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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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I hate this fan-base sometimes. The guys are previous art-ross trophy winners, that took us to the SCF...and you just want to turn on them the moment they go through a rough patch? You do not deserve to have ever watched the sedins - dudes gave up 1.5M each to children's hospital, they've done countless things for this city....by your completely flawed logic..every time something bad happens you should turn away from it and get rid of it.

The Sedins are lovely people...terrific stand-up, character men, but they are on the serious decline. Living in the past means you are dying in the present. The future is still yours to be determined. I would like the management of this team to take charge of that future. I wouldn't be a fan of this team if I asked them to do anything but that. And I say that with no malice or ill-will to anyone on the current roster of this team. The Vancouver Canucks have a future, I want it to be a good one.

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This team was declining even with AV. They won a President's trophy and got owned by LA. It's just as much up to the players to play consistently. Not even AV could do that anymore.

Sedins and Hamhuis played so much because that's the best we have. We don't have players to take those minutes. That's why we need new players on this team. Some of the core has to go. People have to stop being so sentimental with this team and understand that the players regressed.

The team needed to start the retool in 2008 with their top 10 pick. Unfortunately they made a mess of that whole situation.

If they had done things right this team would still be competitive now having great depth down the middle, and possibly another young D-man to step in and replace Edler.

The whole Hodgson debacle really set this team back. This team really needed someone like Jensen, Horvat, or Shinkaruk to step in and make an impact, kind of like Hertl did in San Jose or Saad in Chicago. That's how good teams stay good.

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Hang in there Canucks fans. Stay positive. Season isn't over yet.

Lots of negative posts here lately but if you look closely you'll notice it's the same people over and over again.

Well, if you looked at my posting-history you'd prob agree it's usually positive/supportive of the team & mgt. So this is one USUALLY positive fan, that's very concerned about how the twins look(& going fwd with 14 mill, tied down).

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The whole Hodgson debacle really set this team back. This team really needed someone like Jensen, Horvat, or Shinkaruk to step in and make an impact, kind of like Hertl did in San Jose or Saad in Chicago. That's how good teams stay good.


Now let's trade Edler and Hansen to get a player that'd doing that in the NHL right now.

And then add Horvat and our top 5 2014 pick next year,

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Some are chastising others for not being true fans, whatever that's supposed to mean

Some are still completely and hopelessly deluding themselves that this is still a playoff team

Some are blaming the coaches (are you fricken serious?) Before the GM..

I mean I get that you guys are passionate about your team, but stop thinking and typing from emotion for a moment and think objectively and with some logic.

It makes it harder reading some posts that insist this is still a team that can compete as a high ranked team in this league.

Have you people not noticed how much better other teams have gotten and how much this team has regressed? Wth are some of you people watching?

Anyone who has closely watched this team over the last 3 seasons should not be shocked at this teams fall whatsoever.. The fact that some of you simply won't accept that they are done and need to be changed is really painful.. This does not make you a "fan",. To simply go along and support the team with blinders on.

You can do better Vancouver.. It doesn't make you a bandwagoner to call it like it is.. The players of this team are showing you all that their will to get back to the cup finals is GONE. DEAL with it and let's realize its time to move on.. Its not healthy to be so attached to this core.

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Where do you people get this stuff? Wanting the organization to make changes for the better is NOT packing it in. If I wanted to pack it in, I wouldn't be here, nor would anyone else. There are times and circumstances where changes can legitimately be done for the betterment of the team. It may not be for the immediate benefit for the team, but there are times when you need to take a step backwards. Plowing forward with the team as it currently is is asking for some long, painful downtime in the near future. We're pretty much on the verge of it. Perform the surgery now and save the patient. Letting the tumor grow is asking for death. At that point, you've run out of options. I'll gladly take a year out of the playoffs to help insure we don't have to go through 8 years of what the Flames are going though. It doesn't have to get to that here. But everyday Gillis sits on his hands, things are getting worse and worse. I'll trust that you can see that.

Again, you speak in certainties, like your "fixes" are THE fixes. Performing the surgery now? It's a transplant, there aren't always available donors.

Every single team looks at available players to some degree. You don't pick them, they have to pick you.

I am simply discussing reasons "why" things may be derailing. You talk like you've got all the answers. I don't believe I do, or you do.

You do realize that simply "making changes" doesn't always guarantee they'll better a team? Right?

Anyhow, done here with you. I don't do the video game thing so realize it's not just "do it". You have to have willing participants and sometimes it takes awhile for a new coach to actually get things turned around. Especially when hit with the injury bug.

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A combination of trades and UFA signings.

teams only trade top line players if they ask for a trade.

most top line players are on long term deals, and the ones that aren't either won't make it to free agency, or will get grossly overpaid and not choose a market like vancouver.

