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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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It isn't "everything" to them anymore in a life goes on way now. Even Burr stated in an interview that things have changed since having a daughter...that he used to go home and go over things from the game in his mind and now he leaves it behind, on the ice.

Not "quit trying"...just not live and die the game anymore. They did that and fell short...just not sure they're as emotionally invested as they were when they had that champion mentality. They take consolation in going home to kids that help forget the pain of losing and you can't fault them for that, but it may be having an impact to some degree. Not just that, but I think it's part of it.

If you're watching Revealed they go back to the hotel and face time their kids. The game ends there.

When you're a young guy on a team that brotherhood of teammates is your family. After the game you're still probably discussing the game and sharing things about the game. Just an idea of why the drive and determination doesn't seem as strong. Hate to say it, because that's what made some of these guys so good, was that this game meant everything. And, honestly, that's the mindset you need to win.

Sorry Deb, that's just weak.

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It isn't "everything" to them anymore in a life goes on way now. Even Burr stated in an interview that things have changed since having a daughter...that he used to go home and go over things from the game in his mind and now he leaves it behind, on the ice.

Not "quit trying"...just not live and die the game anymore. They did that and fell short...just not sure they're as emotionally invested as they were when they had that champion mentality. They take consolation in going home to kids that help forget the pain of losing and you can't fault them for that, but it may be having an impact to some degree. Not just that, but I think it's part of it.

If you're watching Revealed they go back to the hotel and face time their kids. The game ends there.

When you're a young guy on a team that brotherhood of teammates is your family. After the game you're still probably discussing the game and sharing things about the game. Just an idea of why the drive and determination doesn't seem as strong. Hate to say it, because that's what made some of these guys so good, was that this game meant everything. And, honestly, that's the mindset you need to win.

I understand the point.But the business is about winning cups.if the drive is gone there are other leagues to play in.

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agreed about the core......this has been evident for awhile, and MG has done nothing about it. That said, the weaknesses of JT, as a coach, are being exposed in the West. He was a poor choice as coach of this team, I think it's pretty clear and his body language speaks volumes

Wrong. If anything, Torts is the one exposing this team as the weak team it has become. This core is on a downward trend. I think it is laughable that people like you think a different coach would make this weak team any better.

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4 wins in their last 20 games.

Burrows hasn't scored in almost a year.

Edler keeps putting the puck in our net and is a whopping -23!!!

Sedins are invisible - oh wait, Henrik is injured, at least he has an excuse.

Canucks don't have 1 player in the top 30 goal scores (Ok, Kesler is tied, but James Neal (who?) has 20 in 37 games).

The Sedins are tied for 73rd in points - whoopee!

Luongo is tied for 26th is GAA

The rest of the team isn't worth mentioning...

Edit: Canucks are down to only a 23.946 % chance at making the playoffs.

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Injuries to key personel have decimated this team. Beiksa and Tanev, 2 R shooting dmen out, Henrik Sedin out, Santorelli out for the season etc....that is too much talent to replace with prospects who are not quite there yet and 3rd and 4th liners expected to provide offence. Burrows and Daniel Sedin are both on the limp...both mentally and physically. Edler is having a brutal season, -23 for your star offensive dman...ouch!

This team is done, let's hope that we can get some talent in this years draft. The worst thing that could happen right now is to trade away our prospects and picks for rental players or one year wonders. It's time to spin the assetts into younger talent and get them ready for another run at the Cup in 4-5 years.

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The moral of the story is that successful teams are constantly bringing young blood into their rosters in order to mitigate these exact issues. Even in Stanley Cup winning seasons, teams like the Hawks and Bruins are bringing in young and eager young players.

Our roster just feels so stale.

You've got to keep a stream of young players coming along to infuse hunger. It's mandatory to success.

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Once upon a time Calgary was just a distant speck in the rearview mirror of the Canucks. Now they show in the sideview mirror above the warning "Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear".

Scary isn't it?

Only 12 points behind BUT they have two games in hand and play us two more times.

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how about that Kessel embellishment on the high stick from Richie? Led to the delayed penalty and eventual Kessel GWG... lame

the amount of times during the game he went on about his hand being slashed, you'd think his hand shoulda been broken.

I counted 4 hand slash embellishments from him, not to mention as he and Burrows were getting into a scrum he grabbed his mouth, when Burrows slashed his arm...........and WE are the divers?

Not gonna get into the officiating rant, but c'mon, you can call those too.

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Why does nobody comment on the fact that the sedin's are not being used correctly?

Before AV = Sedins were nothing

After AV = Sedins + Burrows were something special

I think AV's time was over..however, torts is not doing much more to make a case for himself. Why are the sedin's killing penalties? Why do we skate on the boards on every play..and then take a crap shot from the half boards.

We need to play to our strengths...not play this north south game that the Canucks have not played in 8 years.

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I like how so many people outright think the team doesn't have the compete level to win anymore.

Burrows face guard is messing with him after he's already had a dozen chances and not put any of them in.

We have 5 roster players injured including two centers that were pretty much our entire offense. (Juice, Tanev, Weber, Henrik, Santo)

Imagine when we get a top 5 pick this year and come back next season recharged with all the value contracts like Santo and Richardson locked in and kids like Horvat and Gaunce getting a sniff, as well as the pick this year.

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You've got to keep a stream of young players coming along to infuse hunger. It's mandatory to success.

And did you miss the part where the comment was made in relation to mine? So don't ride on the coattails, you just basically agreed with my comment, then called it weak. Make up your flip flopping mind?

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OK, so without any reasoning behind your statement, I'd say it's rather weak. Can you do better than 5 words, one of which is my name?

Having families is irrelevant to their performance. The majority of hockey players have families...if anything, it should give them more motivation not less. I know I'd want my son/daughter to be with me when hoisting the cup..

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