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Status Replies posted by Grapefruits

  1. When can STH's pick up their tickets from Rogers Arena? Very anxious as a first year STH lol

  2. Saw a little kid, 6-7 years old, looking through hockey cards, asked who is favorite player was. Said Cody Hodgson. :(

  3. wish the fruits hadn't abused the name change ability cause I kind of want to change my name to Apple Jack or Rainbow Dash so TS and I can be the pony couple ;p

  4. George Harrison Memorial Tree killed ... by beetles

  5. Well, I just found out that my ex I dated for 4 yrs just got married...bartender , could I get a triple rum and coke please.

    1. Grapefruits


      she's an ex for a reason, don't look back.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. When I met you in the _________

  7. A year and a million too much...

  8. On a scale of 1 to Rob Ford, how drunk was Cuba Gooding Jr at the NHL awards?

  9. nothing beats a hot shower then an ice cold beer :3

  10. Ohh AV AV AV... what are you going to do?

  11. Right or left?

  12. Hopefully they got some space-weed. Over.

  13. Stealing gas? Why, Cory and Trevor, that's highly illegal, you shouldn't be stealing gas, Cory and Trevor.

  14. Stealing gas? Why, Cory and Trevor, that's highly illegal, you shouldn't be stealing gas, Cory and Trevor.

  15. Jim Jefferies kiced ass at The Vogue earlier! Laughed my ass off!!

  16. Nancy Grace is unbearable to listen to.

  17. Buddies of mines band CD release party Saturday, July 5th @ Joe's Apartment, Check em out:

  18. Drinking beer on empty stomach..no gudh!

  19. Everyone's fighting over hockey and I'm just over here loving the Jays right now. 8 straight wins baby!!!

  20. Stepan back in the lineup. At least he isn't faking a more serious injury like Horton.

  21. To the posters who made fun of me for saying we lost out on trotz to wash... TOLD U SO

  22. If Tokarski carries the Habs and they come back and win the series, what do they do when Price gets back? I know the obvious answer is Price but what if Tokarski is absolutely lights out from here on out?

  23. Note to self: Always thoroughly wash your hands before you go to the bathroom after applying tiger balm to sore muscles....

  24. What's wrong with Twitter?

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