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Tony Romo

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I ment just in general, I see so many Pats fans going at it with it's teams critics.

Some people forget razzing is a part of the football nature. They probably seek out every meme/joke on social media and try to defend it lol. This thread is more than enough for me :lol: Though some of my friend's are d*cks and will purposely like a bunch of memes on Facebook because they know they'll end up on my timeline. :picard:

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^how do you have Megatron/Charles/Gronk all on the same team? That's bizarre lol

Are you in a 2 man league against a small child by any chance?

Nah, standard 10 player pool with 13 man playing roster + 11 on the bench. We have 5 keepers from year to year. I inherited the team with Megatron, Charles and Gronk. I traded for Brady this year (easy trade 'cause my opponent gave up him), and I got Beckham Jr. by trading Hill and Olsen (steep price that left me without a legit RB2 and TE2, but I drafted Randle and I can use a WR in my TE2 slot so I got Tate - he'll outscore any TE not named Gronkowski anyways). Brady and Gronk got me 62pts last night...I'm lovin' it.

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If it is the NFL's fault, that's a joke ... c'mon get your act together. If not NFL's fault, then Belichek got real cutesy and creative :ph34r:

From NBC Sports - http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/11/steelers-website-makes-strong-claim-about-headsetgate/

As he detailed problems his coaching staff had with the headset communications on Thursday night, Steelers coach Mike Tomlin stopped short of coming right out and accusing the Patriots of cheating. But the Steelers’ website makes clear that the team believes the Patriots were in control of the audio problems the Steelers’ coaches were having.
An article on the Steelers’ website says that the audio communications problems started and stopped repeatedly — always stopping when a league official came down to the sideline to deal with the matter, then starting up again when the league official left the sideline area.
“This is the kind of stuff that happens to the visiting team in Gillette Stadium all the time,” the article said. “From the start of the game through the opening 14 minutes of the first quarter, the Steelers’ coaches’ headsets were receiving the Patriots Radio Network broadcast of the game. The broadcast was so loud that the Steelers coaches were unable to communicate, and the NFL rule is that if one team’s headsets are not working the other team is supposed to be forced to take their headsets off. It’s what the NFL calls the Equity Rule. Strangely enough, whenever an NFL representative proceeded to the New England sideline to shut down their headsets, the Steelers headsets cleared. Then as the representative walked away from the New England sideline, the Steelers’ headsets again started to receive the Patriots game broadcast.”
It’s impossible to read that as anything other than the Steelers accusing the Patriots of cheating. The allegation is published under the byline of Bob Labriola and is not presented as an official statement from the Steelers, but you can bet that a Steelers website writer wouldn’t write that if he thought the higher-ups in the organization disagreed with it.
The NFL says the headsets are provided by the league and the problems on Thursday night were a technical issue that got fixed early in the game. But that won’t stop those who are inclined to believe the Patriots are cheaters from thinking that the “technical issue” was caused by someone who works for the Patriots. That’s clearly what the Steelers think.
Edited by Neversummer
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I believe that after every win by the Pats this year, someone will come up with some excuse that the Pats did something illegal.

Seriously, they were fined $1 million dollars and lost a draft pick - do you really think they are going to try and do something illegal?

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NFL security is investigating an incident that allegedly involved Pittsburgh Steelers tight ends coach James Daniel assaulting a New England Patriots fan on the way to the locker room during halftime of Thursday night's season-opener

Trying to show their defense how to tackle? Oh wait, no, they're just blaming that on the headsets :)

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Aldon Smith signs a 1-year deal with the Raiders.

The guy has tons of talent, but he's a bloody wreck. If the Raiders can keep him under control it could turn out to be a solid addition, but I see that as being unlikely.

Additionally, just make a Patriots fan club thread, I'm getting sick of having to read through 10 posts of deflategate jokes and Brady love in between actual interesting NFL discussion.

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