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Everything posted by wildcam

  1. McDonnough is not signed he is playing his last season of College? Free to sign anywhere after his college season is over.. I guess Canuck have inside track if they can't sign they can't trade his rights like Calgary did with Fox years ago..
  2. OEL has trade clause and 2 yrs ago it was firm Boston and Vancouver, Cant se him going to Washington..I really think LA Kings, Columbus, Boston are going to make a big offer for Miller..If NYR or Colorado get knock out next round they will also be in the Miller trade talks...
  3. Did you know that the centre position is hardest position to find and we have 3 skilled centres.. Petey , Horvat, Miller.. Move Miller for a good package and clear cap space..No trading Horvat
  4. Always will remember Duke calling out starting lineup for Brock Boeser's first NHL game...
  5. Kapanen, 26 July, 6'1 RFA this summer...Last 4 seasons have not been good for Kapenen.. Vancouver would want Kapenen, Poulin?, (2023-- 2nd rounder ) I looked up Pittsburghs prospect in Future Watch not great.. Samual Poulin 21, 6'3 C ( #71 Future Watch) If trading Boeser would rather trade with teams with good prospects.. Minnesoda - would be a good trade partner ? Dumba 27 RD RFA - 6 million previous season? try and sign AAV 5.5 million X 3 yrs Greenway 25, 6'6, 225, LW--- GP 62 - G 8 - PTS 29 averaging over last 3 seasons.. Salary 2 years X 3 million remaining... Minnesoda are up against cap and will have to make some special deals.. Kapenan 2021-22- GP 79- G 11 - PTS 32 2020-21- GP 40 - G 11 - PTS 30 2019-20- GP 69-G 13 - PTS 36 2018-19- GP 78 - G 20 -PTS 44
  6. Well I think Domi's value is down? Last 2 season his salary was 5.3 million.. 2021-22 - GP 72 - G11 - PTS 39 2020-21 -GP 54 - G 9. - PTS 24 2019- 20- GP71 - G17 - PTS 44 I don't think you would want to offer Domi more then 3.8 Million X 1 yr show me more deal... He should produce more if in top 6 ? GP 75 -- G 20-23 - PTS 48--56-- Plays with lots of grit..
  7. I would not want to sign Kadri 31 and he will want 4--5 years X 5.5 - 6 million range after 1 big season point wise.. We need to have cap space try and move Miller for package of youth, RD under 23, ( top 7 roster player under 25) , (1st rounder 2022 ) Try and move Myers 32 RD retain 1 million of his 6 million-- Only move Myers if we have another RD to fill his 20-22mins in tough roles.. Horvat extension this summer - 6 yrs X 6.5 -6.9 million range Boeser contract RFA wil have to be done soon..Try and get AAV 3 yrs X 6.5 million show me more..Has to be qualified at 7.5 million.. So sign 3 yrs bring down the AAV in 3 yr contract 6.5 AAV.
  8. Kadri 31 - C/W --UFA -- Will be interesting what a team pays for this player? Stats last 4 years and making 4.5 million X 6 yrs ? He is not worth the big contract having 1 big season.. I can see some team offering Kadri 4 yrs X 5.5 --6 million...Flyers ? 2021-22 --GP71 - G28 --PTS 87 2020-21 - GP 56 - G11 --PTS 32 2019-20 - GP 51 - G19 --PTS 36 2018-19 GP 73 - G 16 --PTS 44
  9. Yes Manson, 30, 6'3 , RD, has talent and most of all adds toughness and grit.. We need a Manson with Hughes..Manson could fill this spot for 2--3 yrs
  10. I would like to see the Canucks sign Manson 30, 6'3, 218 lbs, RD- 3yrs X 4 million ? Played beside Hughes --Manson will demand 4 years? Would really like to sign Paul 27, 6'3, 220, C/W - will have teams bidding? Will demand 4yrs X 2.8 --3.2 million..Played for 1.3 million this past season.
  11. Well lets start with the age? Miller is 2 yrs older March14 , 1993----Horvat April 5th,1995 Miller will demand 6 yrs X 8.5 million Horvat will demand 6 yrs X 6.6 --7 million-- Miller will get the better return in a trade and we will have more cap space keeping Horvat over Miller.. We are like 2--3 years away from a good playoff run.. So trade Miller and get a very good trade package in return and we save cap dollars.. We don't want to be up against the cap signing a 30 year old for the 8.5 million dollar contract for 6-7 years..Big no
  12. You must get a great return in trade for either Miller or Horvat.. So hard to find very good centres.. I think Miller 29, will be traded with his new contract say 6 yrs X 8.7 million ? Should be less then 9 million and more then 8.4 million Horvat 27 two years younger will sign for much less? 6 yrs X 6.8 Million
  13. I also think that if the new management team never got the exact player in trade package they would hold off until summer. The team was also playing great under new coach Boudreau.. I think if Rangers said Schneider, Chytil and 1st rounder they would of made the trade with Vancouver.... I think Vancouver will have trade partners in the summer, LA Kings, Boston, Devils, Columbus and maybe Panthers.. I don't think Rangers will make another offer for Miller.. Copp 27, 6'1, 210, W/C UFA - Think he will sign 5 yrs X 5 million with Rangers this summer.. Copp 28 in July made 3.6 million this past season...
