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[Report] Jason Botchford quits TEAM 1040

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It's funny that Canuck fans don't enjoy many people coming from the bell media/tsn side of sports. Including me, I perfer valk, Garrett and Taylor. They geniunely like the canucks and it shows in their analysis. I swear at team 1040 most of them are born from somewhere else. It's horrible that we can't get some radio analysts who have a passion for the canucks. My top 10 hates radio/tv personalities:

1. Blake price

2. Botch

3. Healy

3. Jeff Patterson

4. Gallagher

5. Sekeres

6. Stock

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Everyone loves to hate the guy who criticizes.... Personally I love his honesty and boldness. Ill miss you Botch. I find it hilarious how everyone rips on Botch, while loving Don Taylor. The man doesn't even know sports.. just has his little shticks and funny voices. Should have been a clown not a sports radio host. Not related but does anyone know why I cant skip down a line by pushing enter.

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I didn't like him at all, because he made up too much things. He'd say things that were completely untrue. I think it really showed during the Schultz situation where everyone would be saying the opposite thing he would. Anyways, i wouldn't be surprised if he's picked up by TSN or something.

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You realize Taylor has probably been working in the sports media locally for like 30 years right? I think he knows a little something about sports. And if you actually listen to him, he does criticize when it's warranted.

Besides, if you don't find his schtick funny, you're either really young or you probably haven't been following sports for that long as his jokes usually reference players, jersey numbers, tv characters...etc from the last 25 years.

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The hate for Botch is puzzling to me. It wasn't long ago that he was earning regular praise for his articles on the Canucks...I guess maybe because the team was dominant then and there wasn't really much to critisize?? I remember everyone loving one of his articles after the cup finals where he absolutely lambasted the Bruins and specifically Recchi...can't seem to find it now though.

I guess I am in the small minority that is sad to hear Botch is leaving the morning show. While I don't always agree with him, I love the fire and passion he brings...even if it's partially tongue-in-cheek. He is also one of the few media personalities who is engaging and defends his viewpoints with me on twitter. I got nothing but respect for him and I hope he does well in any future endeavors.

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I didn't mind him too much besides watching him talk on That's Hockey is pretty annoying. The thing that made me realize what a complete dumbass Botch is was right after the San Jose series. One day he writes an article about how the reffing was horrible and that it should be brought to everybody's attention. THE NEXT FREAKIN DAY he writes an article saying the Canucks should stop talking about the way the games are officiated, how we need to be silent. WTF is that????

And that article about Luongo, I didn't know about that....just another reason why Botch is a bitch.

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Great news.

He always came off as annoying to me. When guests like Friedman, Bobby Mac, Ferraro, Lebrun etc. come on, I want to hear what they think. It turns me off when Botch talks over them, occupies far too much air time, and outlines his own opinions for his guests to validate. Sheesh, ask a question and let the people you bring on the show talk.

There's ample opportunity to rant and stir the pot after the fact, but when the interviewer talks more than the interviewee, it's bad radio.

Ray Ferraro wasn't any better. In small doses I've always found Ray to bring a interesting perspective on various issues because he has time to prep for them. As a regular on the show and far less time to prepare answers, he had far too much dead air to the point where it became awkward. Even now as a regular call in at 8:15 he still has moments where you know he's got nothing to say and his brain is all crossed up.

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Not that Botch's blabbering input was any good, but those TO-based 'experts' they bring in should be called out now and then.

Friedman's awesome assessment of Boston after their game 1 OT loss. "They need to be better."

Really? No crap sherlock.

That brainwave might work over on your full-of-clowns CBC panel, but over here we aren't a bunch of dopey TO homers. However, the guys at the TEAM don't seem to mind. Once again 'the hotstove genius' attacks our city, fans and even the local media, and the TEAM hosts sit on their hands and take it. What? Is Elliott their boss or something? Or does Bell Media (TSN) owning them make them nutless towards their TO-based overlords?

Anyway, Botch is still 'saving The Province', so it's not like he's vanished, folks.

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Frankly, I found Botchford much more interesting than those yahoos Blake Price and Matt Sekeres. Those two have so much hot air between them, they could travel the world in a balloon. BMac and Taylor are great though.

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