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JM_ last won the day on September 9 2022

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About JM_

  • Birthday 10/09/1970

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

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  1. Oh man, I give up. Just trade the poor guy.


    "Loui Eriksson out with a bone bruise" https://theprovince.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/loui-eriksson-out-with-a-bone-bruise

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. JM_


      @Tre Mac didnt mean to single you out, was speaking more in general and about our media. 


      statistically Loui was actually the twins best producing partner, so there was chemistry there as much as anyone with them. Some nice moments for a few games with Bo and Vanek. 


      He'd have to be a 50-55 pt player to live up to the contract (thats what 6 mil gets you these days)... very few guys can do that from the 3rd line so he has to be on the top 6 here to meet that expectation. Like AJ said tho this is probably not going to happen now. 


      Hopefully Jim can move him somewhere like Ottawa or MTL. 

    3. SabreFan1


      Kiss a 2nd round pick and a decent prospect good-bye if Seattle is going to agree to take on that contract next year in the expansion draft.  Assuming of course that they are approved to join the league by then.

    4. Warhippy


      @SabreFan1not so sure.  it's at least next year for Seattle meaning they'd have a solid contract with little term left on it, a season or two to reach the cap floor and possibly to trade to contender if needs be.

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