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CBC continues to ignore West and the Canucks


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CBC's television schedule it OUT and its annual neglect towards the Canucks is back IN.

There are a mere 15 Canucks regular season games on CBC this year. Meanwhile, Toronto gets 25 games, and Montreal gets 29 games. This is not right. I recognize those two markets are bigger, but that should not be an issue for CBC. With TSN and Sportsnet, it's fine. But there's a difference. CBC is the ONLY television station that broadcasts NHL games at taxpayers' expense.

It is a public broadcaster with a MANDATE to "reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions."

With its Saturday night double-header, CBC airs two regional broadcasts for the first billing. That allows far more eastern team broadcasts. In this day and age, there is no stopping CBC from showing TWO regional broadcasts for its second billing as well. But it doesn't.

Why does it matter?

How it affects fans

- Canucks are NOT given enough exposure in other regions, while Westerns continue to get inundated with Leafs / Habs games. This translates into brainwashing by CBC to those who watch CBC and not cable, and these brainwashed fans continue to infiltrate Canucks home games whenever Leafs / Habs come to play.

How it affects you individually

- YOUR tax dollars are disproportionately paying for airings of Leafs / Habs games. As in, when you buy a car, some clothes, or a Canucks jersey, part of those taxes are going to Don Cherry and all the related fees and expenses to air Maple Leaf and Habs games across Canada.

How it affects the players

- CBC is a lead company in dictating the NHL schedule every year. Their influence impacts each Canadian team's schedules. You'll see Toronto has home games on Saturdays 95% of the time. Believe it or not, this translates into a more balanced work-life schedule for the players, being home every weekend, and a generally more consistent schedule. Canucks will often play Fridays, Sundays, all over North America.

We pay for CBC. We, the fans, should demand two regional broadcasts on the western billing. CBC will still make a profit, and it would help CBC to address its own mandate to reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions.

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I'd rather watch Canucks games on Sportsnet. I hate the play by play and color commentating CBC has. And let's not forget about the intermission crap they play. Sportsnet > CBC

The reason CBC is hated is because they cheap-out on all games that aren't Leaf / Habs games. They give us chewed up leftovers for commentators. Of course people hate watching Canucks on CBC... if CBC made it desirable for Canucks fans, we would want more. They stole Jim from us.

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The tax dollars debate doesn't fly, as there is more than double the tax income from Ontario and Quebec (they have about double the games). If anything they are subsidizing our games...

Why take is as a personal attack? All the Canucks games are still on TV for free.

All Canucks games are not free on TV. If a person has TV, they can watch CBC without paying a dime for cable. There is a difference between CBC and other providers like TSN and SportsNet.

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CBC sucks anyways.

Again, it only SUCKS because CBC has made it suck for Canucks fans. What if Jim Hughson was still covering Canucks game on CBC? What if CBC hired a new Don Cherry-type that was 100% pro Canucks during the intermissions?

So why is it okay for Toronto to have a completely suped up program, and Vancouver given sloppy seconds? We shouldn't even stand for it, and demand better from a program that we fund through our taxes.

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Again, it only SUCKS because CBC has made it suck for Canucks fans. What if Jim Hughson was still covering Canucks game on CBC? What if CBC hired a new Don Cherry-type that was 100% pro Canucks during the intermissions?

So why is it okay for Toronto to have a completely suped up program, and Vancouver given sloppy seconds? We shouldn't even stand for it, and demand better from a program that we fund through our taxes.

I was talking more about their product...especially their panel(if you can call them that). It doesn't really bother me that we get less games.

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Actually, we don't directly fund HNIC thru our taxes. It makes money, and actually keeps the tax $ going to CBC lower. Without it, the CBC would be an even bigger drain.

The bulk of the money that is made from HNIC comes from, well, I'll give you one guess on the region...

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Actually, we don't directly fund HNIC thru our taxes. It makes money, and actually keeps the tax $ going to CBC lower. Without it, the CBC would be an even bigger drain.

The bulk of the money that is made from HNIC comes from, well, I'll give you one guess on the region...

I'm sorry to break to you, friend, but CBC functions on government subsidies of (at least) $1.1 billion annually. That is Federal tax dollars that come out of your and my pockets.

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I agree all CBC cares about is the Leafs, Canadiens, Sens, etc Canucks should be on CBC for at least 50% of the Canucks games I agree completely I love Sportsnet Pacific. At least they show at least between 60-70 games of the Canucks. CBC will be showing more Canuck games during the playoffs in which the Canucks will go all the way and WIN THE CUP!!!!!!! GO CANUCKS GO!!!! THE CUP BELONGS TO US THIS YEAR!!!!!!!! :D

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before you go bashing CBC you may wanna realize ratings dictate which games are shown

Montreal and Toronto have a bigger fan base thus more people watching these games versus Canucks games there is no bias

CBC is able to show as much Hockey Night In Canada as it does because it addresses their Canadian content mandate. But how Canadian is it to show a significantly disproportionate amount of Toronto and Montreal? There are six Canadian NHL teams. If their focus on two region's ratings is supposed to be translating into gains, it hasn't worked. CBC has a net loss with Hockey Night in Canada. CBC’s revenue for HNIC is $100 million, but its expenses are estimated at $145 million… a substantial net loss. Perhaps if they spent more quantity and quality on diversification across the country rather than shoving two big markets down the rest of Canada's throat every week, they would find more regionally diverse revenues.

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Oh the humanity.

BC has 13% of the Canadian population, but the Canucks will be shown in 22% of the games on CBC.

Ontario has 39% of the Canadian population, but the Leafs will only be shown in 36% of the games on CBC.

Quebec has 23% of the Canadian population, but the Habs will shown in 42% of the games on CBC.

Given both the Leafs and Habs are heritage brands with fans all over the country, I really don't have a problem with the numbers. I prefer watching the games on Sportsnet and TSN anyways. The CBC production is just awful.

I'm not sure why you're so bent out of shape. Seems like you're trying too hard to create an issue here.

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