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CBC continues to ignore West and the Canucks


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I don't see any eastern bias at all. BC gets 15 games for a population of 4.4 million. Quebec and Ontario get more games, but their population is higher. Here, look at the stats:

Quebec = 1 game per 272,517 population

Ontario = 1 game per 305,995 population

B.C. = 1 game per 293,337 population

It seems even to me. Now, if you want to talk bias, look at Alberta and Manitoba... they get way more games per population. Manitoba specifically has 14 games, yet it has a population of 1.2 million. Why does Manitoba get the same games as BC, when we have nearly 4x the population?

Awesome research!

It's kind of cool to see it in that perspective!

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reality says there are less nucks fans. Reality and ratings.

Much like a strawman you also don't know what logic means. Mr dressup doesn't have a regional aspect to it. Using your example kids in bc get to watch the same number of hockey games as kids in ontario so it's all good.

You should just stop because this is sad.

Wait you made a joke about my sister calling you and you have a kid? Yikes.

Even sadder is the fact that you worship a guy who wears his underpants over his leotard. And yes I have a kid. That's what happens when a guy and a girl have sex. Here's some advice, put down the comic book and go out and try to talk to a girl.
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Even sadder is the fact that you worship a guy who wears his underpants over his leotard. And yes I have a kid. That's what happens when a guy and a girl have sex. Here's some advice, put down the comic book and go out and try to talk to a girl.

Even sadder is the fact that you worship a guy who wears his underpants over his leotard. And yes I have a kid. That's what happens when a guy and a girl have sex. Here's some advice, put down the comic book and go out and try to talk to a girl.

Oh lord just stop.

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Classic cop out


Difference here is I'm not here to win anything so I have nothing to cop out of. Your argument sucked so you had to move on to personal attacks. You already copped out several posts ago. Get the last word though if you must because unless you're going to actually say something about the topic it's pretty pointless. Teach your kid better than you've been taught.

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before you go bashing CBC you may wanna realize ratings dictate which games are shown

Montreal and Toronto have a bigger fan base thus more people watching these games versus Canucks games there is no bias

Hahahahahahaha! No bias?!

Did ya watch any of the 2011 HNIC broadcasts? How about in 2012?

Did ya hear that very insincere apology by Ron MacLean on HNIC that their sponsers forced 'im to finally deliver on air a half-season later?

Do you realize that...Don Cherry, a perennial Bruins-fan, has been propped-up on a federally-funded station that's supposed to be servicing Canada & Canadian markets, ...and he has been for decades? Rock 'em Sock 'em Don Cherry is also the perfect-propaganda pitch-man for pro-fighting & violence in NHL hockey...2 very important invested causes of NHL League President, Jeremy Jacobs (Bruins owner). Co-incidence? Cherry continually condemns & ridicules those pacifists from the west (Sedins/Canucks), who just want to play the game honorably & encourage those extra measures that will protect the short & long term health of the players....just like - every other hockey league on the planet does. Why? Who wouldn't want that?! Mr. Jacobs for one.

Jacobs happens to be the NHL kingpin with the power to rubber-stamp media contracts on behalf of the NHL. Hmmmmm? That`s FREE promo-spots on the CBC for Jacobs' cross-border American hockey team... & all of the "retro-grade" propoganda...directed at some of the biggest hockey markets in North America....that he could ever hope for...to boot!

So there's NO bias on the CBC....regarding its' hockey broadcasts - eh? Yah...right. <_<

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The other real question is how few games the Canucks are getting because they are the second biggest english city in Canada. They only have one more game than the Jets. When you look back over 43 years of HNIC (since the Canucks came into the league), it does certainly look like the CBC is anti-west. It took 25 years to have regularly scheduled HNIC doubleheaders and to have western Canada to watch a game during primetime. The western teams pushed for the doubleheader concept when Oilers and Jets came into the league, followed by the relocation of the Flames a year later.

The Canucks play the Flames and Oilers many times as well so they should have at least the same amount of HNIC games as the Senators.

Perhaps because for the majority of the population that second game finishes at 1am. Meaning it doesn't draw nearly the audience the 4pm game does. That 4pm (7 eastern) is the real money maker for CBC.

Also consider this: There are 5 teams in the west vying for the 7pm time slot while there are only 3 teams in the east vying for the 4pm time slot. The simple math of that tells me the eastern teams will have more televised games. Particularly when you consider many of the Habs games are actually on French CBC. And when you consider the population of Ontario alone is greater than BC, Alberta, and Manitoba combined it again makes sense that there would be more Ontario games televised.

Btw, 3 of the Sens 17 games aren't on Saturday and 3 of their 14 Saturday games are early to give the Leafs or Habs the prime time slot (7pm eastern). Of their 11 prime time Saturday games 7 are against the Leafs or Habs. I'd say the Sens fans have more to whine about than Canuck fans regarding CBC. But we all know whose fans have earned the rep as the whiners. I checked their message board and there discussion lacks the complaints about CBC "bias" or being "snubbed". Oddly enough not even the Flames, Oilers, or Jets fans are complaining on their message boards about the Canucks having the most HNIC games in the west. Their boards are also suspiciously lacking terms like "snubbed" and "bias" regarding CBC. That paranoia seems to reside here alone.

