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Change Needed!-Aquilini's Please Fire Gillis!


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Been a die-hard Canucks fan for as long as I remember. I rarely post on this board. And I know a lot of us are frustrated with this teams effort as of late. But it's really been like this all year. Our team is lacking more then we think. We are no longer an elite team, but now considered a top 10-12 team in the NHL (in my opinion). Mike Gillis has done nothing great for this team. Usually I am one to defend players or anything associated with Canucks, but I think Gillis is a classless person as well. The Aquilini family need to realize that the fans (the one's who are paying the big bucks) do not want him here anymore! It's pretty embarrassing that at the Pavel Bure night back in November that the fans of Vancouver boo'ed Mike Gillis when he was announced to say something for Bure. Hire Gilman and fire Gillis!

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Honestly, the Canucks have been doing BETTER because of Gillis. Look at Santorelli, Stanton and Richardson. All producing at a good rate, and cheap as well..

Look at our new backup, Lack. 8-6-3, Signed for another 2 years after this at 1.5 million each.

I would have to say, that Gillis is doing his job fine. Maybe it isnt Gillis's fault that we cant score a damn.

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Honestly, the Canucks have been doing BETTER because of Gillis. Look at Santorelli, Stanton and Richardson. All producing at a good rate, and cheap as well..

Look at our new backup, Lack. 8-6-3, Signed for another 2 years after this at 1.5 million each.

I would have to say, that Gillis is doing his job fine. Maybe it isnt Gillis's fault that we cant score a damn.

It's his fault that he's not doing anything to try and fix that problem.

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What do you want the GM to do about team effort? That responsibility should fall on the players and, to a certain extent, the coaches.

I agree that this team needs a change, but maybe the asking prices are too high at the moment. I wouldn't want Gillis to trade away our prospects for a rental player.

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To everyone saying fire Gillis...what do you want him to do??? Overpay using Horvat/Shinkaruk because we'll be stuck in this same situation a bit down the road. Plus it takes two to tango and its been mentioned numerous times already, with how tight the standing's are, nobody wants to trade unless it a severe overpayment. I want something to be done too, but you think Gillis isn't trying. There are so many things that go into making a trade, and most good ones take time. So everyone chill and have some perspective!!!

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Honestly, the Canucks have been doing BETTER because of Gillis. Look at Santorelli, Stanton and Richardson. All producing at a good rate, and cheap as well..

Look at our new backup, Lack. 8-6-3, Signed for another 2 years after this at 1.5 million each.

I would have to say, that Gillis is doing his job fine. Maybe it isnt Gillis's fault that we cant score a damn.

watch the games.
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I agree. MG has overstayed his welcome. I fail to understand some of these comments praising MG for picking up some plumber or two for the cheap. Any monkey can do that. We have not had a prominent player join this team since MG arrived. Period. All he's done is hand out 5 and 6 year contracts (complete with complimentary no-trade clauses) out to the old players of the past. Not one single quality trade or rejuvenation effort. He'\s created a soft "club-med" environment here in Vancouver complete with Yoga instructors, phycics and tarot card readers. Time pt go Mike! We've heard enough excuses to last a lifetime.

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Gillis can't get out there with the team and score goals. Yes, we need pieces.. but I'm sure he's trying to get them. Making trades isn't as easy as some think. The same team was playing well in December, these efforts fall on the shoulders of the players and coaching staff. But yes, Gillis does need to try and find a way to spark this group.

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