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Post Yo Face In The Twilight Sparkle Party

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We've made you the godfather too. In case you're wondering, it's going to be Benita if female so you'll be happy either way.

Why don't you want kids? Working with them all day must be tiring as it is. We argue about 2 or 3 kids, 2 just seems too little especially when they are all grown.

As far as baby names, he likes Trevor but I shot that down saying it's a lame name if not for Linden. The rest have all been joke suggestions like Squilliam and Doomageddon.

Eh there's no hurry, but there's no point waiting either. It will happen when it happens. I just don't want any kids when I am past 35 so there's a very slim window of opportunity there.

Partly it's because I work with them and kind of get that instinct fulfilled at work. Plus furbabies are cuter and less expensive!

Partly it's because of my age I am to old now I feel to have children without serious risk of side effects.

TS doesn't want them either so it's like perfect!

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Thank you :)

Also noticed sasha in your sig. Take it you checked out SNK/ATTACK ON TITAN?

I was waiting for the Engrish and now it is here. And we refer to her as Potato girl round these parts =D

I actually started episode 1 of Madoka Magica but then realized I was a mang and decided to titan it up first =D but after, it will be time

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I was waiting for the Engrish and now it is here. And we refer to her as Potato girl round these parts =D

I actually started episode 1 of Madoka Magica but then realized I was a mang and decided to titan it up first =D but after, it will be time

Potato girl it is :) my favorite character is petra but you don't meet her till later!

Madoka is so awesomely messed up, don't let the cuteness fool you!

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Hey I joined in.. Well with Sunglasses on..

The title of this thread should just change to "Gilly & TS love section"

and you're one handsome stallion ;D

speaking of sunglasses-- an oldie but a goodie. only time i ever looked good in sunglasses. this one photo has a lot of meaning for me


i might do another one like this and see wut the outcome is with my short hair, a year later

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