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JM_ last won the day on September 9 2022

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About JM_

  • Birthday 10/09/1970

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

Canucks Hall-of-Famer (14/14)



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  1. Can there really ever be enough stories about the Leafs? 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Toews


      The obvious answer for why they get coverage is because they get ratings. The more interesting question is how they get those ratings. You don't have to be good or even popular to drive ratings but you have to be something that people care about. I think the hatred for the Leafs actually drives ratings for the networks. In response we should treat them with indifference. Now how do I convince people to stop hate-watching the Leafs. 

    3. JM_


      @Toews oh for sure. CBC has used that for as long as I can remember, piss on Vancouver to get them mad and watching while being fluffers for whoever is coming to town for the HNIC game. Works like a charm. 

    4. Shift-4


      no leaf game tonight
      Which means only 42 minutes of leaf coverage on the one hour TSN SportCentre show

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