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Collective feeling on Tort's 'antics'?

Steve Carell

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At least someone cares right?

Eventually, the hope is the players learn to play with that kind of fire and competitiveness...

AV really turned this team into a bunch of emotionless zombies, as I have said before, sports, competing is about emotions. Yes you need to reel them in at times and not be stupid, but there are times you need to let them out, either in response or as a way to push yourself, will yourself to win...and you can't do that unless you're angry....

Anyone notice how much better Kassian is playing now that he is allowed to play with emotion?

Anyone notice how much better Booth plays when he plays with emotion?

Anyone notice how Bieksa is a beast when he plays with emotion?

The only players you need not playing with emotion are the Sedins, we don't need them hitting, we need them to be the even keel, calculating, and offensively effective, maybe Hammer and Tanev as well..out side of that, almost every one of our players is a better player when they are pissed off and playing physically..

Hmmm...think torts is on to something? lol...folks he understands this group to a T and he is prepping them for the playoffs...Cherry said he thinks the Nucks are going to the cup...Cherry is Cherry so I am not putting anything into that but I'll say this..

If we are healthy, and if we can find a way to find our hands in the next 30 games, and we play with the emotion and intensity that Torts is TRYING to drive into this team...you still never know...

Because we have talented players, we have two of the best goalies in the league and I personally think Lou is in a place mentally where he is now ready to steal series' (multiple)...what we need to do is raise our game....and that's what he is trying to coach into these players through emotion...because that's what raises your game..love of team, love of city, love of your teammates....its called heart...they all have it, AV didn't let them use it..

When it comes to the playoffs, skill and luck can only get you so far. The Canucks team mentality is undergoing a necessary overhaul that will bode well for them going forward.

This mentality of "we'll beat them on the scoreboard", does nothing for morale, and never will. Fact.

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Both of them hiding behind face shields. Burrows especially was fearless. Gutsy.

So they suited up in riot gear? Or was some of it protective gear due to a recent serious injury?

Hiding is the wrong word here.

And Burrows is fearless. You stand in front of an opponents net in the NHL day in/out and take crosschecks and spears and then talk to Burr. You know, that guy who finished a game AND interviews with that injury. Please.

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Both of them hiding behind face shields. Burrows especially was fearless. Gutsy.

You do realize that face shields can prevent serious and significant injuries. In fact, it is now a rule that all new NHL players must "hide" behind their face shields.

Seriously dude, get your head out of the 80's.

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I totally disagreed with what Torts did. He should have put his second or third line on. That was a sad farce... and it had nothing to do with protecting players.

What you fail to realize is that Torts knew what was coming both because he is smart and because he knows Hartley.

Torts knows that chances are there will be more than one fight right off the hop, probably a line brawl. This means everyone gets tossed, except the first two fighters.

So you propose he puts Kesler out there, who will surely be put in a situation where he has to defend himself, as with the other second line players....

The end result would be Flames 4th line is tossed and Canucks 2nd line is tossed.

No wonder you're not coaching in the bigs.

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What you fail to realize is that Torts knew what was coming both because he is smart and because he knows Hartley.

Torts knows that chances are there will be more than one fight right off the hop, probably a line brawl. This means everyone gets tossed, except the first two fighters.

So you propose he puts Kesler out there, who will surely be put in a situation where he has to defend himself, as with the other second line players....

The end result would be Flames 4th line is tossed and Canucks 2nd line is tossed.

No wonder you're not coaching in the bigs.

The kumbaya crowd would be attacking Torts if he put Sedin or Kesler out there and they got hurt.Torts = Coach of The Year.

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I totally disagreed with what Torts did. He should have put his second or third line on. That was a sad farce... and it had nothing to do with protecting players.

you are hopeless - torts was so angry because hartley tried to put out westgarth against henrik... so you think it was a better idea to put out kesler or (who was even playing centre 3rd last night?) against westgarth? the average size on calgarys opening goon-up was like 6'3 - they weren't there to play hockey.

when your choices are

1- injured star henrik

2- tough but not 6'4 tough kesler

3- richardson? probly your best option besides the sestito-lain-weise lineup...

really i don't see how you can possibly think putting out our skill players against that lineup would be a good thing... if someone had got hurt it would be calgary's ass on the fire, but hank was already hurt, our other 2 centres are too small to risk fighting against calgary's goonsquad, he did what any coach would do and put out the guys we can afford to lose for a game. you have no idea what a locker room is about.

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In the world of sports it is interpreted by the fans as a universal sign that says they care. The angrier and crazier someone acts the more passionate and caring they are.

Torts is one loving man :')

Unlike AV that terrible cold hearted man.

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wow...after reading 11pages it amazes me ANYONE would have an issue with what Torts did last night. Even canuck haters.

What Torts did last night is simple group dynamics 101. IT....WAS....BRILLIANT.

Here is a new coach in his first year with a new room of guys who for YEARS have been studied in the art of "turning the other cheek in hopes that the game will be called fairly". Uh hmm. So Torts has had to not only teach an entirely new playing system, but also weed out a defeatist mentality installed over the last coaching regime. Throw on top of that the obvious bias that the league and officating has against this team, stated very well by debluvscanucks, and what he did was most definitely thought out. Here's a guy not even 6' tall charging a hallway full of guys that could beat him senseless without breaking a sweat, to SHOW BY EXAMPLE what it takes to be a TEAM. Nobody bashes the fkn Bruins for being a bunch of thugs that stick up for each other and go out of their way to flex their collective muscle. Hell the league sat back in this day and age of concussions and watched a no-fighting little weasel play punching bag with a star players face! The officiating in this league is second only to the NBA as far as being a joke, bush league, no integrity, amatuerish outfit. While leagues like the NFL and MLB are taking every step, including more replays, to ensure the integrity and rules of the game are being followed, out jogs the NHL with its inconsistent, bush league officiating. I guarantee that 85% of the penalties called on a nightly basis, no matter the teams involved, the players are left scratching their heads. Pretty sure this doesn't happen nearly as often in other professional sports.

I applaud the work Torts is doing this season with these guys, and it'll only show better in the years to come. Seeing Torts losing his mind last night and showing his team and the rest of the league the size of cheesies he's working with is exactely the antidote this team was needing. Oh, and by the way, NHL officals and head office- coming from a hockey fan not just a Canuck fan- you can stop ruining our bloody game at any point, not just when the world starts seeing the NHL as a second tier league.

Go KHL go lol.....

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Sure, Tortorella really accomplished a lot with his tantrum, didn't he? Now the league will respect us, and the other teams, too. All the frustrated fans are so happy to watch a frustrated coach, because that's how they'd like to react in that situation. I guess it's just too bad that it's not how the real world actually works.

AV was a great coach that brought a ton of professionalism to this organization, along with the best years in this franchise's history. Vigneault commanded respect from anyone that knew hockey which, apparently, does not include a highly vocal portion of the Vancouver fanbase.

But guess what, careful what you wish for has never been more true. We're facing one of the worst seasons in recent Canucks history, and our reputation has never been worse. So yeah, gosh darn that last coach we had. :rolleyes:

Worst seasons in recent Canucks history?

Canucks have 59 points in 50 games, NY rangers 55 points in 50 games.

Tort's for Mayor.

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Both of them hiding behind face shields. Burrows especially was fearless. Gutsy.

Not as gutsy as continuously punching a guy in the face that clearly just came back from a jaw injury based on the big plastic shield he's wearing... that takes big brass clangers. :rolleyes:

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