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The lack of secondary scoring is so glaring...

Lui's Knob

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There is nothing to believe things will be different in 20 games any more than they have been in the past 2 years with booth or kesler...

And we were talking about the trade and how to afford Hodgson going forward..

Hodgson >>>>> Booth

Hodgson >>>>> Kassian

Hodgson is likely the better player then kesler going forward as well.. he is certainly the better offensive playmaking top 6 center RIGHT NOW

((i can, as you mayhave read in another thread a few days ago, get to that conclussion also, but I am going to wait the twenty games first to see what they do healthy.
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I see you decided to add to the wave of derpery.

Your grasp of the facts are hopelessly weak.

Dalpe is playing with Sestito and Weber/Weise on the fourth line - with 25% offensive zone starts and has played about 20 minutes for this franchise.

Hodgson was playing with a pair of two-way, 40 pt wingers with all the favourable situational matchups and offensive zone starts (over 50%) that be could provided.

But thanks for sharing yet more of your obsession with Hodgson - just what CDC is lacking.

Yep Dalpe is the answer. :picard: But others are derpy haha..

And here goes the stupidity of your protected argument yet again.. i guess the sedins are protected too.. as they get even better zone starts. Kesler plays with those same linemates.. and produces nothing. I guess you need the combo of keslers vaunted linemates and the sedins protected minutes (pssst.. he's still producing in buffalo playing the hardest minutes) to produce in van.

I'm not going to thank you for your hypocrisy, goalpost moving or all round stupidity.. its not what CDC needs.

You should also stop being so sad when someone disagrees with you..

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Yep Dalpe is the answer. :picard: But others are derpy haha..

And here goes the stupidity of your protected argument yet again.. i guess the sedins are protected too.. as they get even better zone starts. Kesler plays with those same linemates.. and produces nothing. I guess you need the combo of keslers vaunted linemates and the sedins protected minutes (pssst.. he's still producing in buffalo playing the hardest minutes) to produce in van.

I'm not going to thank you for your hypocrisy, goalpost moving or all round stupidity.. its not what CDC needs.

You should also stop being so sad when someone disagrees with you..

Can't be bothered with the simpleton straw man thing of calling Dalpe 'the answer'. Derp on derp and nothing resembling what I said,

But regarding stupidity, that would be suggesting that the Sedins are 'protected' by ozone starts - as they face the strongest of opponents shift in shift out, and scarcely avoid a matchup.

Hodgson on the third line (getting more than 50% offensive zone starts) facing weak opposition with two of the leagues better two way forwards - poor analogy and highly irregular for a third line. Go back more than a decade and you might find a viable analogy with the Sedins.

Here's how they compare in top line roles btw...

http://www.behindthe... 34 45 46 63 67

http://www.behindthe... 34 45 46 63 67

Doesn't Buffalo have a message board, where it's appropriate to talk about Hodgson in every single post you make? There's also a General Hockey discussion forum here for endless Hodgson dwelling - but hijacking every thread in Canucks talk with whining about Hodgson? Beyond stale dated.

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Im actually now leaning towards we need to rebuild our entire second line. The reason that made the tipping point is Derek Roy. Roy was hugely ineffective playing for us on the second line. But he is blasting it up in St Louis with 5 points in 4 games. This tells me, that Roy can produce and he is a more than competent second line player, but the problem were his line mates. It means that if we keep on filling our second line with the usual players: Kesler, Booth, Higgins, Burrows, Hansen, it is not going to work.

Kesler is a problem in the top 6. He's supposed to be a 3rd line shutdown and since moving up to 2nd line after being the leagues best 3rd with Burrows.... our second has been bad. In a top 6 position Kes is 1 dimentional. 3rd line, lots of good dimensions for that role.

I hope Kesler gets traded or moved back to line 3 somehow.

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People could stand to wipe the dung off their goggles around here.

Kassian plays his first game, a 4-1 loss in which he's an even 0, throws a (ONE) hit , blocks a (ONE) shot, has a (ONE) takeaway, 1 (ONE) shot on goal, commits no giveaways, plays 12ish minutes and has a generally neutral if not positive showing

Stan Smyl-40th overall pick.5'8" 190 lbs.

From the moment he wore a Canucks jersey he would hit as many guys in every shift as he could muster.

Continuously shot the puck and got in your face non - stop each and every shift every night.

Never stopped working and did it night in and night out his entire career playing on very mediocre Canucks teams.

Zach Kassian-13th overall pick.6'3" 215 lbs.

Never reaches his potential. Might show up and might not.

Reprimanded repeatedly for character 'issues' including personal life and conditioning.

Both Kassian and Schroeder would do well to be forced to watch Smyl tape night in and night out until they hit 25 years old.

Right now the worry is they might never get it despite the best wishes of management and fans-and that's no dung.

It's not like either of these two players ever lit the lamp like Hodgson or Grabner,whom were both shat upon by both management and media and then dumped.

