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Schneider for Yakupov?

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Schneider for Yakupov straight up


Schneider + our 1st rounder

for Yakupov

Is it possible? Tambellini and Gillis has an ok relationship with each other. The Oilers

need better goal tending and Schnieds is gearing to become a franchise goaltender and at such a young age can be a great member of their core.

Vancouver keeps Luongo who is still an elite goaltender while the Sedins have a potential line mate.




That would be a heck of a top nine.

Luongo and Lack can be a good combination.

Let's not forget, Luongo helped Schnieder become the goalie that he is.

I'm sure he can do the same with Lack.

Would this deal make sense or am I a delusional homer who thinks Schneider can actually get a Yakupov.

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Wish Columbus had the first pick instead. Would be a much better trade off for us. I wouldn't want our team to face Edmonton as many times as we do in a year with schneids in net. At this point I think keeping Cory and trading LU would be the better option IMO. P. Kane for LU straight up!

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If that's the way you look at it then I guess teams shouldn't make trades within their own Conference because it's only a difference of two games......

Also the Canucks would be getting Yakupov who would most likely burn the Canucks a few times down the road at some point if the Oilers keep him.

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Well they kind of have that with Gilbert. Their goal tending is in worse shape than their D.

Personally, I still am not convinced that Schnieder is a better goaltender that Luongo right now. Our Stanley cup window is short considering the Sedins are only getting older. Kesler is only getting more injured. Our core is not going to stay intact for long. Schnieder is going to stumble sooner or later considering he only played 68 regular season game. He is perfect for a building team like the Oilers but if you are gunning for a Cup now you gotta go with Lou. Hell even Quick has 248 games under his belt compared to Schneider.

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If the TO rumour doesn't come true, woul Luongo waive for Cbj?

To Vancouver: Rick Nash + 2012 2nd overall pick

To Columbus: Roberto Luongo + David Booth + Kevin Connauton + Mason Raymond + Keith Ballard + Manny Malhotra

Assuming they still 'want the moon' for Nash

Luongo = Nash

Booth, Connauton, Raymond, Ballard & Malhotra = 2nd overall pick (Yakupov)

MG calls Tambellini to see if he is ok with taking Ryan Murray first overall, allowing Yakupov to fulfill his dream of becoming a Canuck (he is a Canucks fan)

Sedin - Sedin - Nash

Burrows - Kesler - Yakupov

Higgins - Pahlsson - Schroeder

Kassian - Lapierre - Hansen

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(Above post) No chance Luongo waives his NTC to go to Columbus

A deal including Schneider and Yakupov would be extremely risky for both GM's. If one guy pans out more than the other, they will hear about it their whole careers.

Much more realistic would be Schneider + other (1st round pick or Schroeder or Raymond, etc) for 2nd overall pick from Columbus. Then second overall pick and second round pick to Edmonton for 1st overall pick. Edmonton gets Murray who they want, we get Yakupov. COlumbus gets their goalie.

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Steve Tamebllini has said he is willing to trade the #1 pick, but the trade has to be well worth it for him to make the trade. What does Edmonton need an elite goalie and defense, this is where Luongo would come into the trade, this is the type of player Edmonton needs, especially since they want to keep Dubnyk and Luongo would be a perfect mentor to Dubnyk.

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to CBJ

- Schneider

- Raymond

- Booth

- 26th

- Schroeder

to EDM

- 2nd

- Ballard

to VAN

- 1st

- Rick Nash

CBJ gets their goalie, for the 2nd pick. For nash, they get our first, booth, Tanev, schroeder, Raymond for Nash. 3 top 6 forwards and a NHL ready d man for their rebuild.

EDM gets to pick Murrary knowing that we'd pick Yakupov, and they get Ballard who is a NHL defensemen, regardless of how poor Ballard played, he's still better than their current line up.

VAN gets both Nash and Yakupov. Without Ballard/Raymond/Booth contracts, we can fit Nash in there easy.

Then sign Garrison and Schultz.

Sedins - Burrows

Nash - Kesler - Yakupov

Higgins - Lapierre - Hansen

Volpatti - Manny - Kassian

Hamhuis - Bieksa

Edler - Garrison

Schultz - Salo



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to CBJ

- Schneider

- Raymond

- Booth

- 26th

- Schroeder

to EDM

- 2nd

- Ballard

to VAN

- 1st

- Rick Nash

CBJ gets their goalie, for the 2nd pick. For nash, they get our first, booth, Tanev, schroeder, Raymond for Nash. 3 top 6 forwards and a NHL ready d man for their rebuild.

EDM gets to pick Murrary knowing that we'd pick Yakupov, and they get Ballard who is a NHL defensemen, regardless of how poor Ballard played, he's still better than their current line up.

VAN gets both Nash and Yakupov. Without Ballard/Raymond/Booth contracts, we can fit Nash in there easy.

Then sign Garrison and Schultz.

Sedins - Burrows

Nash - Kesler - Yakupov

Higgins - Lapierre - Hansen

Volpatti - Manny - Kassian

Hamhuis - Bieksa

Edler - Garrison

Schultz - Salo



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