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(Article) the two biggest reasons for the problems


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Wrote this for another website...thoughts

As some of you may know, I used to blog about the Vancouver Canucks for another site. Now, I'm not trying to step on Ryan, George or Nathan's turf (they're all awesome), but I do have a few things to get off my chest in regards to the debacle that is currently going on in Vancouver.


I asked fans on Twitter how to fix the issue surrounding the team and the majority of the answers were directed towards Mike Gillis and Francesco Aquilini. Fans want a change in management and a change in ownership.

I can't argue with that. They hand out the contracts and are responsible for the product we are currently seeing on the ice. But to me, there are two other people that should share the blame for this debacle.

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This stinks.

its easy to point at the Sedin's as the problem. The real problem is the fact that 2 33 yr old stars are playing with a bunch of grinders.

Kesler is the only forward on the roster who belongs in a good teams top 6.

Its really not that hard to see.

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This stinks.

its easy to point at the Sedin's as the problem. The real problem is the fact that 2 33 yr old stars are playing with a bunch of grinders.

Kesler is the only forward on the roster who belongs in a good teams top 6.

Its really not that hard to see.

Chickenman92 is actually a respected poster who is excellent at scouting and picking out players who will get drafted in the first round. He also has in-depth descriptions of those players, so I believe he's a scout, though I'm not sure if he's professional or semi-professional.

He's done mock drafts in the past. I believe he's a scout but we don't know which team he's for, but he's certainly got raw data on his hands to write about it.

Something to consider before reading it.

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Gotta admit, the blog was correct.

However, we didn't need to read a blog to figure it out. Like, duh.

Maybe make another mock draft, Ian.

correct how?

Vancovuer is probably the only team in the NHL where you have this many outspoken fans who would throw away their franchise p players the moment they have problems. I mean holy crap this is probably the most disrespectful fan base I ever seen.

We are talking about the two players who we developed from scratch, won us almost every awards the NHL can hand out, a huge part of our community, our franchise leader in many ways, and one of them is our captain.

What does this sorry ass fan base do? they want them out not even one season after their production decrease.

I had seen this type of crap too many times in the past, and quite frankly i am sick of fans like this. Vancovuer doesn't even deserve to have a team to be honest.

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correct how?

Vancovuer is probably the only team in the NHL where you have this many outspoken fans who would throw away their franchise p players the moment they have problems. I mean holy crap this is probably the most disrespectful fan base I ever seen.

We are talking about the two players who we developed from scratch, won us almost every awards the NHL can hand out, a huge part of our community, our franchise leader in many ways, and one of them is our captain.

What does this sorry ass fan base do? they want them out not even one season after their production decrease.

I had seen this type of crap too many times in the past, and quite frankly i am sick of fans like this. Vancovuer doesn't even deserve to have a team to be honest.

I've said many times Van Fans turn on their own players faster than any other fan base. How many posts have you seen saying "I'm not spending another cent on this team until they fix things"? The very definition of bandwagon fans in every way.

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correct how?

Vancovuer is probably the only team in the NHL where you have this many outspoken fans who would throw away their franchise p players the moment they have problems. I mean holy crap this is probably the most disrespectful fan base I ever seen.

We are talking about the two players who we developed from scratch, won us almost every awards the NHL can hand out, a huge part of our community, our franchise leader in many ways, and one of them is our captain.

What does this sorry ass fan base do? they want them out not even one season after their production decrease.

I had seen this type of crap too many times in the past, and quite frankly i am sick of fans like this. Vancovuer doesn't even deserve to have a team to be honest.

Mess and Gretz built the Oilers...I don't see the Oilers offering them 7 mil per season.

Every player has a shelf life...It's just Daniel and Hanks time to move on.

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Mess and Gretz built the Oilers...I don't see the Oilers offering them 7 mil per season.

Every player has a shelf life...It's just Daniel and Hanks time to move on.

err what? how the hell did you bring messier and grezky into this whole thing? What kind of logic is that? FFS one was traded in the freaking 80s due to the team's financial problem and the other one demanded a trade. How the hell can you link these two guys into this conversation?

Shelf life? the season is not even finish yet and you are talking shelf life of our franchise players? Jesus christ

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correct how?

Vancovuer is probably the only team in the NHL where you have this many outspoken fans who would throw away their franchise p players the moment they have problems. I mean holy crap this is probably the most disrespectful fan base I ever seen.

We are talking about the two players who we developed from scratch, won us almost every awards the NHL can hand out, a huge part of our community, our franchise leader in many ways, and one of them is our captain.

What does this sorry ass fan base do? they want them out not even one season after their production decrease.

I had seen this type of crap too many times in the past, and quite frankly i am sick of fans like this. Vancovuer doesn't even deserve to have a team to be honest.

The thing is that die hard Nucks fans are true hockey fans, the truest... But there are way too many fair weather fans here and their voices are so loud.

Maybe it's the fact that the weather isn't your typical canadian winter weather, and that you can't play pond hockey except for maybe one fluke year out of every 5 deep in the Fraser valley.

Maybe it's the tap water .,, I don't know but you're right, THEY don't deserve a team, but the true fans do!


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Mess and Gretz built the Oilers...I don't see the Oilers offering them 7 mil per season.

Every player has a shelf life...It's just Daniel and Hanks time to move on.

Did you feel this way at the start of the season?

If so fair enough.

Fact....were still in the playoff hunt and the only dangerous line all season has been the twins with Kesler.

The rest of our top 6. Burrows=0 goals, Higgins=16, Booth=5. .......Say what you want this is pathetic support and were STILL in a playoff hunt???

The twins have really slowed down, but Horvat and Shinkaruk are not better yet.

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