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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Yeah I was looking at that. I was one such lad that thinks Seider at 10 is too early. But hey, if that's the way the cookies crumbles I won't complain. I already know I am an idiot. Lol.
  2. Button really is down on Podkolzin. Not sure if I should be worried or question his thinking. His mock is definitely interesting reading though. Cozens going just before us would be a gut punch for me. Lol.
  3. As soon as Dhaliwal confirms this I am gonna buy my tickets to the draft.
  4. I think Marleau said he'd be okay with a trade (I recall someone on Sportsnet saying this. Might have been on Tim and Sid I dunno), which makes me wonder if he and management agreed that one day he may be asked to waive. A return to the west coast via Vancouver ain't so bad especially if none of the Cali teams are interested. Similar to Miller after his St Louis stint.
  5. I doubt Benning looks through Twitter and CDC to see who he should move. Anyone with two eyes could see Gudbranson was not playing well here. From what I hear Pens fans were largely unhappy with Gudbranson too. Gudbranson had one real moment of truculence, other than that he was an often injured, okay defensive player, that brought no offence and barely mixed it up with anybody. He was a worse Tryamkin all things considered. Which is saying something cause Tryamkin didn't exactly light the world on fire in his time here.
  6. Hopefully this doesn’t mean we throw the bank at Gardiner or Myers. Neither are upgrades on an old Edler.
  7. Unpopular opinion but I'd do it. Turcotte or Byram will be at 4 and Seider at 16 and a 2nd round guy. Colorado is really the only team that'd say no to this deal. Turcotte's potential is right in line with Bo Horvat imo. Interesting EA trade though.
  8. Stopped reading at "sign and trade Edler". It's not a huge secret I am not a big Edler fan but if we bring him back it's to play for us.
  9. Korczak sounds great in the 2nd. Him or Lassi Thomson, although Thomson is looking more like a late 1st. He’s also not super big. Korczak has size and is right handed though. Would be a good 2nd rounder. 6’2, likely 6’3 if he can grow just a tad more. Would be a very nice fit in the future core if he develops well. Both of them are right handed and either one I’d be overjoyed to see in Canucks’ colours one day.
  10. I mean, a roster is more than 20 people. And every player costs at least a dollar. Context clues buddy.
  11. Binnington didn't play enough regular season games for him to get enough consideration. IMO. What Petey did with his team was nothing short of amazing. Even if Binnington played 40+ games I'd have Petey as my choice. Yeah, St Louis was super bad to start the year but that was them severely underachieving. That team is deep af. I had them as the 2nd best team in their division before the season started. That's how good their roster is. Binnington played behind a very good team so lets not pretend he is the sole reason for their turnaround. He had a great year but when you factor in his age and the team he played on Petey should be a pretty big favourite for the Calder. I'd even argue Dahlin over Binnington but that's pretty close.
  12. Kaliyev is essentially Ho Sang, minus the douchebaggery. I’d stay away from him.
  13. Nobody is saying just add Ghost. That is you projecting for some dumb reason. Edit: Clearly I gotta clarify for the slow people about my interest in Ghost. Just cause I am interested in Ghost doesn't mean I think he solves the entire problem with the blueline nor do I think that he is the only d-man we should target, but he does help solve a problem we should all hopefully agree is a problem with the blueline. Scoring. We can't/shouldn't ask Hughes to do all that himself as he is still incredibly young. If you don't think adding Ghost doesn't help our blueline I dunno what to tell you. Y'all make it sound like I think Ghost is the solution to all our problems and is the only guy we need to add.
  14. A guy like Zadorov would be nice to add. I'd argue that guy would be nice to add WITH Ghost too. Like, I am not saying Ghost solves the entire problem with our blueline. But he does help with the scoring drought we have while not just making a 19 year old do that and adding Ghost isn't supposed to be the only addition I'd like to see. The entire blueline needs work. We need size that doesn't disappear and we need scoring. That doesn't need to come from the same player cause we need more than one top 4 d-man anyway. Lol.
  15. I agree with you on the size point, most of my post was focusing on the future of the left side. Hughes and Ghost would be a good 1-2 punch in my books. And I guess part of me has Seider in mind for the future with all the Seider hype floating around. The lineup I posted wasn't supposed to be the end all be all of our blueline. Just a stamp of what it'd look like for the short term with the addition of Ghost.
  16. I mean, size did nothing for us last season to the point we got rid of someone with size for a forward. But you right. Not a very large lineup. There are more ways to counter a forecheck than just be big and bounce the hit off of you though. Like I dunno, moving the puck. Besides I'd rather revamp the right side with bigger players if it means our top 4 has Ghost and Hughes in it.
  17. I mean, he misses more than he hits but hey. He was largely right about Jake. I don't think even in hindsight Jake is a 2nd round talent though, which is what Button said I am pretty sure.
  18. Personally, I think Edler and Ghost would make a good pairing. Similarly to Edler and Ehrhoff. He's LD but outside of Edler we don't have any good top 4 left D anyway and I think people are putting a bit too much on Hughes plate this early. Guy is still 19. Hutton's best year is worse than Ghost's worst year. Hell, Ghost's worst year point wise is almost better than Hutton's last 3 years combined. Edler - Tanev Ghost - Stecher Hughes - Schenn (or a FA) Doesn't look too bad and it gives our 20 year old star of the future some breathing room to just develop and not be the savior. Could also go and get Stralman in Free agency to play with Edler and throw Tanev down with Hughes. Either way I don't think we are nearly deep enough on LD to give a hard no to Ghost. Nobody on this blue line has scored 65 points in a season. Ghost and Hughes would be a deadly 1-2 punch as our top 2 LD in a couple years when Hughes develops more.
  19. Cause you can never have enough of a good thing? That'd be like not drafting Turcotte at 10 because we have Karlsson, Madden, Gaudette, Petey and Bo. Lol. This would be a good value bet with Ghost having a down year and Philly seemingly wanting him gone. Our scoring from the blueline is abysmal and Hughes alone isn't enough to change that. Any top 4 blue liner on the market we should be interested in, especially if they are 25 and one year removed from a 65 point season.
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