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Pair of Islamic converts joined 'Muslim patrol' in London Threaten Non-Believers/Non-Isams


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- Three men roamed streets haranguing people they deemed un-Islamic

- Jordan Horner assaulted two men for drinking beer in London last year

- Horner, Ricardo McFarlane and a third man will be sentenced next month

A pair of Islamic converts joined a ‘Muslim Patrol’ in east London to impose Sharia Law, threatening to stab people they believed to be anti-islamic and confiscating their alcohol.

Ricardo McFarlane, 26, and a 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons, joined convert Jordan Horner, 19, of Walthamstow, east London, roaming the streets in the early hours of the morning last December and this January.

The group confronted members of the public whom they suspected were non-Muslims berating them for their alleged anti-Islamic behaviour.


Jordan Horner (left), 19 and Ricardo McFarlane, 26, roamed the streets in the early hours of the morning and confronted members of the public, berating them for their alleged anti-Islamic behaviour

They threatened to ‘kill non believers’ and ‘shank’ - stab - them and uploaded videos to Youtube criticising non-Muslims for being inappropriately dressed.

The campaign against Western culture culminated when Horner assaulted two men in Tower Hamlets when the 'patrol' confronted them.

Around 4am on January 6 of this year Horner, McFarlane and the 23-year-old approached a group of five men walking along the street, snatched cans of beer out of their hands before emptying them into the gutter.

Horner demanded: 'Why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam. This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non-believers.'

One then told another to 'go get the shank' in reference to a knife but as the group of men started walking away Horner threw punches hitting at least two of the men.


Radical: Horner, 19, is close to jihadist hate preacher Anjem Choudary, pictured during a demonstration

He and a 23-year-old also threatened a man and two doctors Claire Coyle and Robert Gray around the Bethnal Green Road and Great Eastern Street areas of east London on December 19 last year and January 13 this year.

At an earlier hearing at Thames Magistrates Court in July prosecutor Kehinde Adesina said during the January 6 incident Horner and his extremist pals took to the streets to enforce Sharia Law in what they call being on 'Muslim Patrol'.

The prosecutor said: 'Prior to the incident there were some videos uploaded to Youtube about people being inappropriately dressed in east London.

'Between 4am and 5am a group of five male friends were out drinking enjoying a night out. They had cans of beer in their hands.

'The group were approached by Mr Horner and some other men in Muslim dress. They took the beer can out of one of the men’s hands and poured it out.

'Then they said the words "why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam. This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non believers".

'Then they said the words "why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam.

'This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non believers".'

- Prosecutor Kehinde Adesina

She said: 'The victims describe the main aggressor as being ginger with a ginger beard.

'And one victim said the white ginger male punched him in the jaw.

'It was a group attack and a religiously aggravated assault.'

Today at the Old Bailey McFarlane, 26, who overslept and was two hours late, refused to stand up.

At an earlier hearing McFarlane denied ABH on January 6 and the counts were ordered to lie on file.

The 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons, also refused to stand and denied affray on December 19 of last year and January 13 when he confronted the two doctors.

But he admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour under section four of the public order acts on both occasions.

He had denied ABH and affray on January 6 and the counts were ordered to lie on file.

At the same hearing Horner, who uses the Islamic name Jamaal Uddin, pleaded not guilty to causing ABH to Sam Cox on January 6 of this year when his jaw was broken.

However he admitted causing ABH to James Forward and Patrick Kavanagh.

He also denied affray on December 19 of last year and January 13 of this year but admitted section four of the public order acts offences.

McFarlane of Camberwell, south east London, was warned he faces a custodial sentence but had his conditional bail renewed.

Judge Rebecca Poulet QC addressing his barrister Susan Meek said: 'He must understand the court does consider this passes the custody threshold.

'Whether I or another judge uses that option will be open to them. I want him to understand that.

'It’s noted he was late today but you were frank and told me he has not been late in the past. I will allow him bail. If there are conditions, one of the conditions is he must not be late.'

He has six previous convictions for criminal damage in March 2012 when he painted over women on advertising hoardings around London’s east end.

The 23-year-old of Finsbury Park, north London, who has convictions for section 4 offences in April of last year, handling stolen goods and dishonesty, was remanded back into custody.

Today prosecutor Alexander Chalk said: 'The significant change is the Crown is not seeking a trial against the 23-year-old in respect to the allegations involved on January 6.

'Otherwise everyone has admitted offences reflected on this indictment.'



This is so dumb and a reason why I hate majority of religions in general. Not directing this to another religion thread but just thought I'd post it and see what people have to say and voice their opinions.

Real sketchy from these 'Muslims' and honestly, I've heard of this before from relatives in England and they honestly say it's pretty crazy with how bad some of Muslims get brainwashed. Now I'm also not directing this to majority of Muslims, they are most the time good people, but this (not so small) minority which makes up a large amount of people taking into consideration the several million that follow Islam, is just shameful. It's idiotic, and shows the bad parts of religion. Idk, I may be wrong about these Muslims somehow/possibly?, but this is my opinion from personal knowledge and please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Coverts are usually the more zealous.

