

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

I think Boesers shorter deal works in Van's favour and he still puts up points.  They won't get a lot for him, but they'll find a taker, imo, and get something decent back in a hockey trade 


I think people expectimg "scorched earth" are in for a disappointment........it rarely happens, is rarely successful and there's really no need for it.  


being open to it, and expecting it, are two different animals. 



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1 minute ago, Goal:thecup said:

It is when you're a 'fun team to play against'.

That doesn't have anything to with physicality, that has to do with apathy.  They're first in fights and middle of the pack in his.......those are facts.

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1 minute ago, JM_ said:


being open to it, and expecting it, are two different animals. 



I guess it depends on what tearing it down means to people.  Saying "nobody is safe" is pretty generic and hollow......very few are ever safe from being traded.  Are they going to sell everyone and bring up the entire Abbotsford team to Van?

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25 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:


Willing to drop the mitts vs beating someone up is completely different. 

If a weakling wanted to fight me, I'd have zero issues and I wouldn't be deterred from acting the way I normally do. On the other hand if a 230 lb guy who was jacked wanted to fight me, pretty sure I'd be on better behavior. 

We don't scare anyone

Theres not a single person in the lineup that I'd be scared of in a fight. 

Maybe Schenn and Burroughs. 

Pearson might beat me up but it probably wouldn't hurt as much lol. 

Its not all about intimidation, its about sticking up for one another. Its a team mentality. Willing to drop the mitts. Thats a f***ing team. Caring about one another. I’d be pissed if no one was dropping the mitts at all.

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Just now, stawns said:

I guess it depends on what tearing it down means to people.  Saying "nobody is safe" is pretty generic and hollow......very few are ever safe from being traded.  Are they going to sell everyone and bring up the entire Abbotsford team to Van?

why is that 'generic and hollow' :lol: 


if you're really looking at all options for a better team, thats a good thing imo. Half-measures don't tend to work well either. 


You have to be willing to consider everything. 

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15 hours ago, DeNiro said:

This market can’t handle a rebuild.


How about we ice the worst team in franchise history which won’t be quite bad enough to get a top 3 pick but will be worse to watch than any lotto team…

Where do you start, perhaps the trade values on Myers, Pearson, Boeser, Miller OEL, Garland isn't very high. 

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