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The Workout Thread

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Hip flexors attach your femur to the lumbar spine and pelvis...some times people create a little imbalance there and will put their pelvis into an unnatural forward tilt by overworking them (hip flexors) and not evening things out. Everything can be out of alignment as a result.

Be careful...mostly, listen to your body as everyone is different. Make sure you properly stretch and focus on the entire core and lower back as well....the flexors also warrant some work on the extensors (flexion/extension both need to be balanced and attended to). Sometimes people aren't incorporating an overall workout that uses the opposing muscles...so make sure you're evening things out with glute, hamstring and lower back work and stretches.

But when you hear "pop" or feel pain vs stiffness - stop. Seek professional attention and don't listen to forum advice, as you can do more harm than good.

I've always worked out and, after a lot of really stressful stuff, was completely losing it for awhile. The last few years have only been dabbling and bike riding, but plan on focusing more on me and less on the other stuff that pulls at me. Had a lot of death and heartache to attend to over a decade or so, but am "back" in the right frame of mind for this. Did all my working out from home the last while - step/stepper/resistance bands and free weights.

Did a boot camp Monday...loved it. Then got this damn wicked flu and spent the week sick as a dog (that, or the damn workout just flat out killed me, lol...actually, was surprised that I got through it and wasn't too stiff/sore). But I plan on pulling the girls in here too because fitness is for everyone. :)

Won't offer too much here other than seek support. I'm more the cardio end of things, with light free weight stuff for toning.

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What would make P90X3 better than the regular P90X?

I Personally think the p90x Is the best home workout ever made. I've done many other home work outs. p90x I feel its still the best.

P90x3 on the other hand is all 30 minutes. I don't have as much time as I did 4 years ago when I completed the 1st p90x. yoga x was example 1.5 hours. Their chest and back work out was 50 minutes, and there is also rest time that is needed so at times I was spending over an hour working out.

I feel much more fit then when I do regular muscular building work outs when i'm doing p90x.

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Figures... My arms that have been aching me these past couple days have actually been my triceps... Each passing day it gets less and less sore but every time I lift up my arms, my tricep muscles just burn to the point where it hurts every time I lift it up... Hoping it eases up a bit by the time I hit arms day again

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FYI, if you didn't already know, my posts are just going to be updating my progress as I have to brag to someone; although my wife said she is quite impressed with my progress.

Been a little over a month now and have have gone from 208 to 191. The only thing I'm upset about right now is that I'm not eating breakfast. I am having small things during the day to keep me going (almonds, fruit), but I'm still missing the most important meal. However, I do always feel as though I'm getting enough to eat and never feel as though I'm starving, which is a good thing.

Otherwise, feeling terrific.

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^^I usually just start my morning off with a power coffee..try it out if you want (better than no breakfast)

2 scoops protein

1/2cups dark roast coffee

1 tbl spoon coconut oil

1 tbl spoon grass fed butter/unsalted butter

Figures... My arms that have been aching me these past couple days have actually been my triceps... Each passing day it gets less and less sore but every time I lift up my arms, my tricep muscles just burn to the point where it hurts every time I lift it up... Hoping it eases up a bit by the time I hit arms day again

Give it a week or two to adjust. Last time I took a prolonged break from the gym, I wasn't able to bend my arms for a week.

Any home gymers out there? I'm putting together mine this week! Very very excited.

I'll do chin ups every now and then from home just cause i've got one of those 30 dollar hanging bars. But i'm way less motivated working out at home and don't train no where near as hard.

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^^I usually just start my morning off with a power coffee..try it out if you want (better than no breakfast)

In the past, I would just have a homemade fruit smoothie w/ some protein powder. I've cut out a lot of stuff from my diet: bread, potatoes, milk (for now), all junk food as well, and coffee. So unfortunately, no "power coffee" for me. Also, my fruit smoothie always had about a cup of skim milk, but since I've cut out milk for the next little while, that's a no go also. I've thought about just having a hard boiled egg, but just haven't given myself enough time in the morning yet.

Edited by Monty
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I Personally think the p90x Is the best home workout ever made. I've done many other home work outs. p90x I feel its still the best.

P90x3 on the other hand is all 30 minutes. I don't have as much time as I did 4 years ago when I completed the 1st p90x. yoga x was example 1.5 hours. Their chest and back work out was 50 minutes, and there is also rest time that is needed so at times I was spending over an hour working out.

I feel much more fit then when I do regular muscular building work outs when i'm doing p90x.

Great stuff. I can't wait to see some reviews from people who complete P90X3 who have also done P90X and how they compare.

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What the hell do you guys do for improving should press? It seems like I am spinning my tires in the mud again. I do plenty of db presses, or bb presses, or smith presses, or a combination of the two of the three on shoulder day. Plus addition exercises like laterals, etc.

The only way I can think of getting over the hump is by cheating. That seemed to work in the first place, and for pretty much everything. You know, having a spotter help you push a little more than you can actually do on your own. I seemed to make huge gains doing that but can't always have my brother there to spot me and most people are useless spotters in that regard..

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Cutting too fast then. Do a really slow cut and strength loss will be minimal if not non-existent. I've even gained strength in cuts before. This was with a 1 pound per week or two type cut though.

I personally like the way I cut and bulk.

