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Where's Wellwood

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Where's Wellwood last won the day on July 14 2016

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    RWBY, Manga, Anime, Canucks, Tennis

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  1. Bowan Byram is slipping from our grasp

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    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      Well you can thank the NHL HQ for retracting applying a penalty to a contract that they themselves ruled was kosher at the time it was made.  We did get a starting goalie out of that mess though I suppose if we hadn’t, we might’ve had a better chance at Hughes #2.


      Those NTCs were handed out to fit contracts under the cap.  Benning himself hands out NTCs to bottom six forwards on this team. (freaking Loui Eriksson has one.  If Edler is re-signed, I suspect he’ll get one as well from Benning.  Most GMs hand them out to manage their cap.  

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Loui was not given $6 million and an NTC to be a bottom six forward. He was coming off a 30 goal season.

      Pretty sure if Benning knew Loui was going to play like this he wouldn't even have signed him. Pretty easy to say in hindsight. 

      Gillis tried to circumvent the cap, and he and the team got punished. Did Gillis really think Luongo was going to play until he's 42? It was a stupid gamble. And the team is paying for it.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      Like how the league punished the Hawks for the Hossa contract.  Just need Luongo to develop a skin condition...:P


      But seriously though, best to move on from Gillis like waking up from a bad dream (my first reply in this thread was in jest obviously).  Once Edler’s contract runs out , it’ll be the last of the Gillis deals left (barring the iceberg one in Luongo).  


      Baring retirement, most newly hired GMs will be inheriting a mess else the previous guy wouldn’t have been fired in the first place ( unless you’ve got a Jerry Jones type of owner).

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