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The one that always gets me going is when CBC forces Van to schedule a home game at 4 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. against Toronto so the Leaf fans don't have to stay up pass their bed time. Grrr.

CBC can't "force" anybody to change their game time. Game time is determined by the home team alone. Any broadcaster can "request" a start different than the typical time but it's entirely up to the GM to agree with it. Of course most GM's understand that it's in their own best interest to work with broadcasters in this regard. Maximizing audience is good for the both team and the network and translates directly into revenue.

CBC requested the Bruins change their game time for the first Canucks/Bruins game after the SCF from 1pm eastern to 7pm eastern. The Bruins declined as they were worried it would conflict with NFL playoff games which would cost their regional broadcaster viewers. Because the Bruins declined to change the game time CBC chose not to broadcast that game because traditionally starts that early draw low viewership in Canada. This was a case of the Bruins accommodating their regional broadcaster.

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Exactly, the way to correct bad behaviour is to point it out. CBC's snubbing and poor productions of Canucks hockey at taxpayers' expense is bad behaviour. Ignoring it, or in your case, DEFENDING it, is anti-Canuck.

How is CBC "snubbing" us? We have more NHIC games than any other team in the west.

How are your math skills?

Math quiz #1:

There's 5 western teams vying for the 7pm start and only 3 eastern teams vying for the 4pm start. Of those 3 eastern teams one is primarily televised on French CBC.

Given the ratio who will have more televised games eastern or western teams?

Math quiz #2:

Population of BC is 4.6m

Population of Ontario is 13.5m

Which Province contributes more tax dollars to CBC?

Btw, having a mere modicum of common sense isn't being anti-Canuck.

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I understand the anger and resentment over the lack of cbc games.

But one aspect of this that you need to consider is that the canucks make more money because cbc takes less nux games.

Not sure what the new cba rules are for revenue sharing, however, in the past, the hnic money was shared equally by ALL teams.

Thus, the leafs make the same from hnic that florida does!

But the nux keep almost all the revenue from regional tv broadcasts.

So tsn, sportsnet money goes directly to the canucks.

The nux have more games to sell to tsn, sportsnet so the nux make more money.

I think the team is happy to have less games on cbc.

I'm happy that I don't have to watch cherry and his puppet, mclean very much.

The only thing I don't like about the lower number of games on cbc is that I'd like to watch the nux on saturday nights!

I'm re-posting this because I want people to understand that the nux are complicit in the lack of nux games on cbc.

They simply make more money by selling their games to tsn, sportsnet.

I hate cbc and their hnic broadcast too, but it's not all their fault.

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How it affects fans

- Canucks are NOT given enough exposure in other regions, while Westerns continue to get inundated with Leafs / Habs games. This translates into brainwashing by CBC to those who watch CBC and not cable, and these brainwashed fans continue to infiltrate Canucks home games whenever Leafs / Habs come to play.

so what do you suggest? have the canucks play all the saturday game during the day instead just so we can inundate the eastern region with canucks? can't help it Toronto Montreal plays when it's night/day time for all of canada and vancouver plays when it's night time in western canada and bed time in the east..

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so what do you suggest? have the canucks play all the saturday game during the day instead just so we can inundate the eastern region with canucks? can't help it Toronto Montreal plays when it's night/day time for all of canada and vancouver plays when it's night time in western canada and bed time in the east..

Pretty sure that the only way some of these people will be happy is if every Saturday the Canucks kick off HNIC at 7(pacific), all intermission banter is 100% homer Canuck talk AND the other 6 Canadian teams get a regional replay after our game is over. :rolleyes:

Apparently 15 games is ignoring....

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Pretty sure that the only way some of these people will be happy is if every Saturday the Canucks kick off HNIC at 7(pacific), all intermission banter is 100% homer Canuck talk AND the other 6 Canadian teams get a regional replay after our game is over. :rolleyes:

Apparently 15 games is ignoring....

Not at all lets the Leafs have their HNIC, just have CBC cut their broadcasting right for Canucks games period ! Ontario gets it's mandatory games and Vcr gets either TSN or Sportsnet. As it is now if CBC does not pick up a Vcr game neither TSN or Sportsnet are permitted to pick up the game and show it. That would be especally good come the play-offs. In short CBC ...take off, we don't need you or even want you

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How are your math skills?

Math quiz #1:

There's 5 western teams vying for the 7pm start and only 3 eastern teams vying for the 4pm start. Of those 3 eastern teams one is primarily televised on French CBC.

Given the ratio who will have more televised games eastern or western teams?

