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Southpaw: Don't do it/10

Jake Gyllenhal was good, but the script, directing, plot, etc. were downright atrocious. One of the worst sports films you'll watch. They appear to pull at about a dozen threads and then forget to unravel every single one of them. Its like the director/writer/whomever got so punch-drunk 10 percent of the way through the movie that they forgot about what the first ten percent was about. Then they got another ten percent in, and forgot about what the last ten percent was about, and so on.

Gyllenhall should have known better than to take on this movie.

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Southpaw: Don't do it/10

Jake Gyllenhal was good, but the script, directing, plot, etc. were downright atrocious. One of the worst sports films you'll watch. They appear to pull at about a dozen threads and then forget to unravel every single one of them. Its like the director/writer/whomever got so punch-drunk 10 percent of the way through the movie that they forgot about what the first ten percent was about. Then they got another ten percent in, and forgot about what the last ten percent was about, and so on.

Gyllenhall should have known better than to take on this movie.

Should he? I like Gyllenhall, but he did do Love and Other Drugs and Prince of Persia. Not exactly the terrific films.

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something about Gyllenhal has always rubbed me the wrong way. I loved Donnie Darko back in the day (haven't seen it since), but I've never been super sold on him since. not saying I think he's a bad actor, he's just always in movies that I want to love, but just barely enjoy

Brokeback Mountain is a straight 11/10 though

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something about Gyllenhal has always rubbed me the wrong way. I loved Donnie Darko back in the day (haven't seen it since), but I've never been super sold on him since. not saying I think he's a bad actor, he's just always in movies that I want to love, but just barely enjoy

Brokeback Mountain is a straight 11/10 though

I think you must have misinterpreted the plotline.

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something about Gyllenhal has always rubbed me the wrong way. I loved Donnie Darko back in the day (haven't seen it since), but I've never been super sold on him since. not saying I think he's a bad actor, he's just always in movies that I want to love, but just barely enjoy

Brokeback Mountain is a straight 11/10 though

I do like him, I just don't think he's as good as he once showed or as good as his sister (see: The Honourable Woman).

Along with Brokeback, also really enjoyed Zodiac, Prisoners, and Source Code. Otherwise, meh.

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The Wolfpack 8/10

Wild documentary about 6 brothers who basically grew up imprisoned by their South American father in a housing project in Lower Manhattan. They amassed a collection of thousands of movies and would build costumes and sets to re-enact their favorites. Eventually they got big enough and their father turned into an old drunk too out of it to stop them from venturing out into the city.

Apparently the director was just a film student who saw them walking down the street dressed up like the Reservoir Dogs characters and asked if she could interview them, and it spiralled into a full doc. Kinda shows, it's a bit clumsy and confusing chronologically as a film, but gets by just fine on the sheer level of WTF-ness in their story.


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Were you older than 20 when you first watched it? That movie does not at all hold up over age.

I was probably 13 or 14 when I first watched it. I remember watching Pulp Fiction when I was 13 (1995), so it would have been shortly after that. I've seen it probably twice since then, just to see if I was missing something. I watched it in university again, so probably when I was 20 or 21, and then again a few years ago (late 20s early 30s).

I've definitely given it a fair chance. Don't go in hating it, just completely neutral. Maybe it's just me, though. Not going to crap on people who like it, I'm trying to ease up on my elitist attitude. Unless, of course, you're D-Money, who thinks The Other Woman is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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Don't hate on The Other Woman. It's pretty dece.

We all have guilty pleasure films. The Other Woman just isn't one of them for me. While there are many problems with the movie, I'll just list two of the most palm worthy ones:

1. Cameron Diaz can be a lawyer. Miscast.

2. Nicki Minaj is qualified to be an assistant. Miscast.

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Not a movie, but currently blowing through Suits.

Terrific show. Put it off for far too long. About halfway through season 3 right now. While all the characters are terrific, I really like Louis Litt. Great character.

I really liked that show up until this season, but then lost interest entirely.

What they have done with Litt's character recently has totally ruined it for me (anyone else feel the same?). Maybe I just got sick of it in general. But it was a great ride for seasons 1-4.

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I've definitely given it a fair chance. Don't go in hating it, just completely neutral. Maybe it's just me, though. Not going to crap on people who like it, I'm trying to ease up on my elitist attitude. Unless, of course, you're D-Money, who thinks The Other Woman is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The Other Woman - 4.5/10

Watched this with the wife - mostly for making her sit through the aforementioned (she REALLY hated TLW). Pretty lame, and yet I enjoyed our more than the aforementioned (hence the higher score), and had a few semi-decent laughs.

And, for some strange reason, I kind of like Leslie Mann... Even though this is the worst thing I've seen her in.

"Greatest thing since sliced bread" = 4.5/10

Insight into Monty's rating system.

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