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Rotating Kassian, Higgins, Booth and other 3rd liners didnt work the last 2 years, it wont work this year. Gillis needs to find a way to get Legit 2nd line wingers and stop plugging 3rd liners to play 2nd liners.

This one line team wont go anywhere in the playoffs if they even make it this year without major changes in the 2nd line. Add to that Kesler is having a slow start.

Having a 4th line just made up of leftovers doesn't help either.

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Stan Smyl-40th overall pick.5'8" 190 lbs.

From the moment he wore a Canucks jersey he would hit as many guys in every shift as he could muster.

Continuously shot the puck and got in your face non - stop each and every shift every night.

Never stopped working and did it night in and night out his entire career playing on very mediocre Canucks teams.

Zach Kassian-13th overall pick.6'3" 215 lbs.

Never reaches his potential. Might show up and might not.

Reprimanded repeatedly for character 'issues' including personal life and conditioning.

Both Kassian and Schroeder would do well to be forced to watch Smyl tape night in and night out until they hit 25 years old.

Right now the worry is they might never get it despite the best wishes of management and fans-and that's no dung.

Ok nucknit.

"Never reaches his potential"?

Ah, forget it.

Nope, you're right: they're not Stan Smyl yet - might never be.

Got the memo.

And Gaunce hasn't proven he's Linden yet.

And Shinkaruk aint no Bure yet either.

Could someone please juice these young men up with development hormone.

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Can't be bothered with the simpleton straw man thing of calling Dalpe 'the answer'. Derp on derp and nothing resembling what I said,

But regarding stupidity, that would be suggesting that the Sedins are 'protected' by ozone starts - as they face the strongest of opponents shift in shift out, and scarcely avoid a matchup.

Hodgson on the third line (getting more than 50% offensive zone starts) facing weak opposition with two of the leagues better two way forwards - poor analogy and highly irregular for a third line. Go back more than a decade and you might find a viable analogy with the Sedins.

Here's how they compare in top line roles btw...

http://www.behindthe... 34 45 46 63 67

http://www.behindthe... 34 45 46 63 67

Doesn't Buffalo have a message board, where it's appropriate to talk about Hodgson in every single post you make? There's also a General Hockey discussion forum here for endless Hodgson dwelling - but hijacking every thread in Canucks talk with whining about Hodgson? Beyond stale dated.

? you brought him and my love for him up genius, then you just spent another bunch of posts talking about him and how bad he is. .. heres a tip .. ignore my posts.

If dalpe isn't the answer in your opinion.. then his linemates, ice time and zone starts are pretty irrelevant to our secondary scoring aren't they.. but thanks for letting us know about things you don't think matter anyways, hijacking a thread about secondary scoring. Which incase you haven't noticed a good NUMBER of posters in this thread feel is relevant to trading Hodgson. ..

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? you brought him and my love for him up genius, then you just spent another bunch of posts talking about him and how bad he is. .. heres a tip .. ignore my posts.

If dalpe isn't the answer in your opinion.. then his linemates, ice time and zone starts are pretty irrelevant to our secondary scoring aren't they.. but thanks for letting us know about things you don't think matter anyways, hijacking a thread about secondary scoring. Which incase you haven't noticed a good NUMBER of posters in this thread feel is relevant to trading Hodgson. ..

Such an utter fail.

A little dose of reality never hurt.

Here are your numerous Hodgson posts - long before I uttered a word on the matter.

I made a post referring to Dalpe, and you, being an utter broken record on the matter, dragged Hodgson into it, as you ceaselessly do. You and your sidekick obviously think every thread on CDC is relevant to the Hodgson trade.

Quite a snore actually.

pages ago:

Ryan Kesler is not a second line player. Not at center and not at the wing. He doesn't produce offence, in fact the end of his wrist shots are where offence and plays go to die. People need to stop blaming his "3rd liner wingers" those third liner wingers look far better and more dangerous than him most nights. trading Hodgson and hitching the canucks wagon to the top 6 kesler train was a major error by management.

uh wasn't grabner traded at the draft? Yes he was.. that was after being called up in april.. notching a hat trick staying with the team through the playoffs where he scored and looked like one of our most dangerous players most nights.... then after that end of the year call up performance he was traded at the draft. LOOOOOOOOng before training camp.

Your delusions about Hodgson have already been addressed..

Nice FACTS :sadno: :rolleyes:

you stop paying booth 4 million to be an ineffective 3rd liner by trading him for something or waiving him. then you use that money to resign the 2C that you drafted that has been on a elc for the last number of years.. then you take a mulligan on paying your 3c 5 million by saying.. well he's a really really good 3c and has won a selke.

Problem solved.

Wasn't the whole reason Hodgson had good numbers when he was here because he was playing "protected" on the third line with the same type of linemates Dalpe has.. People were penciling Dalpe in as the fracking second line center.. you wanna talk about derpy.

who brought him up prana?

