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LUONGO TRADED to Florida - Official Discussion Thread


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What did you guys expect to get for Luongo? In light of his contract and his age I think Gillis did alright getting some young players back that would love a fresh start.

I think that Matthias will surprise some people.

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Let's confirm this is even a proper rebuild before you bring up technicalities. The fact of the matter is that trading the players this team has got will not fetch much. A proper rebuild is to acquire top picks and/or quality young players, and this trade did neither of that. All it did was make the team worse defensively and more redundant in the bottom 6.

Why trade players when they are all underperforming and/or injured for any reason? It was illogical to participate in the first place; none of the current players hold trade value close to what they actually are. Unless you want mediocrity in the future, in which case yes, this trade was great.

What 'underperforming' players are you talking about? Lu? As far as I know, he's the only Nuck that has been traded.

Again...LU WANTED TO BE TRADED. Should Gillis have ignored his requests and kept him here regardless?

Matthias and Markstrom are going to be good, YOUNG additions to this team.

I understand that it is disappointing to see Lu go, but FCS, it's what he wanted. He's probably celebrating on the plane all the way to Fla.

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How can people on here actually support Gillis? Do you know anything about hockey? hmmm lets see...we could have had Kadri and Bozak but now we have a 26 year old plumber (oh wait he is like Kassian...upside potential....give me a break) and we get a no name goalie.

How is this re-tooling?

Give me a break with bringing up that rumour. There is ZERO proof that this offer was made to Gillis and Gillis turned it down.

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I thought it was odd.

Despite his stats Markstrom is a goalie who was highly touted. I have a feeling he could turn it around in Van (maybe optimism though). But I didn't see the point in adding another young goalie to split time with Lack. I thought they would just consider Lack the man and give him the full chance to be the future goalie. Though Jacob at least makes sense from a rebuild standpoint. Young high potential prospect.

Matthias seemed odd to me. A decent bottom 6 player but he seemed better fit for a team looking to compete and sure up the depth. From a rebuild standpoint he is 26 and likely isn't going to get much better if at all. But even if he does well for the Canucks he is an UFA after next season and he just spent most of his career losing in Florida. Odds are he won't want to stick around for more rebuilding and will just jump ship and sign elsewhere.

Overall it kind of looks like they got a potential long term back up goalie and 1 season with a 3rd liner. I do agree with some of what is being said it is hard to see exactly what MG is trying to do.

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What did you guys expect to get for Luongo? In light of his contract and his age I think Gillis did alright getting some young players back that would love a fresh start.

I think that Matthias will surprise some people.

Based on what we are sucking up on his salary, and the value half of the Canucks fans and press see in Luongo, I want to see a trade of equal value, a name for a name, not a star for a prospect.

I feel really bad for both Matthias and Horvat, when you see the pressure Kassian is under from the fans

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Say what you want about Gillis but he's proven to be a class act trading Lou to his home town, where he wants to be, for less than he probably could have gotten somewhere else.

The Nucks got their worth from him I think.

I'm willing to bet that Lu told Gillis the only team he would waive his NTC to was Florida.

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So we trade a proven #1 goalie who was responsible for keeping us in the playoff hunt, for another goalie who will never be better than a backup, who is worth nothing, plus we get a 4th, MAYBE 3rd liner.

And we still have to pay 15% of Lu's salary?????

This is a good deal?????

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We have no prospects that look like they might be able to lead the team. Horvat is looking like a 1st liner but I don't know if he can reach "elite" status.

In Matthias' defense, he was playing for Florida and really, he would have needed to be on a Crosby/Stamkos/Tavares level to have great stats. I'm not trying to hype him or anything but he MIGHT get better numbers on Van who is now a (marginally) better team than Florida.

I'm hoping we plan to trade Markstrom because we don't need 2 young, high-potential goalies. Maybe get a veteran goalie + top 6 if we can develop him a bit.

I still don't approve of this trade though, and right now MG has put us in the worst possible situation a team can be in: mediocrity. Not good enough to go far in playoffs, not bad enough to get a higher spot in the draft.

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CDC makes no sense. You all wanted Gillis to inject youth into this team and he just did but you complain anyway. Besides no move can instantly fix us and make us contenders overnight. By the time we injected youth and developed the chemistry between them and the veterans, Luongo would have been older and useless.

You all wanted a rebuild. Well here it is. Wake up, grow up, suck it up and deal with it! Those who grew up with Lu need the "Life's Unfair" lesson. Luongo had 8 years and couldn't deliver. Nothing lasts forever.

I for one am happy with this move. I finally feel optimistic about the Canucks moving forward which I haven't felt since 2011 which is remarkably shorter than I expected. I also believe there are more moves coming to shake up this team so buckle up.

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Mattias is a rental.... He is a UFA.

This trade is Lu for Markstrom... plus we pay 1 million of Lu's salary...

We trade the #2 Canadian Goaltender, one who went to the Olympics, and get a second rate Swede in return.

This is clear proof every GM in the league has a hate on for Gillis and that we will NEVER get any good deals while he is in charge.

I am seriously concerned about what we will get for Kesler.

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Well, if Matthias walks and Markstrom turns out to be an AHL goalie I can picture Florida management rolling on the floor laughing everytime the name "Gillis" is mentioned in the coffee room. On second thought Booth might turn it around and score a dozen goals in the remainder of the season...yah right....

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Mattias is a rental.... He is a UFA.

This trade is Lu for Markstrom... plus we pay 1 million of Lu's salary...

We trade the #2 Canadian Goaltender, one who went to the Olympics, and get a second rate Swede in return.

This is clear proof every GM in the league has a hate on for Gillis and that we will NEVER get any good deals while he is in charge.

I am seriously concerned about what we will get for Kesler.

LU had a NTC so the teams were limited. i'm willing to bet Florida was the only team that was in the running. His ridiculous contract also made him worth very little.

We traded Luongo's contract not Luongo.

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