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Everything posted by Jtutino

  1. Yeah I dont know why people keep referencing American cities or states.... florida has had over 205k confirmed cases? B.C has had what 2500?
  2. He would have been tested either way, even if he didnt go out for drinks. You think they seen a pic on insta then decided to test him? Dr Henry says its fine to do, and shes done the best job out of anyone in North America! If shes says its ok I believe her. Jakes just out here supporting local businesses they've had a rough 4 months too. I hope he left an NHL size tip!
  3. How? Im pretty sure he has to test negative before he joins the group. If not the NHL should really change the protocol.
  4. I dont think it was a strip club, and he did donate 200 000 back to the Canucks autism network. But let's not let the facts get in the way of a good story! Also Jakes a little slow this shouldnt suprise anyone by now. It doesnt mean hes a bad guy. Its not like he exposed himself to a security guard like Matthews, or groped a cop like Giroux. He never broke any laws and maybe he needed this for his mental health after being cooped up since March! I know I could use a night out with the boys. Also doesnt he usually have a charity golf tournament in the summer?
  5. I'm kind of torn on this one, he's one of the best players florida has ever had but his record in florida is under .500 and he brought them to the playoffs in 1 out of 11 years he played there.
  6. How is he not a top 6 forward? There's 186 top six spot in the NHL and right now Pearson has the 71st most points for a forward.
  7. Id rather go after Sami Vatanen from New Jersey. Simmonds has alot of hard miles on him. Didnt he get hurt right after being traded last year?
  8. Dumba isnt a high end puck moving defender.. the guy has less assists than Tanev. Hes a rugged defender that plays way bigger than his size. This is the only season in the last 5 years that we havent struggled to score goals and it seems everyone wants to trade away are depth. Brock is having a tough season on the ice but still could reach 60 points and he's dealing with alot of off ice stuff aswell. It was almost predictable he would have a down year but he has lots of character and he'll bounce back!
  9. Ya he has more points than Bo 5 on 5, the same as brock, and only 1 less than Petey.... and only plays 12 min a night. The price tag of 1.25 mil is a bargain.
  10. Someone should've told Darcy what was in those cookies before he ate three.
  11. I thought we played pretty well last night but when you have a 1 goal lead with 10 min left you have to be able to close it out. Pearson Bo miller is going to be a good line for us. They shut down that Mcdavid line pretty much all night, then Sutter shutdown steps on the ice and we are picking it out of our net. also Ive seen alot of edler hate on here lately and he was a beast with a goal, 5 shots, 3 bs and a crossbar late. Im not superstitious but............ we won our opener the last 4 years and missed the playoffs so im kinda glad we lost haha.
  12. I think its because hes the best face off guy and they don't want to waste 20sec retrieving the puck on a 5 v 3
  13. We need every point we can get this year. Let's play the players that give us the best chance of winning right now. In pro sports I'm a firm believer of riding the hot hand and Gaud is playing as well as anyone right now.
  14. Why all the hate for Pearson. There's only 3 players at camp that scored more goals in the NHL last year then he did. He's averaged 18 goals over the last 4 yrs. not to mention hes only 26 and has won a Stanley cup. I think a 3rd line of pearson gaudette virtanen would provide the scoring depth we're looking for. Pearson scored 18 last yr Virt 15 and it looks like Gaud offensive game is turning around.
  15. I dont know how he produced better than Pearson when he had 9 goals in 19gp and loui had 11 in 81 gp. But I get your point he was 5th highest scoring forward on the team last year. Mostly because he played more games then the others.
  16. The leafs just hand out signing bonus like candy. 14.3 mil for Marner in 2020. If there's a lockout next year the leafs would still have to pay out a total of 51 mil in signing bonuses.
  17. Jake's going to be fine. Its like people forget he was 4th on the team in goals last season, while playing on the 3rd line with no powerplay time. 5 v 5 he had 23 points. Ferland had 27. Miller had 27. Nobody knows the goals Travis set for the kid. Id like to know where his testing was compared to last year at camp.
  18. Speed. Agility. Power......... I'm a big fan of these things.
  19. 1. Edler doesn't break one stick all season. 2. Canucks finish will more points then the maple leafs.
  20. Signing bonuses aren't performance based incentives. Its just how the contract was structured. I believed they are paid out July 1st. Look at Eriksson's contract on Capfriendly he had a 4 mil signing bonus and a 1 mil base salary. The 4 mil was given to him on July 1st and next season he will earn 1 million during the season. So if the lockout happened this year loui would still take home the 4 million for not playing a game. Look at Auston Mathews contract for 2020 he has a 15.2 mil signing bonus. If there's a lockout the Leafs will still have to pay him I believe. That's why all this years RFA are probably asking for all there money in signing bonuses. And most owners wouldn't want to pay a player for not playing.
  21. Im wondering if it has anything to do with the potential of another lockout in 2020. If I was a rfa Id want most of my 2020 salary in signing bonus. If i was brock and the number was 7 mil. give me 6 mil in s bonus and 1 mil base salary.
  22. Who was the rookie he was sheltering? Evan Bouchard? The kid put up more points as a 16yr old then Olli did in his d+1 season.
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