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[Heritage Classic] Ottawa @ Vancouver | 03/02/14 |


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Lu better start, or the roof'll blow off that place.... :bigblush:

Honestly, if he doesn't start wth? Unless he's nursing a not so serious injury/groin tweek that no one's talking about I just don't get it. But then again, I never have understood some of the decisions that are made.

this team has to have the most drama the last couple of years..

he's not starting, that's definitive.. i can't rationalize this decision unless if there's a trade, but knowing the canucks it's just another stupid decision being made, yay

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Jason Botchford@botchford 3m

Luongo said he had been looking fwd to this game from start of year.

Jason Botchford@botchford 2m

Lu: "I don't want to go through this whole thing again"

Jason Botchford@botchford 1m

Luongo: "I've always wanted to play in an outdoor game."


Who woulda thunk it!

Almost Keenan like move to throw some super Phsycological trip on the team.

I am Officially feeling sorry for Lou now.

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They either need to come out and say he's injured, and then explain why he's well enough to sit backup, get a trade completed that involves either Luo or Lack, or they are knowingly and deliberately creating a new goalie controversy for nothing. Worse still, they are making this organization look terrible. Luo has not been playing badly and (with a few exceptions of some people here) everyone knows it. Barring an injury (which doesn't appear to be the case) or an actual trade, there is no justifiable reason to sit your starting goalie for 3 games after an Olympic shutout no less.

In this day in age where most of the best players have NTCs and have to put your team on their list for you to even get a chance at them, this team's recent history of selective loyalty to some while mistreating and scapegoating other players (e.g. Hodgson, whatever you think of that situation, Ballard, and Luongo) is not helping to make Vancouver look like a desirable destination. Or even a good career option.

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i don't get it torts.. why... it's the heritage classic for christ sake, and it's not like luongo was playing bad before the olympics either, you have to give him this start..

just horrible, i can't see why they would want to continue this drama all over again

Lu played great AT the Olympics too. Unless there's some nagging injury that Lu wants to play thru, but the trainers are advising against it...Lu should start. It's a big pressure moment. Lu is more used to those.

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What the hell are Canucks doing? Why are they purposely trying to piss off Luongo more than he already is? If the report is true and Lack starts, I would not blame Lu at all for sitting out the rest of the year demanding a trade.

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Lack's been unreal lately, and we're in the play-off race, but this is a special game you have to give to Lu, there's no way you can justify giving to Lack (aside from injury/trade), it was Lu's game from the beginning, and it should still be his to take..

Lu has been been treated like dirt for the last little while, not to mention the olympics too when he should've been the #1.. this guy can't catch a break anywhere.

Really hope he's traded and can ACTUALLY be a starter somewhere, it was sad hearing him say, "I just want to play, man"


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gold medal winning goalie, stanley cup final gam 7 with 2 so. Team leader in most if not all goalie stats. Having a solid year, trying to make a push for the post season, and we are sitting Luongo?

Why on earth would we do this? Is this decision all Torts or does MG have any input. Personally Lu should just refuse to play, and get his contract void, this is becoming a disgrace to see Lu being handled in this matter.

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