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Mafia: The Holy Grail (Game Over - SK Wins!)

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Blue Jay 22

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I think I need to stick with my gut here. SS was giving me major scum vibes and I was right. Ilunga is giving me major scum vibes and he fits well into the slanker theory.


Vote Ilunga


@Aladeen I think I see your point on MR, but Ilunga feels like a safer target to me. I can be persuaded on this though so feel free to make a good argument. I'll be back later to think it over a bit more.

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2 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

I think I need to stick with my gut here. SS was giving me major scum vibes and I was right. Ilunga is giving me major scum vibes and he fits well into the slanker theory.


Vote Ilunga


@Aladeen I think I see your point on MR, but Ilunga feels like a safer target to me. I can be persuaded on this though so feel free to make a good argument. I'll be back later to think it over a bit more.

I am open to voting ilung depending on his and fetchs answers. How did fetch track ilunga if tracker is dead.


I am starting to see why LL voted fetch.

  • elephant 1
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2 hours ago, Zfetch said:

Ok I’m gonna hard claim and put someone on the spot because I was roleblocked last night

In order to hard claim you have to say what you are btw 


2 hours ago, Zfetch said:

@Ilunga what did you do to MR night one?

I really hope you’re not hardclaiming tracker cause news flash they ded 


1 hour ago, Zfetch said:

Sheriff should also come out about now. Mafia appear to be on to me, know about Ilduce, you’re next… clearing 2-3 people is ideal right about now and would help Ilduce out

sheriff should absolutely NOT do this. 

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Just now, Master Radishes said:

I wish you'd agree to play on MU again Aladeen. The cheating mod is long gone.

Lol I loved the cheating mod he was my favourite mod. I played a game he hosted and he told me I was the best mafia player he ever saw. Also he got his award taken away and given to me!! He is definitely not the reason I don’t play there.

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32 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

Maybe a N0 check? It's also possible the mafia just took out BW because he could be a dangerous townie and they lucked out on him being 3P.

How tf does bj give up 3p in a N0?


Give your head a shake if you're town. If not, keep on playing exactly how you are

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25 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

I think I need to stick with my gut here. SS was giving me major scum vibes and I was right. Ilunga is giving me major scum vibes and he fits well into the slanker theory.


Vote Ilunga


@Aladeen I think I see your point on MR, but Ilunga feels like a safer target to me. I can be persuaded on this though so feel free to make a good argument. I'll be back later to think it over a bit more.

What exactly is Aladeen's 'point' on me, in your own words?


Ilunga is someone I have wrongly tunnelled before based on tone/vibes/etc. He feels similar to the time I've done that. So I'm hesitant to push there. I'm not calling him cleared, I'm just not convinced based on previously getting him wrong.

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32 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Well when MR flips scum I would put LL a possible scumbuddy for sure. 

I would have pushed MR last round until LL said he thought he was Tracker. 


And even now with the tracker flips he’s voting fetch who is the nearest lock town imo due to the NIK lynch. 

Where did I vote Zfetch?

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45 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

He pushed for us to lynch him R1 knowing we would never do that.


He basically has rambled on telling stories of past players that literally was not worth reading.


He soft claimed tracker LL is right


Tracker Flips 


He spouts a bunch of nonsense congratulating LL on thinking he was tracker but isn’t really.


FFs People

I keep waiting for you to actually have, like, a good reason for me being scum. The best you can do is 'MR wasn't around when NIK died' which is at least logical. The rest is a narrative you're repeating enough times to make it feel true.


Like me self-voting has absolutely no bearing on my alignment? Me thinking Lucky is town for thinking I was Tracker is a bad look on me...how? You focus on a few posts of old stories and ignore my posts from earlier this round?


I stg Aladeen if you're town you need to go back to Mafia school.

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