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Mafia: The Holy Grail (Game Over - SK Wins!)

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Blue Jay 22

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43 minutes ago, Alchemy Time said:

dunno if he's changed his gameplay but being mostly inactive for multiple rounds is pretty out of character for town toews iirc

Toews, like many of us, isn't the player he (or the rest of us) used to be. CDC Mafia has been pretty dead for awhile. We've all fallen back from our peaks.


He's more or less in line with what I'd expect. Not saying he's town for it, just not sure this is a valid argument to use on him.

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1 hour ago, Intoewsables said:

Also seems likely that the Mafia have an investigative role based on some of their targets. BW on night one is understandable if he was more active, but my guess is they investigated him and saw he was 3P and felt he had to go. I don't know how they landed on investigating Tanev, but that would explain taking him out too.


I just can't shake the feeling that they took out NIK because he was 3/3 on his SS/LL/Aladeen reads.

Not 3/3, I doubt that. That's pretty rare. But 2/3 is certainly a possibility imo.


BW was killed for being BW, I imagine.

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2 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

I keep waiting for you to actually have, like, a good reason for me being scum. The best you can do is 'MR wasn't around when NIK died' which is at least logical. The rest is a narrative you're repeating enough times to make it feel true.


Like me self-voting has absolutely no bearing on my alignment? Me thinking Lucky is town for thinking I was Tracker is a bad look on me...how? You focus on a few posts of old stories and ignore my posts from earlier this round?


I stg Aladeen if you're town you need to go back to Mafia school.

The Aladeenis points to MR. If you can’t objectively say your first couple of rounds were scummy AF you need to actually read what you wrote.


You are playing more towny now but is that just because I have tunnelled on you?


3 rounds of crap to then come to start playing in the 4th round is not enough for town cred.


but at any rate fetch and Illunga need to be sorted before you are anyways. So will put a pin in this and see how fetch’s mystery hard claim plays out.

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1 hour ago, Zfetch said:

Sheriff should also come out about now. Mafia appear to be on to me, know about Ilduce, you’re next… clearing 2-3 people is ideal right about now and would help Ilduce out


1 hour ago, Intoewsables said:

I agree with this. The number of slankers in this game makes a PoE pretty much impossible. We need more info.

This seems like it’ll be a bit of a long game, and with the vig already outed and tracker dead doesn’t it seem a bit early to out the sheriff?

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37 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

but at any rate fetch and Illunga need to be sorted before you are anyways. So will put a pin in this and see how fetch’s mystery hard claim plays out.

I’d like to know what role Zfetch is claiming as well. I didn’t really like his entrance around nightfall on night 2.


but are people just voting Ilunga based off vibes right now?

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Ok I could maybe buy the theory that Aladeen is retarded and MR is mafia cuz I don’t like what he’s insinuating about Toews and being removed from peak play.


Regardless, if Ilugna is mafia it completely clears MR as town unless he happens to be mafia doctor which I doubt 

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1 minute ago, Master Radishes said:

I'm waiting for Ilunga to claim why he was visiting me then I will make a demand of people.

Yeah I initially thought he was sheriff which is why I said you and LL are clear and said I’d be uncomfortable voting you out last round.


js but my information ties out

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