  14. Great to see Silovs 21, 6'4 play so well at world championships. I can see Silvos playing 40 games or more with Abbotsford next season. GP 4 - 952 SA% - 1.22 GAA - Hope he gets more playing time very tough last 2 season getting in games with covid..Last season 3 goalie rotation for first half of the season..
  15. I know Canucks fans think we should get a massive haul for Miller having a 99 point season? Miller is actually a 74--80 point guy.. Getting return with LA of Faber 21, RD, 6'1 - Valardi 23, 6'3 -C. - Lemieux 26, 6'1 W, 1st rounder---very good return for Miller
  16. We also have to remember that Miller had 99 points this past season? He is not a regular 90 point guy..So we can't be expecting the massive return.. Miller is realistically should be 75-80 point guy.. So trade with LA Kings = Faber 21, RD 6'1, Valardi 23, 6'3, C - Lemieux 26, 6'1 W-- 2nd rounder 2022 -- Would be a decent deal.. We also don't have to sign a 30yr old player to a 6 year X 8.5 million Dollar contract.. We need young prospects and cap space to make better deals..
  17. Very very hard to find centres and we have 3.. Trade Miller or Horvat but never never both...Then we have to trade for a #2 centre doesn't make sense????
  18. I really think teams like LA kings lots of prospects and there key veterans are older Kopitar 35, Doughty 33, Quick 34..Miller would get them that veteran edge in playoff run..Faber 21 RD, 6'1, Vilardi 23, 6'3 C , Lemieux 26, 6'2, 215 W, 2nd rounder 2022 NYR-- 1. Schneider 20, 6'2 RD. - Chytil 23, 6'3 C. Kravtsov 2. Lundvist 5'11 RD - Chytil 23, C -6'3 -- Kravtsov 23, 6'2, W --Robertson 20, 6'4 LD-- Colorado-- Kadri will be a UFA this summer...Miller will fill big hole.. 1. Newhook 22, 5'11, C-- Byran 22, 6'1 LD Columbus, Boston, NJ Devils, are the other teams that will be interested in Miller....
  19. I would like Canucks to make a deal for Kapanen 26, 6'1 had a poor season..He is RFA this summer 3.2 million qualifying offer? Would be good if you good have his salary like 3 yrs X 3.5 million lots of upside..I can see new GM Allvin pursuing kapanen, lots of speed and he should be a 20--25 G guy - 48--55 points..
  20. Oh no of course it would have to be like...Faber 21, 6'2 RD - Vilardi 22, 6'3 -C -- Lemieux 26, 6'2, 215 -W -- 1st rounder.... Miller 29 -- 2023 - 3rd rounder
  21. Your trading Miller and Myers ----Marino and Carter?? Big no Carter 37 is old way way too old..New management want to bring in guys under 27.. Marino ---- Garland Miller -- ...LA Kings , NYR -- Colorado, Columbus, have lots of prospectsYoung RD under 23 -- Top 9 roster player-- 1st rounder --
  22. You think LA Kings will give up Clarke 20, 6'2 RD similar to Schneider 6'2, 21?? No No..... LA will trade Faber 21, RD, 6'1
  23. Well if your paying through the nose the trade won't happen... None of these teams are desperate?? Canucks also don't want to pay Miller a ridiculous amount like 7years X 8.5 million for 30 yr old next summer????? Miller is a 75-82 point guy and yes he scored 99 point this past season..Also only so many teams can take on a Miller contract not as simple as paying through the nose... Your not getting Clarke, Turcotte, 1st rounder and 2nd rounder from LA ? Serious big no..lol..lol... NYR would not give you that either... There are other forwards out there Foreberg, maybe Scheifele,
  24. Like trade and LA Kings are loaded with young talent..LA need Miller 29.. Kopitar 34, quick 35, Daughty 33...Window is now... Miller 29 - 2023 -3rd rounder ---- LA Faber 21, 6'1 RD, Valardi 23, 6'3- C, Lemieux, 6'1, 215, W- RFA -2 million? 1st rounder 19th overall 2022----4th rounder 2023 Like Vilardi good size ready to take big step....Faber, bright future and Lemieux adds needed grit and toughness... Turcotte will not be added or Clarke....
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