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Cramarossa last won the day on March 2 2017

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About Cramarossa

  • Birthday May 9

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    EP40 and Antti Raanta

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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



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  1. My identity has been stolen. Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. JM_


      @Cramarossa if they got your SSN or detailed account info, which they probably did to be able to open accounts in your name, then probably stolen mail. Thats what happen to me. Someone stole a cheque I sent to a contractor and proceeded to forge pay checks for themselves using my signature and bank info. After that happened I switched all my financial mail to a secure PO box where its much harder for people to steal incoming mail, and only make payments now electronically. I also have a credit card with a low limit that is the only one I use for online payments and hotels with a $1,000 limit so it can never get out of hand. You also need to set up automatic fraud alerts. It sucks but its what you have to do. 

    3. Cramarossa


      I have done exclusively online bill pay (autopay) for a while, but mail theft is still a real possibilty. I was telling my bf we should get a PO Box and maybe a safe deposit box too.

    4. MJDDawg


      I signed up on ePost for all my credit card and payroll statements for this very reason.


      Easy to do and you'll get all these statements in your epost mailbox. No more worrying about stolen mail.



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