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Tony Romo

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"The evidence does not allow us to reach conclusions as to when McNally and Jastremski began their efforts to release air from Patriots game balls on game day"

So, there's no evidence that air was released after the official inspected the ball? The same official who didn't even write down the PSI of the ball at the time of the inspection?

"Discussing Brady's unhappiness with the inflation level of Patriots game balls, Jastremski told McNally that "he actually brought you up" and "said you must have a lot of stress trying to get them done."

Is Brady unhappy with them the morning of the game? Is he unhappy with them after Walt Anderson checked them? Is he unhappy after they were adjusted by McNally?

This guy had 3 months to find answers and instead it's assumption after assumption.

"Assumption after assumption" and always pointing out "more probable than not"

you can't get answers when Brady lied during interviews and wasn't credible and hid evidence. It's pretty easy to hide truths when you are able to hide stuff

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"Assumption after assumption" and always pointing out "more probable than not"

you can't get answers when Brady lied during interviews and wasn't credible and hid evidence. It's pretty easy to hide truths when you are able to hide stuff

Oh hai Makavelli's ass, nice of you to stop by.

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"Assumption after assumption" and always pointing out "more probable than not"

you can't get answers when Brady lied during interviews and wasn't credible and hid evidence. It's pretty easy to hide truths when you are able to hide stuff

I missed this part in the report. I know they ignored his testimony in the report, but what page was the claim that he lied to the investigators on?

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Now you're just generalizing. Brady wanted his balls underinflated, had nothing to do with the other 52 guys on the roster, or the majority, if not all of the staff and doesn't reflect those not involved.

Assistant coach taping signals vs the Jets had nothing to do with the 53 guys on the field nor did it reflect their character or attitude.

It's like Canucks fans hating the Blackhawks because of Duncan Keith's hit.

I expect Brady will. He'll apologize, say his part, and say that he'll accept any punishment the league feels is fair and move on to be better than he has been. I said earlier that it made sense (to me anyways) to not admit to F'ing up right before the Super Bowl and upsetting the mood and motivation of his locker room. Wouldn't of been fair to his teammates or coaches to put this whole other obstacle in their way right before the Super Bowl.

I get the not wanting to be a distraction for the Super Bowl but he should have come clean after the draft. At the end of the day they spanked Indy and they beat Seattle fair and square.

It doesn't hurt his legacy to come clean either as there was never any doubt who truly won the Indy game. I think a 2 game suspension would be reasonable 1 for the action and one for the circus created by lying and not turning in evidence to the league to prove innocence.

Just sucks a really good team has got themselves into so much controversy throughout the last few years.

For the record Drew Bledsoe was my favorite QB as a kid so I'm no blind hater.

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I get the not wanting to be a distraction for the Super Bowl but he should have come clean after the draft. At the end of the day they spanked Indy and they beat Seattle fair and square.

It doesn't hurt his legacy to come clean either as there was never any doubt who truly won the Indy game. I think a 2 game suspension would be reasonable 1 for the action and one for the circus created by lying and not turning in evidence to the league to prove innocence.

Just sucks a really good team has got themselves into so much controversy throughout the last few years.

For the record Drew Bledsoe was my favorite QB as a kid so I'm no blind hater.

He was too busy getting drunk at the Kentucky Derby with the boys and A-Rod, and then flying to Vegas for the MayPac fight :lol:

In all seriousness though, I agree about the 2 games.

I find it funny how CNN goes to a breaking news alert whenever something about Brady/Deflate-gate happens. Happened again today when Brady had a pre-scheduled event at a University to talk to students and CNN broke live to it thinking he was going to address the Wells report. The organizer/hosting it was like yeah, no, we're not talking about that, our original pre-planned event will go on as planned.

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He was too busy getting drunk at the Kentucky Derby with the boys and A-Rod, and then flying to Vegas for the MayPac fight :lol:

In all seriousness though, I agree about the 2 games.

I find it funny how CNN goes to a breaking news alert whenever something about Brady/Deflate-gate happens. Happened again today when Brady had a pre-scheduled event at a University to talk to students and CNN broke live to it thinking he was going to address the Wells report. The organizer/hosting it was like yeah, no, we're not talking about that, our original pre-planned event will go on as planned.

I don't get why they expect people to address these things at events that have been planned for months.

At training camp, start of the year sure but why at this unrelated event?

