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Everything posted by wildcam

  1. Yes I would for sure forwards Holtz 20 and Wright 18 would make Canucks so so good, Severson 27, would be #2 RD, Bahl D man prospect..The Devils would not make that trade..
  2. NYR, LA Kings , NJ Devils have some great young prospects under 23.. I think NYR and LA Kings are top 2.. Rangers - Kakko 21, Lafreniere 20, Chytil 23, Miller, 22 , Scneider 20 RD, Lundvist 22 RD, Jones 21 D, Robertson LD , all undere 23 and most have played NHL games. Riussian forward Kravtsov 22, 6'3 LW will also be very good.. LA Kings, Bayfield 6'4, 20, C, Vilardi, 23, 6'3 C, Turcotte 21, C, Clarke 20 RD, Faber 21, RD ( 4 of the 5 I mention should be above average pros... Would like to make Miller trade with NYR or LA kings will all these young prospects under 24..
  3. Well if a players 30 years old and wants at 6 year X 8.8 million Dollar contract with his previous best season 72 points you don't sign him to big contract? I Know he had 99 points this season but previous best was 72.. Miller is a 70-76 point guy now and will decline to 55--points in 3 years No way do Canucks want to be up against cap..Canucks are not ready for good playoff run for 2--3 years from now? Miller trade return will really set up future nice..Good young RD man under 24, top 9 forward under 25, trading teams top prospect and 2nd round draft pick.. Have to make a trade like this.. New management group will be much different and bold. If Millers contract demand 8.8 million X 6 years he will be traded -- I can see Canucks offering longer deal lower cap hit.. 7.2 million -- I think Miller will be traded..
  4. I think these are top 3 teams after Miller before July draft..LA Kings, NYR, Colorado. LA Kings key players are getting old, Kopitar, Daughty, Quick, time too put chips in for key player LA Kings Faber RD, 6'1, 22 -- Vilardi 22, 6'3 -C -- Lemieux 6'1 - W , 26 --- 2nd rounder 2022 / 4th 2023 NYR Lundkvist RD 5'11, 22 -Chytil 23, 6'3 C -- Robertson 20, 6'4 LD -- Kravtsov 22, 6'3- W -- No draft picks so added Kravtsov.. Colorado - No Kadri next season.. Newhook 5'11- C, 22 ---Byram 22 - -3rd rounder 2023
  5. Really think LA, NYR and Colorado. will be top 3 teams after Miller..All 3 teams have lots of prospect with LA and NYR having so many great prospect.. Time for LA to put chips in Kopitar and Daughty, Quick getting old. Miller would give the team the edge there missing.. Colorado-- Kadri will be gone big Void Miller will fill spot and add more.. NYR-- Need to add Miller there Key forwards are 28 and older.. They have lots of prospects.. Vancouver - Need to make trade to add key young prospects for future run 2--3 yrs from now... We also don't want to be up against cap with a Miller contract 6 yrs X 8.5 million for 30 yr old...
  6. I like your post but I would try and add Dman toughness Manson 30, 6'3, 215, RD could fill # 4 spot for 2--3 yrs. 3 X 3.5million.. I Also like Juulson 6'2, RD fill #7 and adds size Keeper RD 6'2, 26, 195- Had a great camp until he broke leg--He adds grit, toughness will be excited to see how he plays? 1 year remaining.. I still think Miller will be moved.. There will be talks, Miller camp will want at least 8.5 million X 6 years..-- return will be big and will set up future..Young RD man under 24, roster player 3rd line centre and draft pick 2nd 2022 and 3rd 2023.. LA, NYR, Colorado key teams... Boeser - Might be traded, I can see 3 yr deal AVV hit around 6.3 million--- Can't move both Garland and Miller... Keep Garland 4.9 X 5 yrs remaining Horvat-- Extension 7 yrs X 6.8 million Myers-- Will be moved only if they have RD to fill his minutes 20--22 min guy..
  7. I can see Bruce waiting until after the 1st round of playoffs are over? Some team will off him a 3 year contract.. If LA kings get knocked out, Toronto, Flyers these teams will be calling Bruce..I think Bruce will go with team that offers term 3 years...
  8. Big no to Miller 9.2 million X 6 years omg big anchor last 3 yrs and we are not ready for cup run for 3 yrs..Trade Miller and get younger and sign Domi 27, C/LW to play 3rd line..Show me more deal 1 yr X 4.8 million
  9. Really want Florida to win and next would be Colorado and Calgary.. Big no to Toronto think they will be golfing after 6 games.. Hope LA and NYR get knocked out quick and maybe there management team will be wanting to make big trade for Miller.. Both of these teams need Miller to get them to next level and these teams have lots of prospects. Both teams have 2-3 yr window especially NYR key players are getting close to 30 yrs old..