"Nice FACTS" emoticon emoticon dlulzzzz

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Such an utter fail.

A little dose of reality never hurt. Here are your numerous Hodgson posts - long before I uttered a word on the matter - and when I finally did, it was simply in response to last derpy quote below where I made a post referring to Dalpe, and you, being an utter broken record on the matter, dragged Hodgson into it, as you ceaselessly do.

Quite a snore actually.

pages ago:

Oh you mean i was talking about hodgson in a secondary scoring thread where multitudes of other posters were too and responded to their posts.. SHOCKING!!!!!!!...you got me....

maybe you should go whine about it in one of the multitudes of Hodgson specific threads that you just CANNOT pull yourself away from posting in. You are obsessed brah, projecting it on others doesn't hide it.

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Oh you mean i was talking about hodgson....

Yep, you brought it up (repeatedly, including responding to a post I made that had absolutely nothing to do with Hodgson, with more of your obsessive Hodgson prattle) - and therefore, quite simply, your claim was a fail.

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MG has been fully aware of this for two years, in fact he's the one and only reason for this problem. You cannot trade away elite players for project players other teams don't want.Canucks will not make the playoffs this year in this confrence without a massive deal which will bolster the second line. Even if means moving Kesler to the LW position and bringing in a very good playmaking center. Booth is terrible, kassian looks stunned and has zero hockey IQ. Hansen, Santorelli and the Sedins look great and Kesler looks very average at best. Gonna be a long year if Gillis doesn't pull the trigger on something massive soon.

When did this happen?

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No he traded the offensive minded two year farm team leading scorer Shirokov for the plug Duco. ..

Let's cry about something else - how MG traded the other key to all secondary scoring, Sergei Shirokov!


And now Tochkin!!! OMGAWD! I can't take it anymo!

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Yep, you brought it up (repeatedly, including responding to a post I made that had absolutely nothing to do with Hodgson, with more of your obsessive Hodgson prattle) - and therefore, quite simply, your claim was a fail.

I counted ten posts referencing hodgson in this thread long before i got here. You posted a goldfish.. well thought out by the way.. stellar contribution. My first post mentioning hodgson.. in this very clearly hodgson oriented thread (that you just couldn't resist posting in) seemed to have a fair number of supporters given the little star cdc gives me... you can't stop posting about him can you? you even mention his name again in your little diatribe above. YOU ARE OBSESSED.

Step outside man, get some air .. you don't have to post about other peoples obsessions EVERY day for 2 years almost 9000 posts in 2years!!!. There is more to life then posting thousands and thousands of posts on CDC. Truely posting 800 times in 7 years is indicative of my proclivity to get obsessed about things.

Go back and count how many times you have posted in hodgson threads (hint, it will be A LOT more than me) .. you don't have to give everyone the insanely huge number.. but maybe a little self reflection and some re evaluation of how your life is going and why you feel the need to project so much.

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I have to admit that a new GM might be necessary to really shake this team up the way it needs to be.

I HATE all the NTC Gillis hands out. Remember how CDC used to make fun of Sutter/Feaster for giving plugs NTC? That is now Gillis. Hansen and Higgins are good 3rd liners. Nothing more than that.

Hamhuis an Bieksa have been terrible so far. Bieksa is good at pinching and joining the rush but at everything defensive he sucks. Hamhuis looks like he had a lobotomy in the offseason. Bad decisions every time he touches the puck or has to defend the rush. When your best D are Tanev and Stanton it is pretty sad. But guess what? All the NTC say we are stuck with them forever.

Tortorella has done a good job at getting the team to be more aggressive but they need to find consistency.

Hansen & Higgins are great third liners on great contracts because of those limited NTC's.

Without them we would be overpaying for players that aren't worth it like alot of teams.

Unfortunately that doesn't work. The Sedins need someone who can retrieve the puck for them and cycle and or make room. Essentially they need another play maker or a sniper who can score in the slot. Kassian isn't that guy as much as CDC keeps on spouting on about it.

Actually that seems to fit Kassian's game quite while, he's very very strong along the boards, can protect the puck better than anyone on our team, he can cycle, and with his size has no issues going to the net & battling.

There is a reason why Kassian has worked wonders with the Sedins before & hopefully we see him get a chance with them again soon.

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Let's cry about something else - how MG traded the other key to all secondary scoring, Sergei Shirokov!


And now Tochkin!!! OMGAWD! I can't take it anymo!

So you are suggesting trading a team leading scorer for Duco was a good trade..

OK then.. herp derp indeed.

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"Never reaches his potential"?

Ah, forget it.

Could someone please juice these young men up with development hormone.

No,Kassian does not,has not and refuses to reach his potential.

He is eons away from it and unconditionally supporting a young man that shows up half the time is not helping him.

Zach will be 23 years old in a few months .

Smyl was named captain of the Canucks at age 24.

Hope somebody can wake up Kassian.

He could use a healthy dose of 'between the ears' hormones.

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