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Tony Romo

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That's a a lot of money!! But considering Sackorpick and Dalton are making outrageous anounts, this is fine. Cutler is another garbage contract.

Irvin and Wagner to the Falcons next year.

Edited by Jiggs50
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The Ideal Gas Law, according to the League’s consultants, establishes that the psi of the Patriots footballs at halftime would have been 11.32 to 11.52 due solely to the temperature impact on the footballs. (pg. 113). With the Logo gauge, 8 of the 11 Patriots footballs are in the Ideal Gas Law range and the average of all 11 Patriots footballs was 11.49 — fully consistent with the Ideal Gas Law’s prediction of exactly what that psi would be.

Well, thanks to the NFL's lawyers for doing some of the Patriots' lawyers job.

Trr vs Mak round 5 hopefully

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I'm really happy Wilson finally re-signed. And while that is a ton of money, it's expected that every time a QB re-signs they're going to set a new bar. Look for Luck to one up him next year.

And aside from Wagner all of our key players are locked up for at least a few years so we'll at least be competitive. Having all those stars on rookie deals was obviously finite so I'm glad they were able to get a ring out of it while they had the opportunity.

besides, anyone who spouted off all that "hometown discount" bs most not follow football very closely.

Edited by Crom!
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He's already got his ring, time for the money grab. I doubt any of us would do any different.

Peyton has his ring and he took less money on his contract. If I was in their shoes, it would be a tough decision. If I loved where I was, I would take less. If I was ambivalent about or didn't like the place that I played, I would definitely go for the money grab. My guess is that Wilson is ambivalent about Seattle.

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Peyton has his ring and he took less money on his contract. If I was in their shoes, it would be a tough decision. If I loved where I was, I would take less. If I was ambivalent about or didn't like the place that I played, I would definitely go for the money grab. My guess is that Wilson is ambivalent about Seattle.

This is his first big contract. Ring or not, he deserves it. His career could end tommorow you just never know.

Peyton is in his late years. He's trying to be one of the greats. Plus it's not like he took a massive paycut or anything.

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Well, thanks to the NFL's lawyers for doing some of the Patriots' lawyers job.

Trr vs Mak round 5 hopefully

I think Jiggs is correct. The actual "crime" is now secondary to the NFL's case. It's the lack of cooperation and the implicit coverup of evidence that the league will focus on now.

As I said earlier, a dumb move by Goodell. The whole thing could have been put to bed, but his gigantic ego is going to turn it into yet another circus.

It'll be nice to get back to actually talking about football for a change. Anyone see Sammy Watkins predict the Bills winning the division next year? Nothing underinflated about his balls.

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Peyton has his ring and he took less money on his contract. If I was in their shoes, it would be a tough decision. If I loved where I was, I would take less. If I was ambivalent about or didn't like the place that I played, I would definitely go for the money grab. My guess is that Wilson is ambivalent about Seattle.

I think he's both. He's riding off of his very hot start so he's cashing in right now when it's probably his only chance at a big time contract. At the same time, Seattle treated him fairly and allowed him to become the QB he is today so in that sense, he loves the city and the fans for allowing him to flourish.

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