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-DLC- last won the day on April 1

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    Canucks/Hockey in general; BC Lions, Patriots/Football; poker; music; mountain biking; photography; animal rescue.

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  1. HUGHES NEWS:  Quinn not at practice, so likely a no this weekend.  Second CT scan confirmed - no structural damage, will start skating soon.  Bone bruise.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quantum


      The truth is, this injury could be really useful to the Canucks in the long run. He's not going to be expansion eligible, he's not arbitration eligible (at least for his first RFA round), and there's a legit chance he doesn't burn a year off his contract. Now... he'll probably play in April but it seems like Josh Teves has a better chance to debut first over Hughes.

    3. canuktravella


       had a bone bruise on right ankle took 3 months before i could put skate on with out it hurting i blocked a shot  wasnt fun 

    4. -DLC-


      OUCH!  Wow, that's some kind of bruise, damn. 

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