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[Injury] Burrows Out


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Nobody's arguing that players have played through worse injuries.

What's really amazing is that you think they should. Forget that, you think that they have an obligation to. That in itself is ridiculous.

While you're at it, go criticize Sidney Crosby and Sam Gagner for not playing through their broken jaws.

Hockey players have a history of fighting through pain and playing when the team needs them most. What I believe is irrelevant because this has happened since the invention of the game up to this day as evident with Bergeron last year. I'm certain that Burrows could probably play with a cage if Bergeron can play with broken ribs that risk puncturing a lung. The cheap shot one liners I'm getting from people here for an easy +1 is quite funny and sad at the same time. If CDC existed in the 19th century you'd probably want to burn Einstein on a stake for redefining gravity lol. This thread is turning into an Adam Sandler movie. Cheap one liners for a quick laugh that really start to get old after the 3rd. I'm done with this thread. Talk about shooting the messenger.

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Hockey players have a history of fighting through pain and playing when the team needs them most. What I believe is irrelevant because this has happened since the invention of the game up to this day as evident with Bergeron last year. I'm certain that Burrows could probably play with a cage if Bergeron can play with broken ribs that risk puncturing a lung. The cheap shot one liners I'm getting from people here for an easy +1 is quite funny and sad at the same time. If CDC existed in the 19th century you'd probably want to burn Einstein on a stake for discovering gravity lol. This thread is turning into an Adam Sandler movie. Cheap one liners for a quick laugh that really start to get old after the 3rd. I'm done with this thread. Talk about shooting the messenger.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

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LOL. Player gets injured and you're ragging on who? Burrows? MG? If you can't handle the fact that injuries are a reality for ANY player you need to go grab a blankie and take a nap.

The biggest reason it was a mistake is because he can't produce without the twins and I've harped on that point for years now. Part of the game or not, injuries don't help justify the contract in any way just like they don't help shadow the fact Booth and his contract suck.

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This is like crashing your BMW or your Lexus and then regretting that you spent money on buying your car after you crashed it.

Seriously, what a stupid comment. Would you also say the same thing if a Sedin got injured?

How many points does Burrows have these past few seasons without the twins assistance, again? Riddle me that number then come back and justify how this contract makes sense (it's not an impressive stat). The fact he's overpaid and now injured pisses all over this team. MG has handed out numerous stupid contracts and this is one of them.

Sorry fan boys, deal with it.


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Pretty damn easy to rag on a guy with zero goals.

Burrows already had his discount contract. Now that it's done and he's got his raise, of course there will be more complaints when he doesn't light it up. ($4mil seems to be the threshold as of late. Any player making that or more here will be ripped if he's not consistently good.)

But did anyone think that his discount rate would last forever? No. Did it make sense for us to just cut him loose as a ufa? Also no. So it is what it is. Deal with it.

ps. If a couple of you think the Burrows contract is a problem now, wait until the Sedins start really declining. Y'know, watching this team sag won't be as sad as knowing it was coming a mile away.

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