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Everything posted by KING ALBERTS

  1. i dont know whether to use the toilet or your sig. also, broken link
  2. boycotting sleep until luongo trade

    1. GodzillaDeuce


      Occupy Sleep 2012!!!

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Lol Poor basurds :(

  3. your an idiot - in terms of skill the oilers don't have 5 top 4 d-men... if any of their defence were traded to vancouver they would NOT play top 4 minutes... thanks for trolling douchebag
  4. 5 top 4 d-men????? since when!??!?! did they sign weber and suter when i wasn't looking?? because that would only bring them up to 2 top 4 d-men.... and player hitting FA at the same time REALLY does matter, ASK CHICAGO! its nice that you numbered your points so everyone can tear them apart one by one... maybe you should just put more thought into your next set of bold statements, especially the 5 top 4 d-men the oilers haven't had in decades.
  5. bad career move by him IMO - theres a reason all the big name d-men in the last decade have wanted out of edmonton... not only does the city suck, the winters suck more, but he will pretty much HAVE to be lidstrom for the oilers to have success... they haven't drafted or planned for defensive success - and mark my words, oilers fans will turn on him in a matter of months when they figure out he can't singlehandedly defend every rush. and really... is an undersized offensive d-man really what the oilers need? grats to them on getting a free prospect - but the oilers still suck, and will continue to suck unless they land weber or suter... or both
  6. sick highlights packages man.. im in alberta and can only see the 30 second sportsnet highlights - appreciate it!

  7. we're not screwed without manny... you all seem to forget, the return of ANDREW ALBERTS is on the horizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kanucks25



    3. Niloc009



    4. SStamkos91


      JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. your last "blog" was about the canucks success making you uneasy... maybe you should find some new material
  9. i was about to quote a bunch of stats on how good GSP was... but then i noticed at the top of the "significant strike defence" was ryan bader. i know right?, but if you've already written off GSP i don't think you understand MMA very well... or need to go back and watch some of his fights how soon people forget that GSP made koschecks eye look like a giant swollen clam... he had to have FACE surgery for crying out loud. GSP vs. Silva would actually be the fight for the best pound for pound fighter in the world, and that shouldnt be arguable... if sonnen can take silva to the ground, then it shouldnt be a question on IF GSP can take him down, its a question of WHEN. im not saying i think GSP will destroy silva, im saying it would be one of the greatest matchups in MMA history. (i say matchup because who knows, maybe someone will get face-kicked in the first round)
  10. the only hand that beats a royal flush is Andrew Alberts' fist

    1. BruinsForCup2011


      Get serious that's cheating learn poker ;)

    2. Mannimal Hoetruck

      Mannimal Hoetruck

      the only thing that beats a straight is justin bieber

    3. The Situation

      The Situation

      Andrew Alberts once round house kicked a man so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean.

  11. being sat for 3 games shouldnt kill ANY rookies season... if it does, then the problem stems a little deeper than his (subbans) trash talk... however i completely agree with you on the shootout goal... the whole point of the shootout was to get rid of regular season double, triple OT's... and inject some excitement into the game. mission accomplished. i was very dissapointed ohlund was part of the embarrasing whining coming from tampa. its a shootout. he pulled a move that you dont see every day, and in all probability is a 10% shot (especially now).. next time maybe he will miss and look terrible, maybe not... but bitching and moaning after the fact is just an embarrasment to the losing team
  12. Andrew Alberts can touch MC Hammer.

    1. Newsflash


      pretty funny sis

  13. There is no such thing as tornados. Andrew Alberts just hates trailer parks.

    1. HighwayToHell


      nowhere near the dumbest thing I ever heard...you don't hang in CT very much in the summer do ya Ari ;)

    2. HighwayToHell


      she's got the Jack! :P

  14. thats the first and last time i read bobbyluongo1's blog
  15. Andrew Alberts doesn't have to do anything for a Klondike bar.

  16. wheres the andrew alberts hate tonight? you guys taking a game off? GOOD THING ANDREW ALBERTS NEVER TAKES A GAME OFF

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BruinsForCup2011


      But YOU still suck (King Alberts) lol

    3. EB²


      He surprised me !



      andrew alberts once got bitten by a rattlesnake... after 3 days of pain and agony, the snake finally died

  17. Andrew Alberts is so awesome Andrew Alberts is so awesome

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      Alberts, stop taking dumb boarding penalties. Keep those hits clean.

    3. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      do you know about prince albert?

    4. The Situation
  18. Andrew Alberts is so awesome

  20. thanks! i was laughing the whole time i made it, right after his spree of penalties in the playoffs.. lol

  21. ballards a fringe D? the canucks are the only team in the league to not sign tanguay?

    your a joke, and im pretty sure you meant your a penguins "fan"

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