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JM_ last won the day on September 9 2022

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About JM_

  • Birthday 10/09/1970

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  1. How do you feel about Sven Baertschi so far this season?

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    2. -AJ-


      I've always been an apologist for him. I'm always one to root for reclamation projects to succeed and when we saw some life from Baertschi last season, I was really pleased. His chemistry with Bo looked so good that I hoped Bo could help Baer realize the potential he had when he was so hyped a few years back in Calgary.


      His Corsi is fairly poor, but it's still better than Horvat's and his 3 assists in six games seems boring, but 41 points wouldn't be a half-bad year for Baertschi. Again, 3 points ties him with Horvat. It seems to me that Baertschi and Horvat are both in the same boat of almost being good enough. If they can both push just a bit to the next level in the next few games, we'll likely be singing their praises.

    3. CRAZY_4_NAZZY


      Baertschi to me is always going to be an enigma.  Is he a top six scorer or is he a middle six winger?  He shows flashes of brilliance and dominance, and other nights he falls off the wayside.  With the shuffle and crowded mix of players we have on the wings with Boucher, Dahlen, Goldobin, and Rodin not to mention the other prospects coming, and with Granlund, sven and Burmy all RFA's next summer, I dont see Baertschi in our long term plans.  For a guy who is 25 and highly touted, and still hasn't found any signs of maintaining consistency is alarming to me.   Slow bloomer probably, but you can only wait for so long with this guy to figure it out. especially when he is being given prime offensive minutes.


      Knowing trader Jim's history of wanting to always find ways to level up in a trade, I wouldn't be surprised if Sven is packaged with something else to bolster our scoring sometime this season. 


      I said it in the summer and Ill say it again, just don't see a bright future for Sven with our team in the long term.

    4. JM_


      @-AJ- I think Bo is doing great for a guy who's likely going to be our 2C, he'll be in the 50-60 point range, solid on face offs and some nights he can will himself to the net. Add to that the leadership qualities and I'm happy. 


      @CRAZY_4_NAZZY Baer has to improve on last year, no doubt, particularly if Evander Kane hits free agency and/or Dahlen can make the jump up and/or Goldobin. So there's a lot of pressure on Baer to put a very good season together thats for sure. Green is certainly giving him every chance to succeed though in high minutes (for this team) and good partners. 

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