Biggins, you're questioning my skills? There aren't 8 Canadian teams, there are 7. Five western teams aren't vying for 7 pm starts. If Winnipeg is supposed to be in that '5' count, they start 4 p.m. Pacific. That leaves Canucks, Oilers, Flames. The Eastern starts belong to the Jets, Habs, Leafs and Sens. So, there is one extra eastern start time team, yet they have two regional games aired during the first broadcast, which hugely favours the Eastern teams.

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CBC can't "force" anybody to change their game time. Game time is determined by the home team alone. Any broadcaster can "request" a start different than the typical time but it's entirely up to the GM to agree with it. Of course most GM's understand that it's in their own best interest to work with broadcasters in this regard. Maximizing audience is good for the both team and the network and translates directly into revenue.

CBC requested the Bruins change their game time for the first Canucks/Bruins game after the SCF from 1pm eastern to 7pm eastern. The Bruins declined as they were worried it would conflict with NFL playoff games which would cost their regional broadcaster viewers. Because the Bruins declined to change the game time CBC chose not to broadcast that game because traditionally starts that early draw low viewership in Canada. This was a case of the Bruins accommodating their regional broadcaster.

The CBC made a terrible mistake by not televising the January 4, 2011 Canucks at Bruins game. This was the first game between these two teams since the Stanley Cup Finals and there was considerable hype prior to this game. Sportsnet broke a record for a regional game as the audience rating on SN Pacific was 747,000 and at its peak it surpassed a million viewers. Many morning or matinee HNIC games are around 500,000 viewers.
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Also consider this: There are 5 teams in the west vying for the 7pm time slot while there are only 3 teams in the east vying for the 4pm time slot. The simple math of that tells me the eastern teams will have more televised games. Particularly when you consider many of the Habs games are actually on French CBC. And when you consider the population of Ontario alone is greater than BC, Alberta, and Manitoba combined it again makes sense that there would be more Ontario games televised.

How is CBC "snubbing" us? We have more NHIC games than any other team in the west.

How are your math skills?

Math quiz #1:

There's 5 western teams vying for the 7pm start and only 3 eastern teams vying for the 4pm start. Of those 3 eastern teams one is primarily televised on French CBC.

Given the ratio who will have more televised games eastern or western teams?

Biggins, you're questioning my skills? There aren't 8 Canadian teams, there are 7. Five western teams aren't vying for 7 pm starts. If Winnipeg is supposed to be in that '5' count, they start 4 p.m. Pacific. That leaves Canucks, Oilers, Flames. The Eastern starts belong to the Jets, Habs, Leafs and Sens. So, there is one extra eastern start time team, yet they have two regional games aired during the first broadcast, which hugely favours the Eastern teams.

I agree with Slegr on questionning how you say that there are five western teams vying for the 1900h, 7:00 pm start time. Prior to the Thrashers relocating to Winnipeg, the Canucks, Flames, and Oilers were the only three teams in western Canada. The Canadiens, Leafs, and Senators are the only three teams in eastern Canada vying for the 1600h, 4:00 pm start time. Having a team back in Winnipeg, which is in the Central timezone, makes it four teams wanting to play at 1600h.

Biggins, the french CBC does not show the Habs or other NHL games and has not for about a decade. All Habs game in french are on RDS.

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The one that always gets me going is when CBC forces Van to schedule a home game at 4 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. against Toronto so the Leaf fans don't have to stay up pass their bed time. Grrr.

I have the same feeling as you and that is reflected in my signature statement. :)
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Perhaps because for the majority of the population that second game finishes at 1am. Meaning it doesn't draw nearly the audience the 4pm game does. That 4pm (7 eastern) is the real money maker for CBC.

***Btw, 3 of the Sens 17 games aren't on Saturday and 3 of their 14 Saturday games are early to give the Leafs or Habs the prime time slot (7pm eastern). Of their 11 prime time Saturday games 7 are against the Leafs or Habs. I'd say the Sens fans have more to whine about than Canuck fans regarding CBC. But we all know whose fans have earned the rep as the whiners. I checked their message board and there discussion lacks the complaints about CBC "bias" or being "snubbed". Oddly enough not even the Flames, Oilers, or Jets fans are complaining on their message boards about the Canucks having the most HNIC games in the west. Their boards are also suspiciously lacking terms like "snubbed" and "bias" regarding CBC. That paranoia seems to reside here alone.

The odd time the 1900h Pacific game has a higher rating than the 1600h game. Overall, the earlier game does get higher ratings because of split telecasts. There are two or three games during that time involving the Habs, Leafs, and Senators. The game at 1900h only has had one game in that time period for the past nine years. There will be four split telecasts in the second half of the doubleheader for this season.

***I posted all the HNIC game totals for each team yesterday over on the general hockey discussion board. http://forum.canucks.com/topic/350507-national-tv-schedule-for-2013-2014-season/

All canadian teams have complained loudly about their lack of coverage or exposure on HNIC in comparison to the Leafs.

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