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Everything posted by reyezone

  1. The only thing the mindless crowd lusts for more than bread and circus is to turn on a hero and watch them fall. Sad that hasn’t changed in thousands of years.
  2. Nobody has really mentioned it and I hate to be a bummer, but Rooster looked to be knocked out cold there before he fell back and blew the knee out. With his history of head injuries I have been a tad anxious for an update around any concussion problems he may or may not be having.
  3. I value our assets too much to get pumped up for “goon squad” hype. I want a healthy Ferland for the playoffs, not a “destroyer” with a head injury that can’t destroy anything when the real season starts.
  4. I kinda like Stetch and Eddie as a pair. I have no stats to back this opinion up however...
  5. Sutter could be a perfect veteran compliment to the young core that is emerging in V-town. If only the injury bug can stay away.
  6. Having too many NHL ready Dmen is never a problem. It's just another opportunity for management to further team build. I expect Tram could garner a nice return at trade deadline 2020.
  7. I'd be very disappointed if he didn't come back for the playoffs this year.
  8. I love seeing those PodZ highlights!!! keep them coming. What a Hockey Player.
  9. Ferland is one of those guys that, at his contract and style of play, anything over 40 pts is gravy. The exciting thing for me is the pace at which he was able to produce playing with skilled players in the past. Watch again his highlights from 17-18 season playing top line in Calgary and imagine Petey and Boes instead of Johnny Hockey and Monahan. And remember, Ferland scored nearly all of his goals by christmas. If this could in any way be replicated by the big fella over the course of a season, or string of seasons, than we could have a line combo for the history books people!
  10. I'm hoping for a little Dustin Brown.
  11. I agree. Players don’t just forget how to take laser beam wristers. Seems like a safe bet for 10 years top six of winger production.
  12. I an predicting 70 points for Bo over 82 games played. He should have an extra 5 points 5 on 5 by merit of better wingers and +5 on the PP by merit of better D (Hughes) distributing the puck.
  13. Man... I got to say, Tan-Man is more 90-10 on the defensive to offensive scale.
  14. I really enjoyed the interview with Jim. What a pro. This guy eats pressure and kees his chin up desite the nasty edge this market can hurl toward him. He must be a pleasure to work with.
  15. With regards to yelling coaches: There is an element of pack mentality and group energy (for lack of a better word) that comes into play in team sports and, for some reason, specifically hockey. Winning clubs have the ability to, as a group, heighten intensity and feed off of each other at critical times and alpha type leadership seems to be a key to achieving this. It is true that an intelligent player may not be motivated by yelling, but as a group under the leadership of an alpha (ie, coach or captain or vocal leader), magic can happen when the right direction (yelling, screaming, or otherwise) is used. I feel that this is about subordination and domination within a group dynamic- it has often been stereotypically said that "Euro's are too individualistic" and Canadians "play a great team game" and "will do anything to win". It is not dissimilar to militaristic techniques used to break down the sense of self identity so that one becomes fully bonded to a group of brothers. I suspect that an intelligent and mature player with a healthy ego understands this dynamic and can see how it benefits the group. I'm not making a value judgement about right or wrong, just contributing to an interesting discussion on sport psychology.
  16. Im sure you will agree, there is more than enough room for two 50 point defenceman on our roster..
  17. I kinda have a feeling that Neal will be the one with the bounce back...
  18. Matheson is, last time I checked, the Panther's players association representative. Hopefully he has learned to reassess his demeanor on the ice, especially when it comes to the young and highly skilled players in this league. I love tough hockey but can't believe we tolerated the menace that was Scott Stevens, Chris Pronger and Darian Hatcher to name a few. Can you imagine what these guys would have done to Petterson if they caught him in the corner watching a pass?
  19. I'd be happy to see Ferland focus on the rekindling some of that offensive touch that he had with Monahan and Johnny Hockey in Calgary. We know, along with every player in the league, that the physical game is there and can be deterrent enough to keep opponents in check. Of course when the playoffs come, let the dogs out!
  20. My biggest complaint with LE is his complete lack of hands. The puck constantly bounces of his stick- either recieving a pass or giving a pass or shooting. I don’t mind his compete level so much and he plays a solid defensive game. The problem as I see it is he puts himself in good areas and does think the game well but man, he kills offensive plays dead when the puck is on his stick with his inability to make quick and accurate plays.
  21. I like Loui and his game, strange as that is to say. His wage doesn’t make sense but he brings things to the table that are NHL caliber, albeit little things. (Maybe he is choked with Greener for coining the nickname)
  22. I see a multiple deal next contract. He played nearly a full season and remained consistently effective. If he delivers another solid season I would be shocked to not see a multi year contract. He has the potential to become elite as a penalty killer.
  23. He has a unique skill set and good teams, even great teams, have value players in a bottom six role just like this guy. He has a little Kirk Maltby / Chris Draper thing going (I still think of those two as one player).
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