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Everything posted by iceman64

  1. Well you should have been in my shoes after the JT Miller trade, i thought "i can't believe the canucks" no matter who is behind the wheel finally did something after all these years which solves a major problem that has only been solved once and partially again and never since until NOW!!! I still can't believe it but finally it's happened again but going to write an article on it when i get a chance but when you have been a fan for 42 years it's a huge relief! Stand by!
  2. IMO it already is because if petey gets run, JT will be all over whoever did it. He's not the best fighter in the league but will drop em against anyone who does a teammate cheapshot and we need that! A sniper that does a bit of policing when necessary... this is why those 2 extra picks for JT made it worth it and then some! We won that deal! People don't always see the intangables of what extra things a player brings unless you see him regularly in your division or on your team. We all know come playoff time Petey and Brock will be targets and unless there was some grit on that line the results might be horrendous, and we can't afford to have our top 2 elites beaten on or injured as in the past (Sedins)
  3. He's had plenty of shots at offense here, not just the Sedins either so no he can go. Hopefully he has his trade list made up or waived... (crosses fingers)
  4. I heard that rumour last week... hope it's pointing to reality of him moving on but it's still just a rumour unless someone has confirmed it now? (Hope so)
  5. Trade Baer for him? Pls!!! Ok so one can wish...
  6. Uh no... firmly a troll spewing media idea's as if they were true
  7. Your still on about that? We get a top 4 sniper and for 2 maybe's and low tier back up goalie? Now i'm just laughing at your regurgitation of clueless media clowns spew especially since 5.25 over the next 4 years is a steal, yeah he played on a stupidly deep team on a limited role bc of it, yet still did enough sniping to get teams attracted to what he could do on top 4 and by the way go look at his goals in the middle of being put with lower middling players that are petey-like snipes (youtube) go have a look, in response to your video clip, those clueless media even thinking you'd have to put a pick with him is STUPID beyond belief! anddddddd you fell for it... lmao.. Yeah i thought thats what you have been doing in the boards lately is what's been in the media.. can you NOT think for yourself?
  8. Ummm so some how there's a for sure route to the best of Elite's, most teams have 2-3. best 2nd line (with at least one to cover for a first line injury, best 3rd line for shutdown and PK, best 4th line with the highest skilled toughest guys. Best shut down offensive "Top 4 D" which is, if possible is a smaller faster PMD and a stay at home to cover for him when he joins or leads rushes. Best 3rd and 4th line D who are a mix of skill and toughness.. Righ... punch all that in your google map and see how it all works with injuries, salary cap, depth, development, and drafts, then 29 other teams wanting the same thing. Let me know what happens k? Seems easy enough no?
  9. It made no sense to you bc you cant get your head around the fact if our deals had of worked out as planned, we'd be in the playoffs. Take LE for instance, the whole league, fans.. thought that would be a killer line, and it should have been. There was no one who thought otherwise yet look what happened, could any GM in the league known? No... any other GM would have done that deal, Guddy for toughness was another one, he was playing ok there... Vey was insanely lighting it up but failed to be Bure 2.0... why? Who knows but a team looking for scoring that would have perfect but JB made these moves to try and make the crappy team he took over better, and it is but no one could have known those things would happen but if you blame JB for trying to improve us before we had a fairly clean slate of players with no clauses to work with, if you think you can look ahead and know all of that before it happens then i'd ask you to do GM with your fortune telling skills that no one else has....
  10. IF you don't have a lot of players with clauses like we did, it probably would take 3 yrs under good circumstances but that wasn't the case here... glad some folks see how it really was, ty
  11. It made no sense to you bc you cant get your head around the fact if our deals had of worked out as planned, we'd be in the playoffs. Take LE for instance, the whole league, fans.. thought that would be a killer line, and it should have been. There was no one who thought otherwise yet look what happened, could any GM in the league known? No... any other GM would have done that deal, Guddy for toughness was another one, he was playing ok there... Vey was insanely lighting it up but failed to be Bure 2.0... why? Who knows but a team looking for scoring that would have perfect but JB made these moves to try and make the crappy team he took over better, and it is but no one could have known those things would happen but if you blame JB for trying to improve us before we had a fairly clean slate of players with no clauses to work with, then go be a fan of the oilers or flames.
  12. Big Mac at 9? What have you been smoking? Must be good! Wow... speechless...
  13. You mean just hallucinating?
  14. I think Rafferty is the guy your talking about, good skill and vision yet with an edge... could easily replace ben and maybe a lot better as he progresses, same as Jake Kielly that JB picked up, both dark horses that have good potential upside with the right tutelage. Same as Big Mac, but he's ahead of the curve already.
