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Classiest Organizations in the League


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It's just a business now and it's all about the bottom line ($$$). Since I don't follow every other organization as closely but I bet you could find numerous similar scenarios of players treated 'poorly'. Gillis has done the best of a poor situation that he created for himself. On top of that, most of your list is just heresay. There is hardly any truth to any of it.

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you can continue to plug your ears and go "lalalalaa"

1) Has Hodgson said anything negative about the Canucks?

2) Has Ballard said anything negative about the Canucks?

3)Are we NOT listening to offers on Edler?

4) Did we NOT make Lu captain and then strip him of the C and then told him we'd trade him?

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you can continue to plug your ears and go "lalalalaa"

1) Has Hodgson said anything negative about the Canucks?

2) Has Ballard said anything negative about the Canucks?

3)Are we NOT listening to offers on Edler?

4) Did we NOT make Lu captain and then strip him of the C and then told him we'd trade him?

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If you think we are classless, then why are you a fan? Just living here isn't enough. If you have that much distaste and hate for it, then move on. Come back when they meet your criteria for enjoyment and do something else till then. Cheer for one of the mythical superclassy teams you read about and enjoy that instead.

It's a hobby and a toy, nothing to get this worked up over.

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I used to think the Canucks were up there but their recent treatment of their players has me ranking them in the bottom half of the league.

Lately, it's the Canuck players that have shown more class than the organization.

1)There's been a lot of mudslinging (one-sided) on Hodgson, while Hodgson has never fired back

2) Ballard (never said anything bad about AV or the organization while getting shafted)

3) Now there's rumours that Schneider "wanted" a trade... (I wonder who leaked that)

4)Treatment of Lu (anointing him Captain, then stripping the C, telling everyone he is backup and then telling everyone he will be traded

5) Shopping/Listening to offers on Edler after JUST inking him to an extension

6)Leaving players twisting in the wind without letting them know their intentions

A lot of organizations are similar in that respect but there's still some good GMs left.

Galiardi was asked by Doug Wilson before the trade. He was presented with teams that have shown interest and asked Galiardi for a preference (being a Calgary boy, he picked Calgary so Wilson moved him to Calgary for a 4th)

Feaster took a crappier deal with Pitts when trading Iggy rather than shipping him to Boston.

Iggy had a NTC but I'm sure he would have waived to go to Boston if Feaster ONLY presented that deal.

(That being said, Feaster is still a crappy GM skill wise)

It's sad to see the Canucks management and ownership integrity fall. I think their true colors are coming out unfortunately.

At the end of the day, if this is what gets us the cup, I'm ok with it, but my fear is, not only will we not win the cup, our reputation as a classy organization is starting to crumble.

That being said, which organizations would you consider to still be classy in the NHL?

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