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We should just do away with the armchair GM section, although, I somehow suspect it is only there to keep those annoying posts from the general canuck talk.

Ok, maybe instead we need a "Negative posts" or "Rants" section that topics that bring the bandwagon moral down can be moved to promptly.

Git'er done Mods <3

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Seriously though Deb please suggest this to the head mod. A "Rant" section. That way those of us who don't want to read people's angry reactions to less than perfection can avoid it.

-Fan since 2008

yeah, let's stifle honesty and diversity of opinions.

get out of here if you don't like it. that's the easy way to avoid the negativity.

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Again, you speak in certainties, like your "fixes" are THE fixes. Performing the surgery now?....as discussed at length, it isn't just a "done deal". Snap your fingers and get new parts. It's a transplant, there aren't always available donors.

How do you know he sits on his hands? I'm convinced he explores ideas and does things that he feels will help his team.

But you know better right. Because your years of expertise in hockey management and connections can just "get 'er done".

People speak like you pull up to the player shop and get some new players. Just pick 'em out and take 'em home.

Every single team looks at available players to some degree. All 30 of them may be interested. So there is no magic "get it done" pill. I am simply discussing reasons "why" things may be derailing. You talk like you've got all the answers. I don't believe I do, or you do.

You do realize that simply "making changes" doesn't always guarantee they'll better a team? Right?

Teams hit skids. Teams with injuries struggle. Teams have trouble finding the back of the net at times, and it snowballs.

Anyhow, done here with you. I don't do the video game thing so realize it's not just "do it". You have to have willing participants.

I cannot speak in the absolutes that you seem to think I am. I am saying that the situation requires a proactive approach. I'm not saying we can have Crosby, Tavares and Toews in the lineup next training camp. But there are a lot of underperforming players here and they're not getting any younger. If this current malaise were just happening this season, then what I suggest may be a kneejerk reaction. But the decline is now 3 years and counting. The team is 1-10 in their last 11 playoff games, and the current team is considerably weaker than either 2011-2012 or 2013 teams were. I don't need a weatherman to tell me what direction the wind is blowing. There are problems here: get about to fixing them. As poor as many of the Canucks are playing, I do believe there would be takers for all except Lou and the Sedins (those 3 contracts are non-sensical in terms of years and value).

So there's my positivity shining through! Our players have value! They just happen to not constitute a very good hockey team en masse anymore. There's no shame there. It happens.

"How do you know he sits on his hands? I'm convinced he explores ideas and does things that he feels will help his team."

I should hope so. You explore things as a precursor to getting them done. But MG does need to deliver results, just like his players do. Otherwise, the team is losing. And if you enjoy losing, then YOU'RE the one packing it in.

"Because your years of expertise in hockey management and connections can just "get 'er done".

I don't use that phrase, so please do not quote it as if you're trying to attribute it to me.

"You do realize that simply "making changes" doesn't always guarantee they'll better a team? Right?"

No, but tell me...have you liked what you've seen this year? You want more of the same? Are you afraid of damaging this 2013-2014 juggernaut we have going? For me, I'm willing to take my chances. It's called 'having courage to make changes'. And day by day, more people on this board seem to be of a similar mind. Agreeing to go down with the ship is idiotic if there's no need for the ship to go down in the first place.

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yeah, let's stifle honesty and diversity of opinions.

get out of here if you don't like it. that's the easy way to avoid the negativity.

+1, the rose-colored sunglass wearing, kool-aid drinking everybody has to be positive fans are out in force... Hey if I'm happy and positive you should be too! talk about hear no evil, see no evil.

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yeah, let's stifle honesty and diversity of opinions.

get out of here if you don't like it. that's the easy way to avoid the negativity.

Exactly. The people who can make compelling arguments why the team should make much-needed changes are not to be heard from. The don't-worry-be-happies can repaint the sky in their world everyday with a lovely colour of their choosing. That's always helpful.

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No, but tell me...have you liked what you've seen this year?

Haven't had a good enough sample size due to an incomplete/unhealthy roster. It's been fragmented, with different, key players having ailments or being out at any given time. I'm going to hope that after the break that'll mostly be rectified.

Some only bring their honest opinions when we're losing...they disappear when we win. Fact.

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The fact that we've been in most of these games with zero contribution from them is promising.

Right now Daniel is number 69th overall in points. Henrik is 70th. Kesler is 72nd, despite playing few first line minutes.

Depending on how you count Tanti/Quinn - this is officially the worst that a number one scorer has ever been for the Canucks. They are still a good ways better than that 1989-1990 team, as the up and coming Linden and Adams were in the high 90s.

To put it in perspective, Kesler would have to continue how he's playing, and the Sedins would have to slide to Joffrey Lupul numbers at 34 points. They are 6 points better than that rather terrible 1989-1990 team.

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