  10. Scheifele 29,C, 6'3, 210 lbs, has 2 yrs remaining at 6.1 million.. Teams would love him at this salary for 2 more years..
  11. Josh Manson 30 yrs old 5 years X 5 million, Big no..Maybe 3yrs X 4 million again Copp 27, GP 16 -- PTS 18 with NYR-- I think NYR will resign him-- Hope NYR get knocked out in 5 games they will be after Miller then... Domi 27, Very gritty has talent just needs a new team and playing in top 6 he should get 50-56 points- 20-24 G-- Would sign 4.5 million show me more deal.. I really think Miller or Boeser will be traded by draft..
  12. Allvin will do a fantastic job and Rutherford will be around and his new 3 assistant GM'S
  13. Players and media do there season ending interviews sportsnet 650 radio this morning sometime? I am thinking it should start between 10:30 - 11 this morning..
  14. Schenn is under contract for one more year $850,000
  15. Yes great post, Miller in trade with NYR, LA or Colorado who ever gives the best return...Anyone of those trade proposals would make us a younger more talented team for years...
  16. Bruce will be signed to 3 year contract before Tuesday.. Horvat 27 îs not going anywhere... Horvat will be locked up in new contract 6 years X 6.5 million Dollars before June.. Boeser will have new 3yr deal AVV 6.5 million and might get traded later in summer .. Alvin will try and trade Miller around draft ...
  17. OMG, we can not trade picks or young prospects to dump salary. This has to stop??? Retain salary or we are stuck with Pearson or Dickinson for 2 more years... Hoglander 21 has a bright future..Rathbone 22 is going to be a # 4 D man In trade with Dickinson retain 600,000 on his 2.6 million.. Dickinson had injuries and should be better.. Pearson actually played well this year. But we can't be trading our young good prospects away... Previous 2 years 1st rounders now you want to trade Rathbone or Hoglander.. BIG NO...New management group will not trade youth away..
  18. I sure hope no Miller signing for 8 yrs this would be the biggest anchor in last 4 yrs.. 1. I think Bruce will be signed to 3 yr contract before Tuesday.. 2. Will sign Horvat 6 yrs X 6.7 million before June.. 3. Work on contract for Boeser 3 yrs AVV 6.3 million- Possibly trade in the summer.. 4. Try and free up cap space move Myers retain 1 million) Move Dickinson retain 500,000--, Pearson..Try and trade Miller to LA, NYR, Colorado, Dallas for young prospects under 24 .. I think management team will sign a few players outside North America this summer.. Big RD college prospect under 23.. Should be a exciting summer with Vancouver.. Future is exciting...Demko, Hughes, Petterssen, Horvat, Garland, Podkolzin, Hoglander, Rathbone, Lockwood, ( Boeser ?)
  19. I sure hope Vancouver doesn't sign Miller 29 to the big 8.5 million X 6 year deal..Big mistake as we have other younger players to sign and will be up against the cap.. Last 3 years of the deal will be the big anchor..Just like last 2 yrs of the ODL contract will be a anchor.. Trade Miller and get some young talented prospects back under 24 yrs old..We are not ready to compete with Colorado, Calgary, Edmonton,Minnesoda, but in 2-3 year with the right moves we could be fighting for top spot in the west..
  20. I would like a Josh Mason type signing RD, 6'3, 215 can play with Hughes if they don't make a trade for a young RD man... Mason will be 31 in October, UFA so might get him for 3.2 million X 3 yrs? Might be more like 3.7 million.. Mason plays like Schenn but more talented then Schenn..Mason Could fill #4 RD spot for a few years, very tough, great size..
  21. Yes Coop or Domi would look great in Vancouver... I think Domi played together in junior. Coop 27, 6'1, 205, should be a 18--24 G-- 45-55 point player if playing in top 9.. He has fit in nice with NYR GP 16--18 points.. Domi 27, 5'10, 195, should be a 20-25 G -- 50-56 point player.. He scored 72 points 2018-19 season..
  22. I am wondering why Dipietro is not getting call up? Maybe injury?
  23. Leafs get knocked out in the first round...Big changes will come if this happens again..Bruce could have several job offers coming? Hope Bruce gets contract extension soon...
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