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I don't get why they expect people to address these things at events that have been planned for months.

At training camp, start of the year sure but why at this unrelated event?

The media are their own species and work in their own weird ways.

Whenever he decides to speak, he'll say his side and probably end it with he'll accept any penalty the league feels is fair.

He'll save face, the NFL has a short memory. It helps more that this is circumstantial evidence related to a blowout conference game and not the actual Super Bowl. Not to mention it's a matter of a square inch of air and not something that had a direct impact on the outcome. The problem most people have with is the denying knowledge of it when asked about it before the super bowl, which is where I think if he's genuine and honest, he can save face, or most of it anyways.

The Broncos were fined nearly a million dollars and docked draft picks for cheating during their back to back Super Bowl seasons and it's basically a lost fact. With the dozens of other problems surrounding the NFL, I doubt this has any effect on his legacy when he retires.

Only 4 months until training camps start .. what're we going to argue about all summer? :bigblush:

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The media are their own species and work in their own weird ways.

Whenever he decides to speak, he'll say his side and probably end it with he'll accept any penalty the league feels is fair.

He'll save face, the NFL has a short memory. It helps more that this is circumstantial evidence related to a blowout conference game and not the actual Super Bowl. Not to mention it's a matter of a square inch of air and not something that had a direct impact on the outcome.

The Broncos were fined nearly a million dollars and docked draft picks for cheating during their back to back Super Bowl seasons and it's basically a lost fact. With the dozens of other problems surrounding the NFL, I doubt this has any effect on his legacy when he retires.

Only 4 months until training camps start .. what're we going to argue about all summer? :bigblush:

Gronk CHEATING... his diet drinking too much beer maybe? :bigblush:

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Gronk CHEATING... his diet drinking too much beer maybe? :bigblush:


To party with Gronk you need:

1. Focus (Beer pong skills)

2. Fitness (Bench pressing a hot girl) [Look at where the fingers of his left hand are :towel: ]

3. Teamwork

4. Will to win (Sumo wrestling in the bus)

5. A commitment to Taylor Swift :lol:

You may be on to something. :lol: Man what I'd give to get on that bus... #SummerOfGronk

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To party with Gronk you need:

1. Focus (Beer pong skills)

2. Fitness (Bench pressing a hot girl) [Look at where the fingers of his left hand are :shock: ]

3. Teamwork

4. Will to win (Sumo wrestling in the bus)

5. A commitment to Taylor Swift :lol:

You may be on to something. :lol: Man what I'd give to get on that bus... #SummerOfGronk

Gotta say Gronk is a beauty.

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I'm not saying one way or another that Brady is guilty or not, but what if the reason he didn't provide full access to his phone was because he was protecting someone. In other words, he's taking the fall for someone else. How many of you would do that for a friend or someone you know?

Instead haterz like you know who post flaming remarks and call for burning at the stake.

Why did the report omit most of Brady's testimony?


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I'm not saying one way or another that Brady is guilty or not, but what if the reason he didn't provide full access to his phone was because he was protecting someone. In other words, he's taking the fall for someone else.

That makes no sense. If you're taking "the fall" for someone, you admit culpability and say only you were involved. Instead what you have is him telling 50 lies in his press conference, not cooperating with the investigation, saying he has no idea who the equipment guy is, etc....

The equipment guys don't do anything without the players telling them. They work in the same job for 15+ years. This is a simple case of Brady telling them he likes his footballs underinflated and that's what he gets.

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Fallon had a good line during his monologue yesterday about how Jim Well's report is as credible as the answers a magic 8 ball could give you. :lol:

For the Seahawks fans: reports coming out the team and Wilson are way apart on money when it comes to his extension. The comparison's used were he's looking for A-Rod money but they wanna give him slighty higher Andy Dalton money. NFL.com saying they're tens of millions apart.

Side note: Props to RW3 for hooking up with Ciara. There were stories coming out that the guys in the locker room didn't see him as a "leader of men" and "not black enough" and whatnot.

From Samantha Hoopes to Ciara in a matter of months, both post divorce, don't think his teammates will be thinking he's not black enough anymore.

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“In sum, the data did not provide a basis for us to determine with absolute certainty whether there was or was not tampering as the analysis of such data ultimately is dependent upon assumptions and information that is not certain.”

