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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I'm about to come destroy this and your whole opinion son.


You wanna walk this back before I hurt your feelings?

It's pointless man. He doesn’t believe in the value of draft position because Pastranak went 25th overall once. He fully expects Gillis picking 22nd to replicate what Benning did at the 5th pick because its as simple as that. 


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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Ok again full stop because that's absolutely not fair.  


Gillis had one high draft pick.  He supplemented a stellar core with the best roll players in the league at the time.  It's clear now that he was mandated to continue to push and roll.


He had no development program due to the former canucks moose moving to the wolves on a loan program before Utica was created and that destroyed any possibility of a development program.


He made efforts to rebuild by all accounts and was trying before he was released.  He created practices and programs that have been adopted by the top teams in the league since he won his GM of the year award.


Since his release ten years ago this team has had one single honest playoff berth and has less in the tank than when Gillis left.b we gotta stop blaming him because he was the last successful manager this team had regardless of how it happened 

No, sorry, these are all excuses.


He had TWO high draft picks - one of which he acquired through the Schneider trade. The other was when he started. Hodgson and Horvat.


Of the other first round picks he had, they were either traded away or busted. Brendan Gaunce for example was a not so great 'safe' pick. The other was Jensen.


The Canucks started a farm team under Gillis, yes, but the draft picks that the Canucks had really didn't amount to anything, development or otherwise. Did any other players picked by Gillis pan out elsewhere? No. They were just bad picks, plain and simple.


Drafting and development failed spectacularly under Gillis. He himself admitted that his drafting department was

not done well. Why are we making excuses for this?

Is it because of the exciting playoff runs that we can ignore a near decade of bad scouting? The consequence of his tenure was that we have no young players left from his period. The excuses are that we were focussed on winning - but this doesn't mean we can miss out on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th round picks, year after year. That's exactly what happened, minus Hutton and Connauton.


Now Horvat is soon to be traded.


Imagine if we had some developed players on this roster from his period - would we really need to sign UFAs? This is the failure I am talking about. The future was wrecked because of Gillis' inability to draft and develop.

Edited by Dazzle
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28 minutes ago, DSVII said:

The devastation included a number 1 goalie that carried the team while Demko developed. A top 2 pairing shutdown RHD and the current captain that's scoring goals on pace with the likes of McD.


When we see the worst GMs and trades in the salary cap era in future articles. Benning will be on more lists. He has company with Chiarelli.

No, you are ignoring evidence.


When a GM fails to draft and develop for almost 6 or 7 years, those players that COULD have amounted to something should've been helping us out on this roster TODAY.


What ended up happening was that we took on vet players from other teams. In other words, there was no succession plan for the future.

Gillis made good moves for the playoffs - no one will dispute this - but when it came to creating his own team, he failed miserably.

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26 minutes ago, DSVII said:

It's pointless man. He doesn’t believe in the value of draft position because Pastranak went 25th overall once. He fully expects Gillis picking 22nd to replicate what Benning did at the 5th pick because its as simple as that. 


It is not about the first round picks. It's the second, third, fourth and fifth round picks that Gillis routinely failed to capitalize on.


Forsling was a 5th round pick (different time period)

Edler was a 3rd round pick

Demko was a 2nd round pick


You don't just assume that the draft picks are junk because they're not a first round pick. We could've had some pretty good players in the later rounds, but drafting and development was CLEARLY an afterthought under Gillis.

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3 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

It is not about the first round picks. It's the second, third, fourth and fifth round picks that Gillis routinely failed to capitalize on.


Forsling was a 5th round pick (different time period)

Edler was a 3rd round pick

Demko was a 2nd round pick


You don't just assume that the draft picks are junk because they're not a first round pick. We could've had some pretty good players in the later rounds, but drafting and development was CLEARLY an afterthought under Gillis.

Do tell me.  Who was our AHL affiliate under Gillis again?  What was or where was our development program focused and who was in control of it.

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:



Did you really just say Benny did more great things than Gillis did? Gillis may have had a core that included a set of twins. A center right wing in Kessler. And a goaltender in Luongo. But he 100% added all of the depth and role players that made that team what it was. Because those pieces were in place as a core before Gillis took over.


Gillis added all the role players that bending never could and spent pick after pick after pick trying to acquire


To say that Benning did a better job or more things as a positive for this organization than Gillis is so farcical as to be a laugh. No wait, that's actually insulting not laughable. I do not know what world you are living in or on. But to suggest that Bening with one playoff entrance, one honest playoff entrance in almost a decade is better than Gillis who not only went to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals but also never missed the playoffs until his final year held the division title. Title every year he was here barring that one year and holds two presidents trophies as well as a general manager of the year award is just so out to lunch. I have no concept of what world you are living in.


