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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs Los Angeles Kings, Rogers Place, April 2 2023 @ 5PM PST (8PM EST) - "Team Like That" Cup

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51 minutes ago, Muttley said:

There are three potential players that could easily be named Captain: (none of them would be a bad choice) however I have a inkling Quinn Hughes will be the one.

Meh,  I would put Hughes third on the list behind Miller and Petey. 

Maybe I'm misreading him, but I think Hughes is more concerned about his own game than the teams game. Almost obsessively so. He is very defensive against the media if he is criticized for any aspect of his game. I don't see that as leadership ability.  I still love him on the team. and most good players would not be where they are without an inflated ego and have to be somewhat selfish, but a captain has to be first and foremost concerned about the team's play more than his own personal gifts or flaws. 


Also, he just doesn't seem to be a very vocal person. A captain doesn't have to be a yapper, but there may be moments when the team, or even one of your teammates, needs a good tongue lashing.

He may grow into the role though. I'm not saying it wouldn't work, just that Miller and Petey already have the leadership qualities it takes to be a captain IMO.  And I'd put Miller as my #1 choice.  Free up Petey, and Quinn, to play without that pressure.  With Miller, it just seems like the natural choice.



Edited by kilgore
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13 minutes ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

If it helps, Blues got at least a point vs the Bruins

Yep after being down 3-0 they almost pulled off the win too.


Very important point gained by them. Now we’re 2 back with them having the tie breaker.

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14 minutes ago, kilgore said:

Meh,  I would put Hughes third on the list behind Miller and Petey. 

Maybe I'm misreading him, but I think Hughes is more concerned about his own game than the teams game. Almost obsessively so. He is very defensive against the media if he is criticized for any aspect of his game. I don't see that as leadership ability.  I still love him on the team. and most good players would not be where they are without an inflated ego and have to be somewhat selfish, but a captain has to be first and foremost concerned about the team's play more than his own personal gifts or flaws. 


Also, he just doesn't seem to be a very vocal person. A captain doesn't have to be a yapper, but there may be moments when the team, or even one of your teammates, needs a good tongue lashing.

He may grow into the role though. I'm not saying it wouldn't work, just that Miller and Petey already have the leadership qualities it takes to be a captain IMO.  And I'd put Miller as my #1 choice.  Free up Petey, and Quinn, to play without that pressure.  With Miller, it just seems like the natural choice.



Tocchet has mentioned on a few occasions about Hughes stepping up and being a leader and being vocal. Also showing leadership through leading by example. 


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Another good match up tonight - Kings need the game to stay even with the Oilers - win tonight and they are 1 point behind Vegas as well.  Canucks, with pretty much slim to nil odds left - will continue to push until mathematically eliminated - probably reason Demko is starting again.  Expect a similar game to the Calgary game - Kings are a big heavy possession sort of team - if they cannot solve Demko (like the last game LA) - think the Canucks could win in regulation - 4-2.


Hopefully, we also see some additional prospects in the coming two weeks - however I think this has also been limited as the Junior Canucks are finishing their regular season and readying for the post season.  Nice to have seen RT give Rathbone, Mcdonagh and Hirose a look in the past week though


Overall, been a good couple of weeks in terms of their play - yes the "success" hurts our odds a bit ( will be satisfied we just stay in the lottery bottom 11 at this point and take our chances). But definitely moving in the right direction and I think the mgmt / coaches have an idea of their base roster for next year and probably figuring out who to add shortly. Hronek Mikhealev and Pearson still to be included to the roster when they return.



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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

I mean if Hextall sticks around and makes a Benning like move to save his job you never know. Something like Poehling, Pickering, Blomqvist and a 1st would get managements attention.


Or if Columbus wins the lotto and all of a sudden their ownership tells management to go all in. They go hard for Miller and trade Roslovic or Johnson and Jiricek.


Again low probability but never underestimate a desperate GM. They’ll be listening at the very least.

We're talking about moving JT?  


There would be a lineup of 10 teams in the summer that would want him, but it would be a big step back for our club. 


I'm not for it unless we are getting a blue chip center prospect, plus, plus. 

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Canucks really need to lose this game to prevent them from overtaking Detroit, Washington and St Louis.


Otherwise they will end up with nearly zero chance of getting any of the top 5 picks.


Realistically the worst they can finish is 26th... behind Philly.


No real chance of them finishing worse than Arizona.





Edited by *Buzzsaw*
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