Then, the footballs were tested at halftime by alternate officials Clete Blakeman and Dyrol Prioleau, but not Anderson. All 11 of the Patriots’ footballs fell below the required 12.5 psi on both gauges. Only four Colts balls were checked, allegedly due to time constraints, and three were below 12.5 psi on Prioleau’s gauge. But that’s not how Wells spun it.

“Each of the four Colts balls tested measured within the permissible 12.5 to 13.5 psi range on at least one of the gauges,” Wells wrote.

Here’s another good one. When NFL senior vice president of football operations David Gardi informed the Patriots of the investigation the morning after the game, Gardi said one of the Pats’ balls was measured at 10.1 psi. Not only was that absurdly low, it was blatantly false.

Wells didn’t seem to mind.

“We do not believe that this error raises any doubt about the accuracy of the measurements recorded by (the officials at halftime) or any other relevant issue,” Wells wrote.

Just a few more gems from this 3 month investigation that sounds like it was written the day after the story broke, and the other 90 days were just used to help put Wells' kids through college.

Edit: Just learned Ted Wells and his group are the firm that "investigated" and wrote a report that 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause cancer. :lol:

Edit 2: Before Mak jumps all over me, I'm simply just laughing at all the holes in the report, not defending Tom or anything.

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How else are you supposed to get the blind haters off your back. Have them over for a nice cup of tea and a bagel? Lul.

Do you honestly believe that posting a trash talking meme about a win that you wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the dumbest play call in 50 years, is how you "get the blind haters off your back"?

I don't think you really thought that through...

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Is this an SNL skit? Seriously, read the whole paragraph. http://t.co/tcOovX7DN4


3 of the 4 Colts balls tested were under the league minimum. How many games will Andrew Luck get suspended?


The inconsistencies between the two officials measurements of the game balls are pretty alarming/ http://t.co/Nk0XUPAGhx


So far, the only "evidence" I've seen against Brady is hearsay based off assumption from a series of texts by two other people.


Proof of #patriots #TomBrady witch hunt found in fact that 3 of 4 #Colts ball under inflated, an NOBODY cares. http://t.co/Krttv6pgQV


Remember the report that 10 of 12 balls were 2.0 PSI under the minimum? Yeah, that was bullcrap http://t.co/OyVmR0eQD7


The Wells Report should have ended with a recap of Brady going 37 for 50 for 4 TDs with properly inflated balls in the Super Bowl.


Analysis: Lots of holes in Wells report http://t.co/KRIJAxHcr6


@PatriotsSB49 explain how 2 clowns can have such different figures #Inadmissibleevidence http://t.co/taKXtDyqPn


Once 3 of first 4 Colts balls were shown to be under-inflated they didn't want to know what the remaining 8 revealed https://t.co/otlQgjJusT


@BartHubbuch Hey Bart, good job, but 3/4 Colts balls were under-inflated, other 8 weren't tested because they were "running out of time."


On the halftime measurements--> http://t.co/33vIiSiesq


They only had to record four Colts footballs and they managed to mess one up. http://t.co/P4j3B2IDhU


It's also crazy that the officials didn't have enough time to measure all of the Colts' game balls.


Reaching a verdict based on the Wells report seems like letting the prosecution give its opening statement and ending the trial right there.


Wells Report says the measurements were never written down or recorded. Entire thing is based on Walt Anderson's recollections. What a joke


Problem is, only 4 of the Colts balls were tested and all of the Patriots balls were. Who knows the data on the other 8 Indy balls.


One note, though: If we are to believe the Colts balls were ~13 PSI in the pregame, a few of them lost between 0.5 and 0.85 PSI by halftime.


Blakeman & Prioleau re-measure balls @ 1/2. Both get v-diff readings. 3 IND balls under as well(Prioleau). Reliable? http://t.co/2lNhx89US7


How does 1 official measure a ball & seconds later another does & they never get the same readings. This isn't "evidence." It's a joke


Colts warn NFL about deflated balls. Walt Anderson reminded to follow procedure. Balls disappear. No one checks them until halftime? Shady.


Patriots: Here is our explanation.

Wells: OK, I don't believe you. http://t.co/gEP7wsTksl


Walt Anderson tested the balls before the game but didn't record the psi levels. Two alternate officials tested at halftime. Consistency?


Halftime measurements: Notice the difference in each officials' gauge http://t.co/FXtBEiQuvH

Lol, this is so entertaining to sit back and watch ::D

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