To break it down even more. Gillis after he took over only had one draft where he drafted higher than 23rd.  Why don't you tell me what the average draft position of a benning team was in comparison. The only things that are positive that Benin did for this team were Peterson and Hughes


In fact, if you take away 2014, the only thing Benning did that was good at drafting was basically managed to find a couple of players in the later rounds that he immediately let go to other teams. I have more than done the math on this and I have numerous threads about how shotty and poor. The actual development and drafting of this team has been since 2006 and Benning led the entire pack in terms of poor decision making and drafting. Especially when you factor in what his average draft position was.


Say he did good things for the future of this franchise is just beyond ridiculous. And I dare you to put a thread together detailing the positives that he did that have led to the success of this franchise. Because under his watch and his" stealth rebuild" we're actually looking at another rebuild that was on top of a rebuild that was part of a stealth rebuild.

You are focusing way too much on the playoff runs, which no one will object that he did a good job with. What you fail to assess is the price that the Canucks had to pay for his bad drafting and development

1 player (Horvat) out of 7 picks in 2013

1 player (Hutton) in 2012 out of 5 picks. Gaunce was a first round bust.

0 players out of 8 picks in 2011

0 players out of 5 picks in 2010

1 player (Connauton - never played for the Canucks) out of 7 picks in 2009. Schroeder was another first round bust.

1 player (Hodgson) out of 5 picks in 2008.


4 players out of 37 players picked

33 missed picks. Ouch.


11 percent success rate at the draft as a whole. Unacceptable.



Edited by Dazzle
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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Do tell me.  Who was our AHL affiliate under Gillis again?  What was or where was our development program focused and who was in control of it.

I will re-post what I just wrote above:


1 player (Horvat) out of 7 picks in 2013

1 player (Hutton) in 2012 out of 5 picks. Gaunce was a first round bust.

0 players out of 8 picks in 2011

0 players out of 5 picks in 2010

1 player (Connauton - never played for the Canucks) out of 7 picks in 2009. Schroeder was another first round bust.

1 player (Hodgson) out of 5 picks in 2008.


33 missed picks out of 37 total picks.


If you miss that many picks, the team's future depth is SURELY going to be affected. This is what I have been underlining.

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1 minute ago, Dazzle said:

You are focusing way too much on the playoff runs, which no one will object that he did a good job with. What you fail to assess is the price that the Canucks had to pay for his bad drafting and development


In 6 years, he drafted: Horvat (first round pick), Hodgson (first round pick), Connauton (3rd round pick, never played with Canucks), and Hutton (fifth round pick).


That's it.


1 player (Horvat) out of 7 picks in 2013

1 player (Hutton) in 2012 out of 5 picks. Gaunce was a first round bust.

0 players out of 8 picks in 2011

0 players out of 5 picks in 2010

1 player (Connauton - never played for the Canucks) out of 7 picks in 2009. Schroeder was another first round bust.

1 player (Hodgson) out of 5 picks in 2008.


4 players out of 33 players picked. Ouch.





Don't throw your shoulders out moving those goal posts.  You're ignoring literally EVERY SINGLE aspect of that post to focus on exactly one thing and one thing only.  The draft.


Remind me again of who drafted what successfully.


Because, without Burkes first year (Allan, Chubarov and Ruutu) he only had 5 total players successfully drafted that played more than 200 games in his 5 years as GM.  Nonis in his 3 full years as GM had 6 in 3 years while Gillis had 4 in his 6 years.   I won't mention Benning at all but will point out that only Burke and Gillis had any level of true Playoff success and Burke had a 4th, 2nd and 3rd overall pick he drafted to do it with while Gillis drafted on average 26th in the first round when he did draft.


By comparison what the ever loving hell has/had Benning done with a near decade of high draft picks?  To sit and blame Gillis for the state of this club is an utter joke.  It's been a near decade of excuses and it sounds as sad as Oilers fans claiming their gretzky cups

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3 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

You are focusing way too much on the playoff runs, which no one will object that he did a good job with. What you fail to assess is the price that the Canucks had to pay for his bad drafting and development

1 player (Horvat) out of 7 picks in 2013

1 player (Hutton) in 2012 out of 5 picks. Gaunce was a first round bust.

0 players out of 8 picks in 2011

0 players out of 5 picks in 2010

1 player (Connauton - never played for the Canucks) out of 7 picks in 2009. Schroeder was another first round bust.

1 player (Hodgson) out of 5 picks in 2008.


4 players out of 37 players picked

33 missed picks. Ouch.


11 percent success rate at the draft as a whole. Unacceptable.



Considering our owner, what do you believe was the direction was that Gillis (like all our GMs since Aquilini bought th3 team) had to follow or get replaced?  Gillis did a great job!  But maybe Bennng could have done a good job too if our owner hadn’t insisted upon a foolish direction, when a proper r3build was obviously needed? 

