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Is it time to give Mancari a decent tryout......


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Responding to the OP, The first thing in a Mancari tryout is a contract, currently he is a UFA. Two way, NHL min, but a high AHL salary is fine for an all star high scoring forward.

The second thing is to start doing the things to make a difference. So far he has done no more than look like he is waiting for his god given right to start on the top line with premium O' zone face off starts and PP time. Funny, he can help us here, would also make a decent 2knd PP point. But the post below has a lot of validity, start using your frame to clear bodies, win pucks, knock heads. And come to camp as a true pro would, in premium condition having worked on your weaknesses (surprise everyone with an improved skating stride and quick feet which both can be trained for).

A committed Mancari who puts in the work could help us no doubt. But one comes before the other...

Tall as a skyscrapper, soft as a pancake.

His size is soooooooo decieving, he has skills but not good enough to dominate at the NHL level. His size would decieve you thinking he is a physical brute who hits hard, runs over people and can fight like a tank. Wrong, he hardly ever uses his size cause his main game is playing on the perimeter.

watch the Chicago wolves highlights, you will see almost all his goals are perimeter shots, he doesn't dig down into the dirty areas enough to land himself a regular job as a bottom six player.

Like many have said before he is like another version of Taylor Pyatt. Except Taylor Pyatt isn't a defensive liability, he actually plays a solid defensive game , but Mancari on the other hand as you will also see quite a bit of in the highlights on the chicago wolves site; he constantly is cherry picking.

I do like his shot, its a walloping one to say the least which is hard to handle, but he is too dare i say one-dimensional that AV wouldn't like him. Theres a reason why he only got a 3 game stunt and he was sent down.

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I have watched nearly all of the Wolves games and I must say.

Mancari is NOT soft. He was quite a "mixer" in his younger days...............and compared to Bitz he is a bruiser.

Mancari at no time looked slow. He uses his brain and creates good openings with good players playing with the likes of Haydar and Reinprecht. (that's why I suggested the Sedins)

He did a decent job without getting a decent chance when he played with Vancouver.

I'm not saying he is the next Kesler, I am saying he has a lot in his game and if we could get him NHL fit we might be surprised. He has looked a good bit better than the other names that get mentioned coming up from Chicago, including Jensen and Schroeder. And are we seriously saying he is softer than either of them?...........don't make me laugh.

There is not one of them ever shown us this.

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Mancari will likely never see another game as a Canuck. He just doesn't fit anywhere in our line up and with the current players we have, he seriously has fallen down the depth charts for each position that he could possibly play in our line up.

However, I do like him and appreciate what he has done for the Wolves.

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6 games totalling zero points, 5 shots and 5 hits... ya. not sure how this earns you more icetime.

I watched many Moose games and remember seeing Baumgartner and Keane dominate their opposition and looked like men playing with boys... which they were. They were head and shoulders above even our top prospects.

I loved both of them, but neither one at the time was good enough to be contributing NHLers

Mancari is 26 and playing against kids who are still developing their physiques and games... he has had plenty of sniffs at the NHL and never taken advantage.

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This happens every summer. Fans, for some reason, attach themselves to pointless projects and tout them as underrated or whatever. Mancari is 27 this summer and hasn't really had a sniff. It's not like he is slow to develop, he's been great in the AHL and in junior. He just doesn't have what it takes. Remember back when the clowns all wanted Weinhandl to play with the Sedins? Tyler Bouck, Brandon Reid, etc, there always seems to be people wanting to bring home stray puppies. I think it's a cross between philanthropy and wanting to say "I told you so!".

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Well, in fairness I said you should make an effort to not sound like an idiot rather than say you are one. I'm glad you came right out and did so for me though.

I edited my post, but your quote was hardly a word for word of the OP from Clutch's thread, so you can see why someone might not pick up on that.

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