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-DLC- last won the day on April 1

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    Canucks/Hockey in general; BC Lions, Patriots/Football; poker; music; mountain biking; photography; animal rescue.

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

Canucks Hall-of-Famer (14/14)



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  1. A lot of proposals involving our young studs lately.  I'm just going to give a resounding NO to all of them right here and now.

    I have such a suspicious mind...are those planting seeds doing so more out of creating a rift than anything?  Not all, but some for sure.  I really don't buy in to them.

    1. VforVasili


      Yeah I find it gross as well. They will get signed to contracts. Chicken Littles freak out every single time we have to wait the normal amount of time for a negotiation to resolve itself and want to abandon our talent. Give me a break.

    2. Chickenspear


      B...b...but Petey obviously don't wanna be here cuz swedish interview and Huggy wanna go play with his brotherzezZz!!!!:frantic:



      ^ if it's not apparent

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