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Just now, Warhippy said:

Don't throw your shoulders out moving those goal posts.  You're ignoring literally EVERY SINGLE aspect of that post to focus on exactly one thing and one thing only.  The draft.


Remind me again of who drafted what successfully.


Because, without Burkes first year (Allan, Chubarov and Ruutu) he only had 5 total players successfully drafted that played more than 200 games in his 5 years as GM.  Nonis in his 3 full years as GM had 6 in 3 years while Gillis had 4 in his 6 years.   I won't mention Benning at all but will point out that only Burke and Gillis had any level of true Playoff success and Burke had a 4th, 2nd and 3rd overall pick he drafted to do it with while Gillis drafted on average 26th in the first round when he did draft.


By comparison what the ever loving hell has/had Benning done with a near decade of high draft picks?  To sit and blame Gillis for the state of this club is an utter joke.  It's been a near decade of excuses and it sounds as sad as Oilers fans claiming their gretzky cups

Burke and Nonis drafted the Sedins, Edler and Kesler.


Do we really need to expose how silly your comparisons were?

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Just now, Dazzle said:

I will re-post what I just wrote above:


1 player (Horvat) out of 7 picks in 2013

1 player (Hutton) in 2012 out of 5 picks. Gaunce was a first round bust.

0 players out of 8 picks in 2011

0 players out of 5 picks in 2010

1 player (Connauton - never played for the Canucks) out of 7 picks in 2009. Schroeder was another first round bust.

1 player (Hodgson) out of 5 picks in 2008.


33 missed picks out of 37 total picks.


If you miss that many picks, the team's future depth is SURELY going to be affected. This is what I have been underlining.

Fill your boots son.  Again, tell me how this is "gillis" fault alone when since 2006 the Canucks have only drafted 12 total players that have played 200+ games 



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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Fill your boots son.  Again, tell me how this is "gillis" fault alone when since 2006 the Canucks have only drafted 12 total players that have played 200+ games 



6 years, 4 picks. Gillis deserves the heat on drafting. These players SHOULD have been on the roster today.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

You're reaching so hard I think I can feel your fingers tickling my shoulder

I don't understand why you won't address the drafting failure.


Gillis USED Edler from Burke/Nonis' time period, all the while failing to draft a defenseman of his own. Yes, he brought Tanev, but the overall depth is the responsibility of a GM.


The fact that he could not replenish his rosters with his own picks LED to an empty prospect pool. Once the old players left, there was no succession plan.

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3 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

6 years, 4 picks. Gillis deserves the heat on drafting. These players SHOULD have been on the roster today.

Show me then, how many NHL teams had success drafting between 25th and 30th between 2009 and 2013.  Tell me who the players were and where they are now or what teams they actually achieved success on.


I have those names on hand and am just wondering if you'd "enlighten me" who they are.  Because if you want to simply pick and choose the smallest minutiae of information to defame an entire era of management I want all the information.


Keeping in mind, you're only picking teams drafting 25th through 30th for 5 consecutive drafts.  I can expand on it too and go as far as the 3rd round.

Edited by Warhippy
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Just now, Warhippy said:

Show me then, how many NHL teams had success drafting between 25 and 30 between 2009 and 2013.  Tell me who the players were and where they are now or what teams they actually achieved success on.


I have those names on hand and am just wondering if you'd "enlighten me" who they are.  Because if you want to simply pick and choose the smallest minutiae of information to defame an entire era of management I want all the information.

Anaheim Ducks




Calgary Flames




Winnipeg Jets




If you're going to make a point, at least find evidence to support it. All these teams, plus many more, drafted and developed way better in fewer drafts.

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6 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

Anaheim Ducks




Calgary Flames




Winnipeg Jets




If you're going to make a point, at least find evidence to support it. All these teams, plus many more, drafted and developed way better in fewer drafts.

I...don't recall the Ducks Flames and Jets drafting at an average of 25th through 30th from 2009 through 2013.


But just for reference.  Since, obviously draft position and actual team success and pushing for championships don't matter.  


Tell me, what is the difference between the screenshots you posted vs this one from vancouver?  Tell me, what are or were the affiliate AHL teams for development for those teams vs the Canucks in those years?  No no, since it doesn't matter obviously it's ok.  But out of curiousit I'd like to know


Seems kind of easier to draft and develop players successfully when you're drafting higher but whatever.



Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 5.53.20 PM.png

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It sounds like Rick Tocchet is a guaranteed thing at this point as the next coach. I’m not feeling at all confident about this. The guy has a losing record in the NHL as head coach, and he has been criminally charged with conspiracy and promoting gambling. 
What exactly does he offer us?

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