  15. I read some and laughed and i could rip that to shreads... i'll start by your 18 mil for LE beagle Schaller etc.. He nailed it with Beagle, nothing wrong with him at all and if you think it otherwise your a fool, schaller was a bottom 6 guy with grit to toughen up the team, LE was brought in to get more out of the sedins before retiring, and Guds was someone in the same boat as Schaller to toughen up the team as well... do you see the reason why these were done? And sh it, only a very small percentage of drafts ever make it to the bigs, let alone be an impact player, never mind elite that only found in the top 3 of most draft years get there. So picks which are risky are zero guarantee to get anywhere, especially if their not in the top 10 1st round and even then aren't sure to be more than mediocre players established in the league and that's just the way it is, but look at how many fools thought JT was an overpayment and spewed it around like we got fleeced. How stupid can you possibly be thinking that? I can pick apart your whole thread if you like... Not to mention that vancouver is hardly the destination of choice and usually have to be overpaid to come here with the majority of fans too thick to think for themselves and believe whatever their told by media without stopping to think of seeing the big picture of what b.s. the media can come up with and the riot... smh at people thinking that any player will just drop everything to play here when it's the complete opposite....
  16. He's quoting media... gets his thoughts from them, sadly but whatever.
  17. Well from what i see out of that is a guy whose going to be on our power play especially if he wins that percentage of draws and gets those kind of points on the PP, he has great sniping skills so i'd be surprised if he hadn't got those points. Makes Millers addition even better than i thought! Wtg JB! Nice to see our power play about to get a boost...
  18. Funny thing is, most of the small % of "against" here, is spewing regurgitated shi_ their getting from the lame ass media and especially on Miller whom we underpaid for, trading a single mid round first (POTENTIALLY/MAYBE) something good. a 3rd rounder, hardly any potential there at all and a depth goalie... for a top 6 forward that we need. Man i wish people would actually think before quoting brainless media drivel... nothing new though for the cdc but it's getting old fast.
  19. The exact opposite of what he's doing now would make me turn but he scored large on Miller no matter clueless media have to spew about it and is doing everything he can to make the team better bit by bit and unless I see him falter now all the clauses are gone except LE then its time for him to go but until then if he keeps on moving us forward then by all means he can stay...
  20. surprising development of injuries? dude that's hardly a surprise to this team and numerous healthy scratches.. prove that please, and sorry but i'll take Salo"s word over yours anyday of the week and he's satisfied with OJ's development considering what happened. JV compared to his peers? You cant judge it by that, some develop faster than others and come to that, no other players have gone streaks without scoring? newsflash, it happens to the majority of nhl players at one time or another... soon as shotgun jake gets the only part of his game in order he will do us a lot of good having a guy who didn't look out of place on Bo's second line, on the third line is a huge bonus factor since he can step into the top six when injuries happen and if he continues on his way to being more consistant, I hardly doubt 20 g and 10-15a is surely not out of his range...
  21. Jake Kielly waves hi from quietly posting a 1.91 GAA with clarkson last season, with Ian Clark working with him who knows... could be a dark horse coming out of nowhere like could potentially happen with Rafferty on D
  22. Are you just trolling now? Since when are OJ and JV failures? One has been steadily improving and can help in the top six depth role more and more as he progresses to consistency (blew two shots past corey crawford) like he wasn't even there and the other, many others GM's and media agreed OJ should be ceiling at top pairing guy and even if he plays second pairing that's huge win with that wrist shot snipe of his that's exceptional to help him be drafted as high as he did. So he had 2 injuries but since when does that trump natural ability? And he has played with men and has done well so failures? Uhhhh no, nice try...
  23. Geez did you even watch last year? We got injured AGAIN but with JB's moves plus Miller and he seems to be under rated until you have a look at him and then it becomes obvious how good he really is... and how much we need him to step up his game if Brock Alien or Bo get injured and we win enough of all the 1 goal losses and he's capable of helping with that, Rafferty is better than Hutton and Hughes is a mile better than pouliot and that alone should get us in without any trades as it is right now so us making it in puts in the post season but maybe not far but if we do and drop out first round that will almost be almost for sure mid round or worse and that's not taking into account our draft luck which will probably have us pick 2O's... 15th probably would be best case scenario!
  24. Miller and Gagne shouldn't be in the same sentence... Miller over him anyway day of the week. Miller is simply too skilled and his snipes are peteyness... look at his goals just from the last two seasons, and skilled enough to be wanted by a top contending team in the best league in the world yet the cdc wants to play it up as a bad move by trading 2 picks, and one of them 3rd round, 1st rounder, probably 15th pick(ish) overall which usually means (leftovers) with a clause that says if we miss the playoffs we don't lose it because it "potentially" maybe be something but not with our luck. Plus depth goalie? And we somehow lost the deal?
  25. Hutton back? No thanks, Rafferty is better...
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