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Cramarossa last won the day on March 2 2017

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About Cramarossa

  • Birthday May 9

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    EP40 and Antti Raanta

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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



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  1. What's on your hockey fandom bucket list?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thejazz97


      I got to fist bump Bo at a preseason game this year! Definitely worth it.


      The Canucks at the Cup Finals is definitely up there, but I don't know if it would happen in my lifetime, or if I'd even have the money to go.

    3. Cramarossa


      I've gotten to fist bump/high five all the players as they've gone on the ice due to where my seats are when I go to SJ games. It's awesome. Millsy and Marky in particular had big smiles and seemed happy to interact with fans. Hutty had a big smile too, naturally.

      Cup finals would be awesome, @thejazz97! I tried getting nosebleed seats to see SJ (I'll watch any playoff hockey in person!) but they cost way more than I'd care to spend for a team I don't really follow. Like $400+.

    4. Pears


      Already been to my fair share of Canucks games over the last few years so those aren't near the top anymore. I've always wanted to go to a game in Montreal and with what we've seen from Nashville I'd like to try and get there too. 

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