I lose strength but overall I make bigger gains then if I were to cut slower. Just what I've noticed with my body.

What the hell do you guys do for improving should press? It seems like I am spinning my tires in the mud again. I do plenty of db presses, or bb presses, or smith presses, or a combination of the two of the three on shoulder day. Plus addition exercises like laterals, etc.

The only way I can think of getting over the hump is by cheating. That seemed to work in the first place, and for pretty much everything. You know, having a spotter help you push a little more than you can actually do on your own. I seemed to make huge gains doing that but can't always have my brother there to spot me and most people are useless spotters in that regard..

the only thing I can really think of is you're not pushing yourself to tear your muscles.

The last couple reps is what's going to make you get bigger gains.

Your arms should be failing you when you make that last push.

Or it could be just your technique maybe. Is the bar/dumbbells touching your chest? If not then make sure you get them all the way down.

Edited by Kent.S
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What the hell do you guys do for improving should press? It seems like I am spinning my tires in the mud again. I do plenty of db presses, or bb presses, or smith presses, or a combination of the two of the three on shoulder day. Plus addition exercises like laterals, etc.

The only way I can think of getting over the hump is by cheating. That seemed to work in the first place, and for pretty much everything. You know, having a spotter help you push a little more than you can actually do on your own. I seemed to make huge gains doing that but can't always have my brother there to spot me and most people are useless spotters in that regard..

Push presses. Allows you to handle more weight than in a strict OHP.

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What the hell do you guys do for improving should press? It seems like I am spinning my tires in the mud again. I do plenty of db presses, or bb presses, or smith presses, or a combination of the two of the three on shoulder day. Plus addition exercises like laterals, etc.

The only way I can think of getting over the hump is by cheating. That seemed to work in the first place, and for pretty much everything. You know, having a spotter help you push a little more than you can actually do on your own. I seemed to make huge gains doing that but can't always have my brother there to spot me and most people are useless spotters in that regard..

Slow down the negative portion of your reps. For every rep, take one second to lift it and take three seconds to slowly bring it back to starting position.

You will tire a lot quicker but it will give you amazing results.

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Just wondering what your guys' take is on this becaus I'm hearing mixed opinions elsewhere...

What do you think about doing H.I.I.T before lifting? Not like 20 minutes of HIIT just three 30 second intervals of hard sprints to get fired up. 3-5 minute walk on treadmill to get a little warmed up followed by 30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds rest, increase speed/incline then another 30 second sprint followed by 30 second rest, then again once more. Follow that up with box jumps and then right in to the lift routine.. It really fires your muscles up and the sprints are a workout in themself but they don't burn me out or anything, just a bit of a leg burner and defintely sets the pace for the rest of the workout.

Another question I have that has probably been answered several times in here is does anyone have any recommendations on a type of protein shake? I was taking chocolate Muscle Mlk before (from GNC), and it seemed pretty good plus It tasted good but wondering if there is something better.

Edited by RottenCanuck22
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Just wondering what your guys' take is on this becaus I'm hearing mixed opinions elsewhere...

What do you think about doing H.I.I.T before lifting? Not like 20 minutes of HIIT just three 30 second intervals of hard sprints to get fired up. 3-5 minute walk on treadmill to get a little warmed up followed by 30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds rest, increase speed/incline then another 30 second sprint followed by 30 second rest, then again once more. Follow that up with box jumps and then right in to the lift routine.. It really fires your muscles up and the sprints are a workout in themself but they don't burn me out or anything, just a bit of a leg burner and defintely sets the pace for the rest of the workout.

Another question I have that has probably been answered several times in here is does anyone have any recommendations on a type of protein shake? I was taking chocolate Muscle Mlk before (from GNC), and it seemed pretty good plus It tasted good but wondering if there is something better.

It's stupid, not HIIT, and a good way to get injured.

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It's stupid, not HIIT, and a good way to get injured.

Not HIIT? I guess you are saying don't do HIIT? Sprinting a good way to get injured? I'm not a typical bodybuilder I train for athletics and functional strength unlike about 75% of the other people in he gym working on mirror muscles. Yes the sprints are hard but I don't lift less after doing them.

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I, much like the majority of experienced lifters in here, would advise against HIIT, or any prolonged form of cardio before weight lifting. If anything, do it after lifting. HIIT/30 minutes elliptical ..etc. will tire you out and deplete your glycolytic energy stores which will hinder your lifts.

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Not HIIT? I guess you are saying don't do HIIT? Sprinting a good way to get injured? I'm not a typical bodybuilder I train for athletics and functional strength unlike about 75% of the other people in he gym working on mirror muscles. Yes the sprints are hard but I don't lift less after doing them.

It's not HIIT because the sprint time is too long and the recovery period too short for you to give maximal effort, the entire point of doing HIIT.

Since you train for function, you'd get more out of your sprints by doing them on your off days. If that isn't possible, do them after your lifting since the HIIT depletes your glycogen, your main fuel source for lifting weights.

When referencing a good way to get injured I was talking about the box jumps. They are a legitimate thing, but if you're stupid with how you do them (like doing them for time) it's a good way to blow an achiles.

Also, since you say doing the sprints prior to your lifts doesn't hurt your lifting ability, I'd recon you aren't very strong. What are your squat, bench, deadlift like?

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