I never quite understood why people have to try to convert and impress their opinions on others, especially when they're the minority. If you don't like people exercising their rights and freedom.... you are more than free to leave the country and move to another locale where the customs/religion/culture/etc fits your norm.

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Seems a lot like the behaviour of young fatherless and othewise disenfranchised young men that turn to gangs for acceptance and a feeling of family and belonging. In a sense, they have joined a gang and feel that they are enjoying the support and backing for their attention seeking agenda.

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I feel so bad for people of the Islamic faith during situations like these. These events always go so viral, and then some ignorant folks point their fingers at the whole faith and proclaim that "oh this whole religion preaches to kill."

it's like wat

the true muslims are some of the most peaceful people in the world. sad day when these extremists pollute their mind.

edit: I was about to reply thinking you were an athiest, but then I remembered you were a christian so to see your family in England say things regarding their religion like that isn't a shocker to me.

Don't feel like getting into this one. Won't go in a good direction :picard:

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I feel so bad for people of the Islamic faith during situations like these. These events always go so viral, and then some ignorant folks point their fingers at the whole faith and proclaim that "oh this whole religion preaches to kill."

it's like wat

the true muslims are some of the most peaceful people in the world. sad day when these extremists pollute their mind.

What makes their interpretation the "true" one?

From what I've read, England really comes across as a breeding ground for extremists. It's probably a mixture of the socioeconomic status of the Muslim immigrants and hostility from the native population.

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What makes their interpretation the "true" one?

From what I've read, England really comes across as a breeding ground for extremists. It's probably a mixture of the socioeconomic status of the Muslim immigrants and hostility from the native population.

England really is a breeding ground for this sort of thing.

It's because the Qu'ran doesn't teach to do violent things. If you look at it from a different perspective, the Bible was 10x more violent than the Qu'ran. People always refer to it as a 'religion by the sword' although the sword was never mentioned in the Qu'ran.

edit: oops clicked post early!

continuing on, I mean based on the fact that the Qu'ran's main principles don't involve these horrible acts, they must be taught to them by these extremist leaders. Wouldn't they?

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England really is a breeding ground for this sort of thing.

It's because the Qu'ran doesn't teach to do violent things. If you look at it from a different perspective, the Bible was 10x more violent than the Qu'ran. People always refer to it as a 'religion by the sword' although the sword was never mentioned in the Qu'ran.

edit: oops clicked post early!

continuing on, I mean based on the fact that the Qu'ran's main principles don't involve these horrible acts, they must be taught to them by these extremist leaders. Wouldn't they?

Have you read the Qu'ran? There's plenty of violence to be found in there. It doesn't necessarily follow that Muslims therefore "should" be violent, but there's plenty of material to draw upon if you're predispositioned or conditioned to violence.

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Have you read the Qu'ran? There's plenty of violence to be found in there. It doesn't necessarily follow that Muslims therefore "should" be violent, but there's plenty of material to draw upon if you're predispositioned or conditioned to violence.

Yeah, I never said that there wasn't violence in the book. I just said that it doesn't teach to do it.

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Yeah, I never said that there wasn't violence in the book. I just said that it doesn't teach to do it.


Surah 2, verse 216 - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Surah 2, verse 191 - "And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. "

Surah 9, verse 5 - "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."

And so on

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Ah, okay. I'll concede defeat. Maybe I'm just portraying my view on it differently, but in a literal context, you win.

Edit: adding a question. Like I said, in a literal context you're absolutely right. But isn't this applied as a last resort sort of thing? i.e. like in the Bible with Palestine?

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I was never a fan of cherrypicking verses out of context for any reason.

These just look like impoverished boys looking for somewhere to belong and instead of joining a gang they've employed the same tactics with religion. And press will have a field day with it because nothing grabs more attention than Muslims being the Muslims we're all so used to seeing on TV.

The bigots will come out and say stuff about all Muslims and some Muslims will preemptively apologize for no reason at all, only to unfairly associate themselves with it further. This has happened a million times since 9/11.

I felt like it was appropriate in this case to respond to Sestito's claim.

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Ah, okay. I'll concede defeat. Maybe I'm just portraying my view on it differently, but in a literal context, you win.

Edit: adding a question. Like I said, in a literal context you're absolutely right. But isn't this applied as a last resort sort of thing? i.e. like in the Bible with Palestine?

Historically, it hasn't been treated as last resort. I guess it's up to how each person chooses to interpret how they should apply today.

As for the context Hodor mentioned, I should probably link some of the applicable classical tafsirs for the verses




Edit: hadiths too



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^dont make it a religion bashing thread, there is already another on 30+ pages long...just wanted to post this to see people's opinions on these people...don't point at all Muslims, some are very good people.

Also, someone said I'm a Christian somewhere in the thread, just wanted to point out say I'm not just for your information.

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